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21. Guest Artist Of The Orchestra Rachmaninov, Sergei
After study at the St. Petersburg and Moscow Conservatories, sergei Rachmaninovembarked on a career in Russia as a composer, pianist and conductor.

22. Rachmaninoff Webring Homepage
1976); John Culshaw, sergei rachmaninov (1949, reissued 1970); Patrick Piggott, rachmaninov(1978), including Rachmaninoff Composer, pianist, Conductor (1990
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I have created this webring in an effort to promote my belief that the internet can be the ultimate media for this type of information. By linking all of the best web pages on Sergei Rachmaninoff in such a way, anybody can get reliable information on this man. This compilation of web pages is indended for use by student surfer, the college researcher, the fans of Rachmaninoff's music, and anybody who may be interested in learning about Sergei Rachmaninoff. This will be an ongoing project and I sincerely hope it will never be finished. As the media grows, so will the Rachmaninoff Webring. I dream of the day when there is a Rachmaninoff discussion group, chat room cd exchange, all incorporated into this resource. I know what his music has done and continues to do for me, and I hope that he can do it for you too!
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Early Life.

23. Rachmaninov - Beskrivelser Af Komponisternes Liv Og Virke
rachmaninov, sergei (1873, Oneg 1943, Beverly Hills rachmaninov var så uforsigtigat skrive sit klaverpræludium han selv, som den fremragende pianist han var
Klassisk musik Komponister sINFOnia Komponister Alfabetisk fortegnelse R I denne sektion præsenteres komponisterne alfabetisk . Deres liv og virke beskrives kort. Rachmaninov , Sergei
(1873, Oneg - 1943, Beverly Hills) Rachmaninovs stil var fastlagt allerede omkring år 1900, hvor ingen tænkte på filmmusik. Selv om det er sandt at Rachmaninov ikke var en "moderne" komponist, men bekendte sig til det 19. århundredes idealer, forhindrede det ham ikke i at skrive musik, der er stærkt personlig, her en ret enestående melodisk inspiration og en nostalgisk stemning, der, når den er bedst, gør den uimodståelig. Det er imidlertid i de hidtil mindre kendte værker, man finder den bedste musik: 3. og 4. klaverkoncert, Rapsodi over et tema af Paganini, de 3 symfonier, korsymfonien "Klokkerne", de Symfoniske danse, det symfoniske digt "Die Toteninsel", Vespermessen for blandet kor a cappella (som blev en af de helt store "sællerter" op til julen 1998), cellosonaten, de såkaldte "Etudes tableaux" for klaver og sangene. De sidste viser Rachmaninov som en af de betydeligste russiske sangkomponister overhovedet. Rachmaninov, der var af en rig godsejerfamilie, fik sin uddannelse ved konservatorierne i St. Petersborg og Moskva, hvor Tanejev og Arensky var blandt hans lærere. Han var i mange år i tvivl om, hvor vidt det var som komponist, pianist eller dirigent, han skulle skabe sig en levevej. Omstændighederne, dvs. landflygtigheden efter revolutionen i 1917, tvang ham til at forsørge sig selv og sin familie som koncertpianist. På dette område nåede han det mest fuldendte i den første del af dette århundrede, både som klaverteknisk fænomen og som kunstner.

24. BBC - Music / Profiles - Sergey Rachmaninov
Piano Concertos 2 3 rachmaninov (piano), Philadelphia sergei Rachmaninoff A Lifetimein Music by Rachmaninoff Composer, pianist, Conductor by Barrie Martyn
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Like this page? Send it to a friend! everything you need to know about Sergey Rachmaninov The late Russian Romantic composer and piano virtuoso who spent many years in the USA. Rachmaninov developed a musical style all of his own, composing symphonies, works for piano and orchestra, sonatas, choral works and solo keyboard music which includes some of music’s most memorable and best-loved themes. Listen [in RealAudio] need audio help? Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini Shelley, Scottish National Orch/Thomson CHANDOS CHAN 8882 Prelude Op.23 no.5 in G minor Dmitri Alexeev - Virgin Classics VBD 561624 Born: 1873 Died: 1943 I look at my early works and see how much there is that is superfluous. Even in this sonata so many voices are moving simultaneously, and it is too long. Chopin’s Sonata lasts 19 minutes, and all has been said. Rachmaninov on his 2nd Piano Sonata, to musicologist Alfred Swan. within BBCi music: Rachmaninov biography Classical news, reviews and listings

25. Rachmaninov, Sergei At - Sheet Music For Musicians - Search Result
Prelude In C Sharp Minor (sergei rachmaninov)) rachmaninov s complete Preludes forSolo Piano the Thirteen Suitable for a pianist of Grade 5+ standard. more.

