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1. Pianist Schiff Joins Budapest Festival Orchestra In Concert Oct. 26 pianist andras schiff joins with Budapest Festival Orchestra in Bartok/Stravinsky concert. IOWA CITY, Iowa Hungarian pianist andras schiff will be the featured soloist when the http://www.uiowa.edu/~ournews/1998/october/1009schiff.html | |
2. Schiff Reviews.htm Listen to the pianist andras schiff A recording is a document of one s view of a piece of music at a given time. It s not a monument for eternity . http://www.terryharrison.force9.co.uk/schiff reviews.htm | |
3. NPR Pianist Andras Schiff On Beethoven Cello Sonatas Each day this week pianist schiff talks with Fred Child about the Beethoven cello sonatas he played with cellist Miklos Perenyi last summer at the Schwetzingen Festival, in Germany. From that http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.npr.org/features/feature.php?wfId=16 |
4. Schiller Institute Andras Schiff Interview FIDELIO Magazine SCHILLER INSTITUTE Interview with pianist andras schiff The beauty of Bach is the freedom he gives us! . This interview is reprinted http://www.schillerinstitute.org/fid_02-06/021-2schiff.html | |
5. Article Three -Andras Schiff andras schiff As a pianist, its nearly impossible not to admire andras schiffs clear, relaxed way of playing the piano. His http://www.thomasschultzpianist.com/Links_/Takahashi_Essay/Articles/Article_Thre | |
6. Schiller Institute Andras Schiff Interview FIDELIO Magazine Schiller Institute Fidelio Magazine Interview with andras schiff- translated from Ibykus Magazine Interview with. pianist andras schiff. " The beauty of Bach is the freedom he gives us!" andras schiff gave a piano recital in Hamburg, Germany, on April 25, 2001 http://www.schillerinstitute.com/fid_02-06/021-2schiff.html | |
7. ARTICLE: Master Pianist Andras Schiff Returns To Union Theater Historically conscious pianist andras schiff is scheduled to perform at the Wisconsin Union Theater Friday, March 8, at 8 pm. http://www.news.wisc.edu/7133.html | |
8. RELEASE: Arts News From The University Of Wisconsin-Madison Fiery buskers bring mix to Union Theater. Master pianist andras schiff returns to Union Theater. University Theatre premieres play for young audiences. http://www.news.wisc.edu/releases/7132.html | |
9. Keyboard Works (box Set) By Andras Schiff At Jsbach.org andras schiff is my favorite pianist for Bach. For me, his playing is the epitome of elegance, beauty, and intelligence. He articulates http://www.jsbach.org/schiffkeyboardworksboxset.html | |
10. Performance: WPAS: Andras Schiff, Piano Mar 2, 2002 At 5:00 PM Widely celebrated for his innovative approach to Bach, andras schiff is both an acclaimed conductor and pianist, often performing the dual feats simultaneously from the piano bench. A master of http://www.kennedy-center.org/calendar/index.cfm?fuseaction=showEvent&event= |
11. Goldberg Variations By Andras Schiff At Jsbach.org The Hungarian pianist andras schiff s approach to Bach s music is light and delicate, as displayed in this version of the Goldberg Variations. http://www.jsbach.org/schiffgoldbergvariations.html | |
12. Andras Schiff The Focus Is On Schumann. (pianist; Composer Robert HighBeam Research, Free Preview 'andras schiff the focus is on Schumann. (pianist; composer Robert Schumann)(Interview)' Full Membership required for unlimited access. Comprehensive archive http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.highbeam.com/library/doc0.asp?docid= |
13. Pravda.RU Mind Your Mobile Phones And Hold Your Cough: Pianist May Run Away Afte Famous Hungarian pianist andras schiff refused to play to the rings of mobile phones, peeps of watches, and cough and sneezes of the audience as he was http://english.pravda.ru/fun/2001/09/05/14269.html | |
14. NPR: Performance Today -- Andras Schiff NPR s Performance Today A profile of Hungarian pianist and conductor andras schiff. http://www.npr.org/programs/pt/features/schiff.html | |
15. NPR : Performance Today For Tuesday, January 18, 2000 . Novel Schumann. pianist andras schiff featured music by Robert Schumann in his recital in Fort Worth, Texas last season. From http://www.npr.org/rundowns/rundown.php?prgId=4&prgDate=18-Jan-2000 |
16. No Ego, Fuss, Or Distractions - Just A Pianist And Bach At Their Best - Www.smh. No ego, fuss, or distractions just a pianist and Bach at their best. October 8, 2003. Solid Goldberg andras schiff makes exception for the exceptional. http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/10/07/1065292590057.html?from=storyrhs |
17. M U S I K B I B L I O T E K . D K - Torsdagskoncert Med Andras Schiff Som Dirige Torsdagskoncert med andras schiff som dirigent og pianist. andras schiff , født i Budapest i 1953, har gæstet Danmark gennem mange http://www.musikbibliotek.dk/artikel_vis.asp?artikelid=1809 |
18. Hifi-Forum.de: Musik: Klassik: Andras Schiff - Ein Feingeist Am Klavier Translate this page Liebe Forianer, Der 1953 in Budapest geborene pianist andras schiff zählt wohl neben Alfed Brendel und Christian Zacharias zu den bedeutendsten Mozart- und http://www.hifi-forum.de/viewthread-68-367.html | |
19. Hifi-Forum.de: Musik: Klassik: THREAD-DIRECTORY-KLASSIK-FORUM ---V.1.2 Translate this page SOLISTEN pianisten ARRAU Claudio - Ein unvergesslicher pianist BRENDEL Alfred schiff andras - ein Feingeist am Klavier Berühmte lebende pianisten Wenig http://www.hifi-forum.de/viewthread-68-215.html | |
20. Beethoven, Schubert, Andras Schiff (piano & Conductor), Philharmonia Orchestra, The programme notes open with a message from the conductor/pianist andras schiff and in the context of this Klempererlike programme is worth quoting http://www.musicweb.uk.net/SandH/2003/Feb03/schiff114.htm | |
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