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21. ::Internationales Beethovenfest 2004: Arcadi Volodos Anstatt Ivo Pogorelich:: Translate this page Anstatt des erkrankten ivo pogorelich konnte der russische pianist Arcadi Volodosfür das zweite Sonderkonzert des Beethovenfestes Bonn 2004 am 2. Mai um 20 http://www.beethovenfest.de/index.php?id=400 |
23. Krannert Center . Concert Prep: Ivo Pogorelich, Piano Learn more about ivo pogorelich and the Beethoven, Scriabin pogorelich is a genius! declared Martha Argerich an outraged juror when the pianist was eliminated http://www.krannertcenter.com/perform/detail.php/id/0750088006370795 | |
24. Krannert Center . Ivo Pogorelich, Piano ivo pogorelich, piano. Great Hall Series. pogorelich is a genius! declared MarthaArgerich, an outraged juror when the pianist was eliminated in the http://www.krannertcenter.com/perform/detail.php/id/0750084806760795 | |
25. Krannert Center . Ivo Pogorelich, Piano ivo pogorelich, piano. pogorelich is a genius! declared Martha Argerich, an outragedjuror when the pianist was eliminated in the politicallycharged final http://www.kcpa.uiuc.edu/perform/detail.php/id/0750084806760795 | |
26. Krannert Center . Performances Learn more about pianist ivo pogorelich and the Beethoven, Scriabin, and Lisztworks he ll present in concert at this informal, beginnerfriendly talk. http://www.kcpa.uiuc.edu/kcpa/perf/perfhome.html | |
27. Festivalul International "George Enescu": Bilete Si Abonamente ivo pogorelich a captat initial atentia internationala ca pianist cu un har rarîntalnit si talent unic, la obtinerea Premiului I la Concursul International http://www.festivalenescu.ro/rom/ivoPogorelich.html | |
28. International Festival "George Enescu": Tickets And Season Tickets ivo pogorelich initially gained international attention as a pianist of rare giftand unique talent when he won the First Prize in the International Music http://www.festivalenescu.ro/eng/ivoPogorelich.html | |
29. Chopin Instrumental Works Ivo Pogorelich Bach Instrumental Works ivo pogorelich Liszt Instrumental Works ivo pogorelich ScarlattiInstrumental Works ivo pogorelich Chopin The pianist Tadeusz Strugala http://www.askshop.co.uk/info/search.php/action/awSearchProducts/keywords/Chopin |
30. Music Download Pirojenko, Alexandre (1979) Biography and repertoire of the Russian pianist. MusicDownload. pogorelich, ivo (1958)- Cosmopolis archive Biography and concert http://iomusic.com/Equipment_and_Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists/music_downl | |
31. Piano Instruments - 596 Of The Best Sites Selected By Humans Brothers O ORiley,_Christopher Andante.com - A pianist Brings His Mikhail -Pletnev,Mikhail (b.1957) -Plowright, Jonathan -pogorelich, ivo -Pollack, Daniel http://www.cbel.com/piano_instruments/ | |
32. Evgeny Zarafiants -Reviews- the piano He is a poet, a brilliant interpreter, a pianist with a Evgeny Zarafiants,winner of the ivo pogorelich Solo Piano Competition, is appearing in the http://www.evgeny-zarafiants.com/review-e.htm | |
33. Recommended Cds Levels 6 Pieces pianist. Le Coucou Daquin, Cherkasky. Sonata in d minor, K9- Scarlatti, pogorelich. Supplementary Sonata, K1 - Scarlatti, ivo pogorelich. http://www.atlantasuzukipiano.org/recommended_cds.htm | |
34. Instrumentalists: Catalog 40 $400 069. pogorelich, ivo the popular Croatian pianist signs card ..$10*070. POPPER, David http://www.rgrossmusicautograph.com/instrument40.html | |
35. Instrumental: Catalog 45 PLEYEL, Marie ALS 3 pp in French from the noted pianist of whom pogorelich, ivo-SP color portrait for DGG ..$45 093. http://www.rgrossmusicautograph.com/instrument45.html | |
36. Deutsche Grammophon Signs Exclusive Contract With Pianist Hélène Grimaud the signing of an exclusive contract with French pianist, Hélène Grimaud MarthaArgerich, Maria João Pires, Mikhail Pletnev, ivo pogorelich, Maurizio Pollini http://www.deutschegrammophon.com/gpp/?ID=Grimaud |
37. WCLV - 10/20 - Monday Craft American conductor, writer 1944-1998 William Albright - American composer,pianist, organist 1958 (45) ivo pogorelich - Yugoslavian pianist 1200am http://www.wclv.com/skin/blurb.php?sectionId=176&contentId=31304 |
38. 24ur.com - Koncert Iva Pogorelicha je med glasbenimi sladokusci dvignila nemalo prahu, je v soboto v Gallusovi dvoraniCankarjevega doma koncno nastopil svetovno znani pianist ivo pogorelich. http://www.24ur.com/naslovnica/popin/20021130_2017762.php | |
39. 24ur.com - Odpovedan Koncert Pogorelicha Ljubljana 8.10.2002 STA/BJ Kontroverzni pianist ivo pogorelich je zaradi bolezniodpovedal koncert v Ljubljani, ki naj bi bil danes v Cankarjevem domu. http://www.24ur.com/naslovnica/popin/20021008_2015322.php?Acl=p2 |
40. PHONE-SOFT INTERNET DIRECTORY INTERNATIONAL:PIANISTS LINKS Pletnev, Mikhail provides information on the Russian conductor and pianist.pogorelich, ivo - Biography and concert review at Cosmopolis. http://www.phone-soft.com/cyber-world/o2602i.htm | |
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