26. Rachmaninov, Sergei At - Sheet Music For Musicians - Search Result
Suitable for a pianist of Grade 5+ standard sergei rachmaninov s Prelude In C SharpMinor is sometimes nicknamed The Bells of Moscow for its stately darkness

27. Sergei Rachmaninov - InformationBlast
sergei Vasilievich rachmaninov, also Sergey rachmaninov or sergei Rachmaninoff (?´? March28, 1943) was a Russian composer, pianist and conductor
Sergei Rachmaninov
Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninoff , also Sergey Rachmaninov or Serge Rakhmaninov April 1 March 28 ) was a Russian composer pianist and conductor Born in Semyonovo, near Novgorod into a wealthy family with a strong military background, Rachmaninov had his first piano lessons with his mother at the family estate at Oneg. After a decline in their fortunes, the family moved to Saint Petersburg where Rachmaninov studied at the conservatory , before going on to Moscow , where he studied piano with Nikolay Zverev and Alexander Siloti. He also studied harmony with Anton Arensky and counterpoint with Sergei Taneyev. While still a student he wrote this one act opera Aleko , and the set of piano pieces, Op. 3, which contains the Prelude in C sharp minor, probably Rachmaninov's most popular piece for solo piano. Rachmaninov's first symphony was premiered in 1897, but was a complete flop with the critics. Some have suggested that this was as much due to the conducting of Alexander Glazunov , who may have been drunk, as it was to Rachmaninov. The bad reception led to a nervous breakdown and complete loss of self-confidence for Rachmaninov. He wrote very little music until he began a course of therapy with Nikolai Dahl. The result of these sessions was the Piano Concerto No. 2, which Rachmaninov dedicated to Dahl. The piece was very well received at its premiere, for which Rachmaninov played the solo part himself, and remains one of his most popular compositions, gaining some fame from its use in the

28. Sergei Rachmaninov
Director, Stevan Cavalier (who appears as pianist in today’s performance of theTrio) wrote to Luba Edlina, pianist of the sergei rachmaninov (18731943).
Sierra Chamber Society Program Notes Sergei Rachmaninov (1873-1943) Piano Trio No. 1 in G Minor Op. Posth. (1892) Suite No.2 for Two Pianos Op.17 (1900-01) Sergei Rachmaninov (1873-1943) Piano Trio No. 1 in G Minor Op. Posth. (1892) "I am a Russian composer,and the land of my birth has inevitably influenced my temperament and outlook. My music is the product of my temperament, and so it is Russian music. I never consciously attempt to write Russian music, or any other kind of music, for that matter. I have been strongly influenced by Tchaikovsky and Rimsky-Korsakov, but I have never consciously imitated anybody. I try to make my music speak simply and directly that which is in my heart at the time I am composing. If there is love there, or bitterness, or sadness, or religion, these moods become part of my music, and it becomes either beautiful or bitter or sad or religious. For composing music is as much a part of my living as breathing and eating. I compose music because I must give expression to my feelings, just as I talk because I must give utterance to my thoughts." The New Book of Modern Composers David Ewen. Knopf. 1961

29. Joys Of Music Project
sergei rachmaninov. As a pianist he was famous for his precision, rhythmic drive,legato and clarity of texture and for the broad design of his performances.
Sergei Rachmaninov
As a pianist he was famous for his precision, rhythmic drive, legato and clarity of texture and for the broad design of his performances. He studied at the Moscow Conservatory graduating with distinction as both pianist and composer. During the ensuing years he composed piano pieces, including his famous c-sharp Minor Prelude, songs and orchestral works, but the disastrous premiere in 1897 of his Symphony No.1. He composed his Second Piano Concerto. Meanwhile he had set out on a new career as a conductor, appearing in Moscow and London. The essentials of his art had been assembled in the Piano Concerto no.2. Rachmaninov inherited Romanticism from Tchaikovsky and his teachers. In 1909 he made his first American tour as a pianist, for which he wrote the Piano Concerto no.3. After the October Revolution he left Russia with his family for Scandinavia. In 1918 they arrived in New York, where he mainly lived thereafter, though he spent periods in Paris Dresden and Switzerland. There was a period of creative silence until 1926 when he wrote the Piano Concerto no.4, followed by only a handful of works over the next 15 years, even though all are on a large scale. During this period, however, he was active as a pianist on both sides of the Atlantic. Madalin Chiricuta
"D. Zamfirescu" School, Focsani, Romania

