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41. DWKC.com Music Directory review. » The Unofficial ivo pogorelich Fan Club Site is dedicatedto the famous classical concert pianist. wholesale candles http://dwkc.com/directory/Top/Arts/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists/P/P |
42. Öйú¹ú¼ÊÎÄ»¯½»Á÷ÖÐÐÄ ivo pogorelich Piano Recitals. The world famous pianist ivo pogorelichvisited Beijing and Shanghai from 30 Nov. to 7 Dec., 1996. http://www.cicec.org.cn/huodong/96/9629e.htm | |
43. »»Chopin Music Reviews«« Garrick Ohlsson and ivo pogorelich, two great performers. The were a really niceperformance by pogorelich. is impressive another unknown pianist who has http://www.megamusicreviews.com/Opera_and_Vocal/Opera_Featured_Composers_A-Z/Cho | |
44. Munzinger Personen - Ivo Pogorelich pianist. Quelle Munzinger-Archiv weiter.ivo pogorelich kroatischer pianist. Durch Klick http://register.munzinger.de/personen/00/000/016/00016592.shtml | |
46. NPR : Performance Today For Tuesday, January 21, 1997 . pianist ivo pogorelich. pianist ivo pogorelich (EEvoh poh-goh-REHL-ich)made a huge impression on audiences around the world http://www.npr.org/rundowns/rundown.php?prgId=4&prgDate=21-Jan-1997 |
47. Pogorelich Sagt Tournee Ab Translate this page Kultur / Medien, pogorelich sagt Tournee ab Bonn - Der pianist ivo pogorelich (45)hat wegen schwerer Erschöpfungserscheinungen weltweit Konzerte abgesagt. http://www.abendblatt.de/daten/2004/03/12/272447.html | |
48. Rachmaninoff.co.uk - Reviews - Pogorelich - Piano Concerto No 2 Piano Concerto No 2 opus 18 ivo pogorelich, piano Czech 20 June 2003 Pirate RecordingMr pogorelich has lost minefield, you already know that the pianist is un http://rachmaninoff.co.uk/reviews/review.php?id=19 |
49. Rachmaninoff.co.uk - Reviews - Pogorelich - Piano Concerto No 2 - Second Opinion Piano Concerto No 2 opus 18 ivo pogorelich, piano Czech Philharmonic Manfred HoneckBad sustained element in this performance is that the pianist plays much http://rachmaninoff.co.uk/reviews/review.php?id=20 |
50. S.P.A. - Bringing The World's Best | 2004 - 2005 Music Series pm, Jones Hall For more than 20 years, ivo pogorelich has enthralled He (pogorelich)played each Thursday, December 2, 2004 8 pm Jones Hall pianist Emanuel Ax http://www.spahouston.org/home/music.cfm | |
51. History Of Hala TIVOLI pogorelich also a guest in Tivoli. Nonbasketball events in 1994 in Tivoli were likewisewell attended - a famous Croatian pianist ivo pogorelich attracted four http://www.zavod-tivoli.si/Ang/zgodovina/bit94.htm | |
52. Reviews In June 1996 ivo pogorelich, known for his quirkiness and unpredictability may not approve of pogorelich sponderous approach in effort from both the pianist and production http://web.singnet.com.sg/~lionelc/jun96.htm | |
53. Miami Piano Festival > Press Releases 2000 Intriguingly, ivo pogorelich, who gave a dismaying performance in But where pogorelichwent on to become selfindulgent, artistically bizarre pianist in history http://www.miamipianofest.com/press/pr2000_02_24_ss.htm | |
54. Miami Piano Festival > Kemal Gekic Review, San Francisco Chronicle 12.11.00 Like ivo pogorelich before him, Gekic earned his reputation by losing, rather than anda tremendous encore seemed to engage the pianist s imagination most http://www.miamipianofest.com/artists/gekic_001211sfg.html | |
55. ¹ÅµäÒôÀÖÂÛ̳(ÁôÑÔ²¾·ç¸ñ) SOPHIE MUTTER Violinistin ANNE SOFIE VON OTTER Mezzosopran MARIA JO?O PIRES pianistinMIKHAIL PLETNEV pianist, Dirigent ivo pogorelich pianist MAURIZIO POLLINI http://www.classical.net.cn/formerfrm/032.htm | |
56. Hutton093099 pianist ivo pogorelich, who vaulted to fame in 1980 by not winning the Warsaw InternationalChopin Competition, makes his debut with the Cincinnati Symphony at http://www.cincypost.com/living/1999/hutton093099.html | |
57. MusicalOnline: Pianists prize of ivo pogorelich International Piano Competition. Choi, Janny Nicolas ConstantinouIntroductory, Biographical, contact Cooperstock, Andrew - pianist. http://www.musicalonline.com/musicians/keyborad/pianists.htm | |
58. Verzeichnis Internationaler Top-Pianisten Translate this page João Plagge, Rolf Pludermacher, Georges Ponti, Michael pogorelich, ivo Pressler,Menahem Sind Sie pianist und erfüllen eines der oben genannten Kriterien, so http://www.pianisten.de/pianisten.htm | |
59. Pianist (under construction) pianist, Year,Nationality, Note. Mikhail Pletnev, 1957, Russia, ivo pogorelich, 1958-, Yugoslavia, http://www.iis.sinica.edu.tw/~jhwang/music/pianist.html | |
60. Christian Zacharias - Pianist And Conductor ivo pogorelich avait enregistrés (DG), excepté le Kk. http://www.christianzacharias.com/scarlatti.asp | |
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