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1. VARDO RUMESSEN --- PIANIST http://www.hot.ee/rumessen/ |
2. Instruments - Pianists Top Links Ousset, C©cile French pianist page with biography, discography, repertoire and reviews and repertoire of the Russian pianist. rumessen, vardo - Repertoire, reviews, biography of http://www.music-instruments-list.com/Top_Arts_Music_Instruments_Keyboard_Piano_ | |
3. Red Carpet, Silence, And Crime Rubert de Ventos xavier (Philosopher, Esp) 350. rumessen vardo (MP, Estonia Shehu Bashkim(Writer, Albania) 382. Sherman Russel (pianist, USA) 383. Shukriu Edi (Poet, Kosovo http://www.idee.org/appeal.html | |
4. Untitled Tubin Suite on Estonian Dances for violin and piano Arvo Leibur, violin; vardo rumessen, piano Bis 541 CD Alexander Tcherepnin Chant Op 52 Martha Braden, pianist Newport 85521 CD http://www.wshu.org/classical/2003/cp030627.asp | |
5. NPR 14, 1999. pianist vardo rumessen (VAHRdoh ROO-mes-sen) and violinist Arvo Liebur (LEE-boor) perform Meditation Tubin (TOO-bin). We'll hear rumessen play more music by Tubin later http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.npr.org/features/feature.php?wfId=10 |
6. VARDO RUMESSEN --- PIANIST http://www.hot.ee/rumessen/tegevus_frame.htm |
7. Pro Piano : NY, SF, LA ----------piano Rental, Sales, Moving, Tuning, CDs EDWARD ALDWELL ( pianist) ADAM ALEKSANDER ( pianist) SERGEI BABAYAN pianist) vardo rumessen ( pianist) KATIA SKANAVI http://www.propiano.com/propiano-management.html | |
8. Pro Piano : NY, SF, LA ----------piano Rental, Sales, Moving, Tuning, CDs EDWARD ALDWELL ( pianist) ADAM ALEKSANDER ( pianist) SERGEI BABAYAN CHITOSE OKASHIRO ( pianist) vardo rumessen ( pianist) KATIA SKANAVI http://www.propiano.com/propiano-artists.html | |
9. Glasperlenspiel Archives pm Pärnu Concert Hall SUNSET WITH RAKHMANINOV vardo rumessenvardo rumessen (piano)An Estonia, autumn 1953 composer René Eespere, pianist and music producer http://www.erpmusic.com/GlasperlenspielArchives.htm | |
10. Estonian Preludes is a pianist of very considerable stature and Tubin is fortunate in having so commandingand sensitive an advocate. (Gramophone, UK); vardo rumessen, himself an http://www.erpmusic.com/EstonianPreludes.htm | |
11. First International Tubin Festival, Tallinn the Festival organiser, the pianist, musicologist and politician vardo rumessen, and the 1935 Piano cellist brother Teet and the pianist Alexander Markovitch in a programme that http://home.earthlink.net/~sandrikasaw/tubin_tempo.html | |
12. Vardo Rumessen Toetada Tuleb Seda Kultuuri, Mis Ennast ära Ei vardo rumessen on see mees, kelle töötluses sai Eestis esimest korda Rudolf Agaüks noor pianist, kes möödunud aastal käis Rahmaninovi muuseumis Ivanovkas http://www.maaleht.ee/et/article?article_fid=6502&article_aid=27506&article_issu |
13. EDUARD TUBIN the spiritus rector of the festival, vardo rumessen, on 17 November 1979, during the last the Gothenburg Symphony and vardo rumessen - pianist, music writer and politician - had http://home.earthlink.net/~sandrikasaw/tubinfest.html | |
14. Nädal - Loe, Mida Vaatad asju Telefonijutt raamatu autoriga Tere, härra Urmas Ott, õnnitlen raamatupuhul, pianist vardo rumessen kõlab teie esituses tõepäraselt, sarmikalt. http://www.nadal.ee/index.aw/section=20457 | |
15. Nädal - Loe, Mida Vaatad raamat. pianist, poliitik ja muusikateadlane vardo rumessen oli Pärnutuntud autoomanik ja kihutaja veel enne koolipõlve. Kui http://www.nadal.ee/index.aw/section=20245 | |
16. Estonia-Wide Web: Entertainment/Music/Composers, Musicians 28 Kaisa Roose Conductor. http//www.kaisaroose.com/ - english -24.10.2002 vardo rumessen pianist and musician. http//www.hot http://www.ee/www/Entertainment/Music/Composers,_musicians/welcome.html | |
17. Eesti Muusikafestivalid young violinist Sigrid Kuulmann, also the Estonian National Male Choir and the RudolfTobias String Quartet, vardo rumessen as pianist, conductors Neeme Järvi http://www.festivals.ee/tubin_eng.html | |
18. Eesti Muusikafestivalid Eesti Kontsert ja Rahvusvaheline Eduard Tubina Ühing, kunstiline juht on vardo rumessen. jaGintaras Rinkevicius, viiuldaja Xiang Gao, pianist Peter Jablonski http://www.festivals.ee/tubin.html | |
19. Estonian Violin Music [RB]: Classical Reviews- March 2002 MusicWeb(UK) We are in safe but inspired hands in any project associated withthe pianist vardo rumessen. rumessen, having already, recorded http://www.musicweb.uk.net/classrev/2002/Mar02/Estonian_Violin_Music.htm | |
20. ELLER Preludes For Piano: Classical CD Reviews- Jan 2001 MusicWeb(UK) The pianist is also active as a publisher having personally published Estonian musicby Saar, Tobias, Kapp I am grateful to vardo rumessen for pointing out that http://www.musicweb.uk.net/classrev/2001/Jan01/eller.htm | |
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