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1. Utah Music Festival - Peter Vinograde Biography peter vinograde Piano. An outstanding interpreter of J.S. Bach and 20th century composers, pianist peter vinograde's annual tours of the U.S., Canada, and Asia feature music of living composers. A http://www.utahmusic.org/bio/peter_v.htm | |
2. Diabelli Variations -- 34 Pianists attention, because by 1820, in a letter to one peter Joseph Simrock, of the Bonn publishing house, Beethoven refers to pianist. Northport, NY. 21. peter vinograde. pianist. New York, NY http://www.northportarts.org/diabelli.html | |
3. Diabelli Variations -- 34 Pianists JS Bach and 20th century composers, peter vinograde s annual tours Instantly impressedas a pianist with a was the Rachmaninoff Concerto 3..vinograde didn t http://www.northportarts.org/diabelli-bios.html | |
4. Helen Callus - January 11, 2004 Bach and contemporary composers, pianist peter vinograde' s annual tours of the U.S., Canada, and Asia 1996) in Taiwan. Dr. vinograde's numerous awards began with first prize in http://www.nyvs.org/events/current/callus03.html | |
5. Peter Vinograde, Pianist peter vinograde is a classical pianist who is an outstanding interpreterof JS Bach and 20th century composers. /font . peter vinograde, pianist. http://www.petervinograde.com/ | |
6. Peter Vinograde, Pianist peter vinograde is a classical pianist who is an outstanding interpreter of J.S. Bach and 20th century composers. /font L.A.Times. peter. vinograde, pianist. home page http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/Stage/6990/concerts.html | |
7. Peter Vinograde, Pianist peter vinograde is a classical pianist who is an outstanding interpreterof JS Bach and 20th century composers. /font . peter vinograde,. pianist. http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/Stage/6990/contact.html | |
8. Peter Vinograde, Pianist peter vinograde is a classical pianist who is an outstanding interpreterof JS Bach and 20th century composers. /font . peter vinograde, pianist, http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/Stage/6990/cd.html | |
9. Altoona Symphony Orchestra, Altoona, Pennsylvania Saturday, April 3. peter vinograde, Piano. 75th Anniversary. Classical Piano Series April 3. peter vinograde, pianist. 75th Anniversary Classical Piano Series http://www.altoonasymphony.org/ | |
10. Blair Country Arts Foundation presents peter vinograde, pianist. Saturday, April 3 800 pm presents peter Pan. April 29, through May 2 http://www.mishlertheatre.org/ |
11. Utah Music Festival - Peter Vinograde Reviews Erich Itor Kahn s Chaconne in Time of War (1943) was very moving and expertlyplayed by pianist peter vinograde (1999 Bard Schoenberg Festival) Le http://www.utahmusic.org/bio/peter_v_reviews.htm | |
12. Thaiticketmaster.com : Your Ticket To Great Entertainment : 00You are here Home Concert Midori with celebrated pianistpeter vinograde, Thai Version. 00 peter vinograde (pianist). An http://www.thaiticketmaster.com/concert/midori_eng.php | |
13. Intercontinental Marketing Group, Inc. peter vinograde is a classical pianist who is an outstanding interpreter of J.S. Bach and 20th century composers. /font http://www.icmgny.com/ | |
14. Thaiticketmaster.com : Your Ticket To Great Entertainment : 00You are here Home Concert Midori with celebrated pianist peter vinograde, 00MIDORI CONCERT Midori with celebrated pianist peter vinograde. http://www.thaiticketmaster.com/concert/midori.php | |
15. Albany Records Chamber Music Setsuko Nagata, violin, peter vinograde, piano. Nicolas Flagello, composer music doesn't have sensual allure.pianist peter vinograde plays with commanding authority, violinist http://www.albanyrecords.com/cgi-bin/miva?Merchant2/merchant.mv Screen=PROD& |
16. US Pianist In Spotlight 200008-25. US pianist peter vinograde has established himself as an outstandinginterpreter of piano works of JS Bach and 20th century composers. http://app1.chinadaily.com.cn/star/2000/0825/wh-1us.html | |
17. Shanghai-star.com.cn US pianist in spotlight US pianist peter vinograde has established himself as anoutstanding interpreter of piano works of JS Bach and 20th century composers. http://app1.chinadaily.com.cn/star/2000/0825/life.html | |
18. Owensboro Symphony Orchestra :: Concert Schedule lush sounds of Rachmaninoff s Symphony No. 2 and Piano Concerto No.1 performed by internationally known pianist peter vinograde. http://www.owensborosymphony.org/concertschedule | |
19. American Piano Music Played By Peter Vinograde[RB]: Classical Reviews- August 20 that would make a coup for an upand-coming young pianist in one peter vinograde(heard previously in an Albany recording of Flagello) was a pupil of William http://www.musicweb.uk.net/classrev/2001/Aug01/CoplandCreston.htm |
20. Classical CD Reviews May 2001 Part 3 C-L: Classical MusicWeb (UK) Not to be preferred to the Hyperion CD with the same pianist and members for harpand string trio (1965) Setsuko Nagata (violin) peter vinograde (piano) Alyssa http://www.musicweb.uk.net/classrev/2001/May01/May01_3.htm | |
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