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81. B.F.P. Bundesverband Freischaffender Pianisten E.V. (Deutscher Pianistenverband) Translate this page Ernst von Siemens Der pianist Alfred Brendel erhält den diesjährigen Ernstvon Siemens Musikpreis. Aimard, Pierre-Laurent pollini, maurizio (Klassik). http://www.bfp-ev.org/main.php?content=home&subcontent=&th=&id=&offset=&font=1 |
82. Pianist (under construction) pianist,Year, Nationality, Note. Martha Argerich, 1941, maurizio pollini, 1942-, http://www.iis.sinica.edu.tw/~jhwang/music/pianist.html | |
83. Freunde Der Salzburger Festspiele Translate this page Seit vielen Jahren ist der italienische pianist maurizio pollini als Interpret, inletzter Zeit auch als Leiter von speziellen Programmprojekten ein gefeierter http://www.festspielfreunde.at/deutsch/frames/200305/gf_200305_62.htm | |
84. Freunde Der Salzburger Festspiele back top top. Chopin remains at the centre. pianist maurizio pollinisrepertoire ranges from Bach to works bycontemporary composers. http://www.festspielfreunde.at/english/frames/200305/ef_200305_62.htm | |
85. Detailed Listing Under GENERAL Great pianist 2Cd Watts POLYGRAM CLASSICS 13.61. Great pianist 2Cd Wold POLYGRAMCLASSICS 13.61. Great pianists Vol 10 maurizio pollini POLYGRAM CLASSICS 13.70. http://www.thezone.co.uk/data/____-17-416.html | |
86. CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA NOTEBOOK RECITAL - SIGNED COLLECTIBLE BOOK Editors of The Chicago Symphony Orchestra; pollini, maurizio. CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA NOTEBOOK RECITAL Souvenir Program.Chicago, IL Performance Media, 2002. Softcover. First Edition/First http://www.modernrare.com/books/5530 |
87. CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA NOTEBOOK RECITAL - SIGNED COLLECTIBLE BOOK Editors of The Chicago Symphony Orchestra; pollini, maurizio. CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA NOTEBOOK RECITAL Souvenir Program.Chicago, IL Performance Media, 2000. Softcover. First Edition/First http://www.modernrare.com/books/5520 |
88. Classical Music - Andante - Pierre Boulez And Maurizio Pollini Launch Concert Se maurizio pollini Shares His Musical Passions with Paris The searchingly intelligentpianist offers three chamber music programs, with music ranging from http://www.andante.com/article/article.cfm?id=18885&highlight=1&highlightterms=& |
89. Maurizio Pollini maurizio pollini. maurizio pollini (born January 5, 1942) is an Italianpianist and conductor. Born in Milan, pollini studied under http://www.fact-index.com/m/ma/maurizio_pollini.html | |
90. Riaskoff Concert Management Presenteert: Serie Meesterpianisten 2003-2004 Zoals maurizio pollini is er geeneen di 27 apr 04 maurizio pollini, de 62jarigepianist wiens optreden in december 2001 velen nog bijstaat als de dag http://www.meesterpianisten.nl/nieuws.php?NieuwsID=18 |
91. Riaskoff Concert Management Presenteert: Serie Meesterpianisten 2003-2004 Zoals maurizio pollini is er geeneen di 27 apr 04 maurizio pollini, de 62jarigepianist wiens optreden in december 2001 velen nog bijstaat als de dag http://www.meesterpianisten.nl/ | |
92. Maurizio Pollini At Basic Music Son of a famous Italian architect, maurizio pollini is the intellectual s dreampianist an intrepid, intensely analytical explorer, who makes the piano his http://basicmusic.net/MusicianDisplay.php/musn/263 | |
93. +++Cobain-Musical, Rocker Spenden, Last Und Grönemeyer: Rock Aktuell+++ :: Kult Translate this page nichts anfangen Berlin (ddp). Der italienische pianist maurizio Pollinihat zur Popmusik keine Beziehung. Das meiste, das davon http://www.nmz.de/kiz/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=6898 |
94. ConcertoNet.com - The Classical Music Network When I returned to Connecticut, I presented a fourhour radio program entitledMaurizio pollini Composers pianist, which explored this artists http://www.concertonet.com/scripts/review.php?ID_review=1079 |
95. Www.classicalsource.com - Harrods International Piano Series - Maurizio Pollini Theres no greater pianist alive (Brendel excepted) who appreciates the MaurizioPollini is included in Philips Great pianists of the Century series |
96. Review Template Even today, it remains one of the supreme technical challenges to the pianist. MaurizioPollini has waited until his sixtieth year before committing it to disc http://www.mmmusic.co.uk/reviews/beethovensonspollini.html | |
97. Pianist : Essential Information, Explanation, Recent Texts, Monographs, And Rele A performing classical pianist usually starts playing piano at a very young MaurizioPollini; Viktoria Postnikova; André Prévin; Eduaro del Pueyo; Livia Rev; Karl http://essential-facts.com/primary/review/Pianist.html | |
98. Guardian Unlimited | Arts Friday Review | Just Put Your Lips Together A close friend of Brendel reports that the pianist is perfectly aware MaurizioPollini and Alfred Brendel give recitals at the Royal Festival Hall, London http://www.guardian.co.uk/arts/fridayreview/story/0,12102,966166,00.html | |
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