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41. Maurizio Pollini Edition Insights victory and the ensuing concerts and recordings have shown, this pianist is one MaurizioPollini was born in Milan in 1942 into a culturally active family his http://www.deutschegrammophon.com/special/insighttext.htms?ID=pollini-edition&DE |
42. Maurizio Pollini Edition Insights What specially commended Schnabel to pollini, however over above these technicaland The pianist Balint Vazsonyi has written that nowadays in the place http://www.deutschegrammophon.com/special/insighttext.htms?ID=pollini-edition&DE |
43. Beethoven Sonates Met Pollini En PluScore 21 in C op 53 Waldstein maurizio pollini, piano DG 435 472-2 (CD-Pluscore). verschijntde partituur in beeld en geeft een streep exact aan waar de pianist is http://www.audio-muziek.nl/muzieko/opollinipluscore.htm | |
44. RONDO - Wörterbuch Der Klassik-Gemeinplätze pianist Im Alter Dirigent. Vonseinem Anschlag schwärmen. pollini, maurizio Italienischer Kommunist. http://www.rondomagazin.de/gemein.htm | |
45. Louis Lortie in Montréal with Yvonne Hubert (a pupil of French pianist, Alfred Cortot During thepast season, Mr. Lortie replaced maurizio pollini to make his Carnegie Hall http://www.cramermarderartists.com/lortie.htm | |
46. Klassik In Berlin Translate this page maurizio pollini gehört zu den wenigen pianisten unserer Zeit Kultur des Anschlags,die pollini in den Enthusiastisch wurde der pianist aber erst am Ende http://www.klassik-in-berlin.de/seiten/nachlese/2003-de/pollini-031202-de.html | |
47. EMI DVD Cziffra / Kempff / Francois Samson Francois, pianist; MonteCarlo National Opera Orch (Ravel); French NationalRadio 8, 6 and 24) (maurizio pollini) EMI CLASSICS CLASSIC ARCHIVE DVD DVA http://classicalcdreview.com/EMIDVD3.html | |
48. Maurizio Pollini Recital 10/5/97 This afternoon I went to hear the famous Italian pianist MaurizioPollini playing Chopin and Debussy at Symphony Hall in Boston. http://users.rcn.com/rfinley/pollini.htm | |
49. Classical Piano Links CR). Daniel Pollack pianist, maurizio pollini pianist (IT). RobertoProsseda pianist (IT), Christina Petrowska Quilico pianist. Rachel http://www.carolinaclassical.com/pianolinks.html | |
50. "Since In Music We Deal With Notes, Not Words, With Chords, With Transitions, Wi maurizio pollini is a pianist of quite a different kind. Both arevirtuosic wizards of keyboard technique but pollini is spirited http://possibleworlds.blogs.com/possibleworlds/beethoven1.html | |
51. Washington Performing Arts Society symphony, and the first concerto, performed by the masterful pianist Mikhail Pletnev.Saturday, October 16, 430 pm More info. maurizio pollini, piano, maurizio http://www.wpas.org/types/classical.php |
52. ETI SpA Spontaneous applause greeted pianist maurizio pollini on Wednesday, March 5 atthe opening concert of the pollini Project at the Parco della Musica, Rome. http://www.etispa.it/articolo.asp?ida=274&linid=2 |
53. NRC Handelsblad - Cultuur: Muziek: Altijd Volle Zalen maurizio pollini (Milaan, 1942) maakte als tienjarige pianist zijn debuut op hetconcertpodium en won in 1960 het Internationaal Chopin Concours in Warschau. http://www.nrc.nl/cultuur/muziek/1010124999186.html | |
54. Ernst Von Siemens-Musikpreis Translate this page 1997, Lachenmann, Helmut, Deutscher Komponist, (*1935). 1996, pollini, maurizio,Italienischer pianist, (*1942). 1995, Birtwistle, Harrison, Britischer Komponist,(*1934). http://www.aluan.de/knowhow/musikpreise/ernstvonsiemensmusikpreis.html |
55. International Piano Series 2004/05 | Royal Festival Hall, London UK finest pianist from the supreme Russian tradition. Programme to be announced. Sun24 Apr 2005. 730 pm, Royal Festival Hall, £40 £10, maurizio pollini (piano), http://www.rfh.org.uk/main/series/207.html?section=classical&file= |
56. Maurizio Pollini :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius maurizio pollini. Online Encyclopedia maurizio pollini (born January 5,1942) is an Italian pianist and conductor. Born in Milan, pollini http://www.informationgenius.com/encyclopedia/m/ma/maurizio_pollini.html | |
57. PIANISTI - Maurizio Baglini Translate this page Baglini now is recognized as the foremost young pianist to have La Spezia Conservatoryand continued with Lazar Berman, maurizio pollini, Alexander Longquich http://www.furcht.it/zp-bagl.htm | |
58. NPR : Fresh Air For Wednesday, August 21, 2002 Classical music critic Lloyd Schwartz reviews the new 13CD collection of recordingsby pianist maurizio pollini maurizio pollini Edition (Deutsche Grammophon http://www.npr.org/rundowns/rundown.php?prgId=13&prgDate=21-Aug-2002 |
59. NPR : Performance Today For Thursday, June 15, 1995 From one of the CD recordings of Beethoven s Hammerklavier Sonata which Ted Libbeyhas selected for the PT Library, pianist maurizio pollini performs the final http://www.npr.org/rundowns/rundown.php?prgId=4&prgDate=15-Jun-1995 |
60. Chopin: As Seen By A Pianist s Aspects of Chopin, and Jean Jacques Eigeldingers Chopin pianist and Teacher orMartha Argerich; for Etudes, Alfred Cortot and maurizio pollini, the former http://www.scena.org/lsm/sm5-5/Chopin-en.htm | |
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