30. Pianos And Pianists - The Pianist Speaks: Sergei Rachmaninov
Pianos and pianists Consultant Editor Ates Orga, The pianist SpeaksSergei rachmaninov. World-weary facade, gradual mask-like
The Pianist Speaks:
Sergei Rachmaninov
[World-weary facade, gradual mask-like smile, deep remote-sounding voice] Interpetation demands something of the creative instinct. If you are a composer, you have an affinity with other composers. You can make contact with their imaginations, knowing something of their problems and their ideals. You can give their works colour . That is the most important thing for me in my pianoforte interpretations, colour . So you can make music live. Without colour it is dead. [Pause to gather thoughts] The greatest interpreters of the past were composers in most instances. Paganini, so we understand, was a king of virtuosity. [Slow-moving smile] But he was a composer, too. Liszt and [Anton] Rubinstein; and in our time Paderewski and Kreisler. Ah! I know what you are thinking. But it doesn't matter. It makes no difference whether these are first or fourth-rate composers. What matters is, they had the creative mind and so were able to communicate with other minds of the same order... the pianoforte of today ... is a perfect instrument. True, I cannot sing on it as Kreisler sings on his violin. But I can do many other things on my piano that are beyond the power of the greatest violinists and singers. [Article of faith] The piano is a perfect instrument. - in conversation with Basil Maine (East Anglian essayist, biographer, novelist, music critic, organist, actor, narrator, priest)

31. MSN Entertainment - Music: Sergei Rachmaninov
Sergey rachmaninov Classical Music CDs A wide collection of the great pianist DavidHelfgott and director Scott Hicks turned sergei Rachmaninoff into the

32. Anecdote - Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninoff [var. Rachmaninov] - Rachmaninov`s Ha
rachmaninov s Hands Toward the end of his life, the composer and pianist sergeirachmaninov became ill in the middle of a concert tour and was admitted to a

33. Anecdote - Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninoff [var. Rachmaninov] - Rachmaninov`s Co
rachmaninov s Constant When the composer and pianist sergei rachmaninov played hisseemingly interminable Variations on a Theme by Corelli before an audience

34. SERGE RACHMANINOV ~ NOTES Page ~ AMUSIClassical Directory
Conservatory and established himself as a gifted pianist and promising McCabe rachmaninovorchestral music Patrick Piggott sergei rachmaninov An Essential
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Brief synopsis' of the most popular classical music by
Sergei Rachmaninoff...
Russian-American pianist, conductor and composer Semyonovo, 1 APR 1873 ~ Beverly Hills, CA 28 MAR 1943 Operas, Symphonies, 4 Piano Concertos Orchestral, Vocal and Choral works
  • Rachmaninoff Aleko Opera
  • Rachmaninoff Isle of the Dead (1909) Inspired by Arnold Bocklin's painting 'Isle of the Dead'. It shows a white figure standing in a boat ferrying the soul of the departed into another world or eternity.
  • 35. The Unashamed Romanticism Of Sergei Rachmaninov [Biography]
    sergei rachmaninov composed in much the same strongly dramatic As a young man, rachmaninovquickly made a mark for as a composer, conductor, and pianist in the

    36. The Unashamed Romanticism Of Sergei Rachmaninov [Index]
    sergei rachmaninov (1873 1943). I have never been able to make up my mind asto what was my true calling that of composer, pianist, or conductor

    37. Home
    sergei rachmaninov was born on April 2, 1873 in Oneg, Russia, the fourth of composerslike Tchaikovsky (who predicted a dazzling future for the young pianist).
    Sergei Rachmaninov PICTURES LINKS Brief Bio Aleko , which had only been awarded twice before. In 1897, as a free artist, Rachmaninov sank into depression after the poor reception of his Symphony No. 1 in D minor Op. 13. He had set all his hopes on this work, and after they were dashed, it took him three years and hypnosis to get over it. When he finally got his confidence back, he composed much. It was during this time that he wrote the celebrated Second Piano Concerto and Prelude in G minor. In 1915, Rachmaninov once again fell into the trap of depression after the deaths of both Alexander Scriabin, and Rachmaninov's teacher Taneyev. This time it was not hypnosis that brought him around, but rather an affair with the singer, Nina Koshetz. In 1917, with the political state of Russia in the midst of radical change, Rachmaninov left his home country on December 23. He never again saw his homeland. Throughout the next 25 years, he gave more than a thousand concerts in America and Europe. Some of his works during this time were immediate critical successes ( Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini ). Others utilized the more esoteric side of Rachmaninov; their appreciation only came in time (Third Symphony).

