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1. Aviram Reichert, Pianist Israeli pianist aviram reichert won the Bronze Medal at the 10 th Van Cliburn InternationalPiano Competition in 1997, only months after he had been awarded http://www.aaronconcert.com/artists/reichert.html | |
2. Calendar: Pianist Aviram Reichert Whittier College News Release. For Immediate Release January 26, 2000. Media Contact. Reference 99/00 53. CALENDAR. pianist aviram reichert. WHAT pianist aviram reichert. COST $ ADD Israeli pianist aviram reichertperforming for one night only at the Shannon Centerwon the Bronze Medal at the http://www.whittier.edu/pr/rls.reichert.html | |
3. 'Doomed' Pianist Mom 'doomed' concert pianist to success. SALVATORE CAPUTO. Special to Jewish News. aviram reichert, bronzemedal winner the 28-year-old Israeli pianist says he began playing piano when http://www.jewishaz.com/jewishnews/000128/pianist.shtml | |
4. Yakov Kasman, Pianist - Fanfare CD Review Page Yakov Kasman ; aviram reichert HARMONIA MUNDI USA HMU 907219 (7734) Live Fort Worth 5/23 - 6/2 Russian Yakov Kasman and Israeli aviram reichert, and you wonder what got http://www.yakovkasman.com/fanfare.htm | |
5. Aviram Reichert Israeli pianist, aviram reichert. Bronze medallist at the 10th VanCliburn International piano Competition. This page uses frames http://www.aviramreichert.com/indexanimation.htm | |
6. Aviram Reichert, Pianist AARON CONCERT ARTISTS. Jon Aaron created ACA in April of 2000 to providemanagement services, tour management and production support http://www.aaronconcert.com/background_top.html | |
7. Aviram Reichert Archive. Contact. aviram reichert. pianist. Samples from Live recordings The official site of aviram reichert. This page hosted by Get your own Free Home Page http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/Studio/5834 | |
8. Current Whittier College News Releases Center. (29-00). pianist aviram reichert performs at the Ruth B. ShannonCenter for the Performing Arts (1-26-00). California Theater http://www.whittier.edu/pr/99-00releases.html | |
9. RateMyProfessors.com - Ratings For Professor Aviram Reichert Ratings for Professor aviram reichert Grand Valley State University City Allendale,MI Department Music Flag Rating, 12/24/02, 1. 5. 5. Amazing pianist, very sexy http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/ShowRatings.jsp?tid=104881&sid=379 |
10. NPR Israeli pianist aviram reichert is no stranger to the world of International Piano competitions. In 1997, he won first prize in the International Piano Competition in Seoul, South Korea and just a http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.npr.org/features/feature.php?wfId=10 |
11. Music In The Mountains aviram reichert Piano Medalist in Van Cliburn International Competition in 1997,this Israeli pianist is in seventh season with Music in the Mountains. http://www.musicinthemountains.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=statc.home&file=dsp_solo |
12. Reichert Piano Concert At FLC The Online Edition of the Durango Herald from Durango, Colorado Israeli pianist aviram reichert will perform in concert at 730 p.m http://www.durangoherald.com/archives/arts434.htm | |
13. Music Download Music Download. reichert, aviram Born in Israel, includes biography, contact info,MP3 clips. Music Download. Rezek, Michal (1965)- Czech pianist; bio, records http://iomusic.com/Equipment_and_Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists/music_downl | |
14. Artist-Show - The Largest Art Link Site In The World! reichert, aviram official web site of the Israeli pianist who won the1997 Cliburn Competition. Includes sound files. Rubinstein, Arthur. http://www.artist-show.com/ArtFields/Music/MuLinks/Classical/Artists/Piano.html | |
15. Aviram Reichert Concert Review print this page. TSO Symphony Ball May, 2004. Hosted by Doug Petcash(9 amp10 News). TSO Music Director, Kevin Rhodes, pianist. Members http://www.tso-online.org/Events/eventsone.htm | |
16. Welcome To Piano.com reichert, aviram official web site of the Israeli pianist who won theBronze Medal at the 1997 Cliburn Competition. Includes sound files. http://www.piano.com/pianist/pianist_classical.cfm | |
17. 2004 GVSU Piano Pedagogy Conference pianist aviram reichert won the bronze medal at the 10th Van Cliburn InternationalPiano Competition in 1997, only months after he had been awarded top prize http://www.fjhmusic.com/pc_clinicians.htm | |
18. 2004 GVSU Piano Pedagogy Conference 800 pm Recital pianist aviram reichert, winner of the bronze medal at the 10thVan Cliburn International Piano Competition in 1997, and GVSU faculty. http://www.fjhmusic.com/pc_schedule.htm | |
19. Live Concerts 25 concerts from July 13 through August 3. Performances for the 2003 season includethe returning Israeli pianist, aviram reichert; Russian violinist Vadim. http://www.durango.org/LiveConcerts/index.asp | |
20. DOMESTIC NEWS - 10-Dec-95 Israeli pianist aviram reichert Wins Second Prize in Tokyo. ( Ha aretz Dec. 3). The Israeli pianist, aviram reichert, 24, has won http://www.mfa.gov.il/MFA/Archive/Articles/1995/DOMESTIC NEWS - 10-Dec-95.htm?Di |
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