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61. Carnegie Hall 's 2001-2002 Season Announced Programs include Béla Bartók s Bluebeard s Castle (12/04/01); an allBeethovenprogram with pianist Murray Perahia (1/22/02 27 with maurizio pollini. http://www.scena.org/columns/anson/010109-PA-carnegiehall.html | |
62. Welcome To Piano.com pollini, maurizio biography and discography for the Italian-born pianist. Rankovich,Tatjana - dedicated to the performance of contemporary American music. http://www.piano.com/pianist/pianist_classical.cfm | |
63. MUSIC-Cda-Pianist-in-Motion West Side, East Side, it was the 45year-old Canadian pianist s night. Lortie madehis Carnegie Hall recital debut by filling in for maurizio pollini, who was http://www.cp.org/english/online/full/Entertainment/040430/e043020A.html | |
64. WNUR - "Classical And Beyond" . . . . . 29 Composer GEORGE FLYNN (Part 1) April 5 - Violist/Conductor YURI BASHMET April12 - Composer W. FRANCIS McBETH April 19 - pianist maurizio pollini April 26 http://www.bruceduffie.com/wnurb.html | |
65. Versand Newsletter Donnerstag, 25.3. Translate this page Als gefeierter pianist ist maurizio pollini beliebter Gast bei internationalen Festivalsund bedeutenden Orchestern wie den Berliner und Wiener Philharmonikern http://www.staatsoper-berlin.org/Newsletter1.14.htm | |
67. Kulturspeilet Intellektuell kunstner. maurizio pollini er født i Milano 1942. Nå valgteikke pollini å følge den strake landevei som pianist. http://www.pluto.no/KulturSpeilet/faste/cd/Pianists_Pollini.html | |
68. Kimmel Center, Inc. > News Releases > Kimmel Center Presents Offers Worlds Top Dazzling pianist maurizio pollini makes his Philadelphia recital debut in VerizonHall May 1. And on June 5, the acclaimed Music Director of the Chicago http://www.kimmelcenter.org/news/item.php?item=2003-01-28 |
69. San Francisco Examiner: Send A Story maurizio pollini, piano (Deutsche Grammophon; two discs CDs) is even more fiery thanpollini s, with her a guest of Robert Schumann and his pianist wife, Clara http://www.sfexaminer.com/resources/emailstory.cfm?storyname=091603a_classical |
70. Pianist Yundi Li Shares His Gifts (washingtonpost.com) young pianist since he won first prize in the Warsaw Chopin Competition three yearsago. As past winners have included Martha Argerich, maurizio pollini and http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn?pagename=article&node=&contentId=A44989 |
71. 88keys - New Music Philadelphia - Editor's Letter Some years ago, pianist maurizio pollini, known in part for his commitment tothe music of our time, brought to New York s Lincoln Center a program of http://www.88keys.com/docs/nm_editor_letter.html | |
72. Maurizio Pollini - InformationBlast maurizio pollini Information Blast. maurizio pollini. maurizio pollini(born January 5, 1942) is an Italian pianist and conductor. http://www.informationblast.com/Maurizio_Pollini.html | |
73. Lincoln Center Institute - Bibliography - Time Travel With The Virtuoso Keyboard Piano Notes The World of the pianist. New York Simon Schuster, 2002. 3 CDSet. Includes Sonata 7 in Bb Major, OP.83. pollini, maurizio, piano. http://www.lcinstitute.org/resources_rc_bibliography_timetravel.asp | |
74. Galen Guengerich Sermon Several months ago, Holly and I attended a concert at Carnegie Hall performedby the pianist maurizio pollini and the Julliard String Quartet. http://www.allsoulsnyc.org/publications/sermons/ggsermons/at-the-river.html | |
75. Klassik Tipps Archiv Klavier Jun - Sept 01 Translate this page Percy Grainger (1882-1961) war Schüler von Busoni, befreundet mit E. Grieg undwirkte als pianist und Dirigent. maurizio pollini. maurizio pollini, Klavier. http://www.klassiktipps.de/archiv/ar 1 02/arklav7.htm | |
76. Washington's Classical 103.5 Soprano Kathleen Battle; Soprano Renee Fleming; pianist maurizio pollini;Violinist Gil Shaham, accompanied by sister Orli Shaham; pianist Lang Lang http://www.wgms.com/index.php?nid=13&sid=98971 |
77. Concerts '01 ·. 5/12, 1900, maurizio pollini Piano Recital World pianist Series 2001 -, ·. 5 http://member.nifty.ne.jp/KotaroRoom/live/live01.htm | |
78. Prokofiev Piano Sonata 7 War Sonata - Bernd Glemser - A Good-Music-Guide Review Webern, etc / maurizio pollini by Stravinsky, Prokofiev, Webern, maurizio polliniAmazon s Price Sonatas Vol.1 (sonatas no.2, 7, 8) pianist Bernd Glemser http://www.good-music-guide.com/reviews/072_prokofiev_sonata.htm | |
79. PHONE-SOFT INTERNET DIRECTORY INTERNATIONAL:PIANISTS LINKS Pogorelich, Lovro provides information on the Croatian pianist. pollini,maurizio - Italian pianist biography and concert review at Cosmopolis. http://www.phone-soft.com/cyber-world/o2602i.htm | |
80. ArkivMusic Beethoven Piano Concerto No 1 Etc / Pollini, Vienna comes from a 1983 live concert given by maurizio pollini with the Vienna Philharmonicand Eugen Jochum. As is usual with this pianist, his interpretation, even http://www.arkivmusic.com/classical/album.jsp?album_id=57149 |
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