    38. Sergei Rachmaninov
    In 1885, sergei’s cousin Alexander Ziloti, a famous to study with Nikolai Zverev,a noted pianist and a with Zverev’s also gave rachmaninov the opportunity
    Sergei Rachmaninov was born in 1973 in Oneg, a family estate in the Novgorod district. Originally wealthy, the family was reduced to straitened circumstances by his father’s extravagance. Oneg was sold to pay the debts, and the family moved to St. Petersburg; not long after that, Sergei’s parents separated.
    Rachmaninov’s musical talent manifested itself rather early. He was sent to St. Petersburg Conservatoire to study with professor Demyansky, who did not quite recognize his abilities. Sergei wasn’t very keen on his studies; he failed many courses and the Conservatoire was considering expulsion.
    In 1885, Sergei’s cousin Alexander Ziloti, a famous pianist and a pupil of Liszt, suggested sending him to the Moscow Conservatoire, to study with Nikolai Zverev, a noted pianist and a strict teacher, whose regimen required that the boy’s piano practice should begin at 6 a.m. Living with Zverev’s also gave Rachmaninov the opportunity to meet such important musicians as Anton Rubinstein and Peter Tchaikovsky.
    In 1888 Rachmaninov started taking composition lessons with Sergei Taneyev and Anton Arensky; his piano professor in the senior division of the Conser-vatoire was Alexander Ziloti. He graduated in 1891 (piano) - 1892 (composition) and was awarded the Great Gold medal; his opera Aleko, written for the final examination, was performed at the Bolshoi Theater in 1893. Among the compositions of this early period were the First piano concerto, Trio Elegiaque No. 1, Phantasie pieces op.3. In 1893, in a very short period of two months, he wrote Trio Elegiaque No. 2 to commemorate Tchaikovsky’s death. Tchaikovsky had a large and helpful influence in his life.

    39. Sergei V. Rachmaninov [Sergej Rachmaninow]
    Translate this page russischer Komponist, pianist und Dirigent. Er Liszts. Komposition studierteRachmaninov bei Anton Arensky und sergei Taneev. Mit
    RACHM A NINOV, Serg e i Vas i
    russischer Komponist, Pianist und Dirigent. Er wurde am 1. April 1873 auf dem Gut On e ga in der Nähe von N o vgorod geboren und studierte in Moskau Klavier bei Nikolai Zverov und Alexandr Siloty, einem Schüler Franz Liszts. Komposition studierte Rachmaninov bei Anton Arensky und Sergei Taneev. Mit dem Prelude cis-Moll (1892) für Klavier und der Oper Aleko (1893) feierte Rachmaninov erste Erfolge als Komponist. Es folgten u. a. 6 Moments musicaux op. 16 (1896), die Sinfonie No. 1 (1897), das Klavierkonzert No. 2 c-Moll (1900), die Sinfonie No. 2 e-Moll (1906), die sinfonische Dichtung O strov m e rtvyh op. 19 (1909) und Kolokol a Nach dem Ausbruch der Revolution verließ er 1917 Russland und lebte zunächst in Paris, ab 1935 in den USA. Zu den wichtigsten Kompositionen seiner späteren Schaffensperiode gehören u. a. die Variationen über ein Thema von A. Corelli op. 42 (1931) für Klavier, die Rhapsodie über ein Thema von Paganini (1936) für Klavier und Orchester, die Sinfonie No. 3 a-Moll (1936) und das Klavierkonzert No. 4 g-Moll (1937). Rachmaninov starb am 28. März 1943 in Beverly Hills.

    40. - Free Online Encyclopedia - Encyclopedia Books.
    rachmaninov did not consider himself a great pianist, and thought his own He isthen quoted as saying Gentleman I, sergei rachmaninov, have just heard
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    Sergei Rachmaninov
    Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninoff , also Sergey Rachmaninov or SergeRakhmaninov April 1 March 28 ) was a Russian composer pianist and conductor Born in Semyonovo , near Novgorod into a wealthy family with a strong military background, Rachmaninov had his first piano lessons with his mother at the family estate at Oneg . After a decline in their fortunes, the family movedto Saint Petersburg where Rachmaninov studied at the conservatory , before going on to Moscow , where he studied piano with Nikolay Zverev and Alexander Siloti . He also studied harmony with Anton Arensky and counterpoint with Sergei Taneyev . While still a student he wrote this one act opera Aleko , and the set of piano pieces,Op. 3, which contains the Prelude in C sharp minor, probably Rachmaninov's mostpopular piece for solo piano. Rachmaninov's first symphony was premiered in 1897, but was a complete flop withthe critics. Some have suggested that this was as much due to the conducting of Alexander Glazunov , who may have been drunk, as it was toRachmaninov. The bad reception led to a nervous breakdown and complete loss of self-confidence for Rachmaninov. He wrote verylittle music until he began a course of therapy with

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