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41. NPR : Performance Today For Thursday, August 15, 2002 La Jolla with two musicians at the height of their careers violinist and SummerFestLa Jolla Artistic Director ChoLiang Lin, and pianist jon kimura parker. http://www.npr.org/rundowns/rundown.php?prgId=4&prgDate=15-Aug-2002 |
42. Http://cbc.ca/insite//////// Camille SAINTSAENS, composer JESSICA LINNEBACH, violin jon kimura parker, piano. Chorus,choral ensemble Mitch Bondy, conductor Peter MacDonald, pianist. http://www.cbc.ca/insite/TAKE_FIVE_TORONTO/2002/6/20.html | |
43. Http://cbc.ca/insite//////// George Hamilton GREEN, composer ANDREW DUNSMORE, xylophone jon kimura parker, piano. Bartle,founder/music director Ruth Watson Henderson, pianist Mitch Bondy http://www.cbc.ca/insite/TAKE_FIVE_TORONTO/2002/6/19.html | |
44. Well Known Canadian Musicians Snowbird , You Needed Me ; parker, jon kimura Classical concertpianist. Peterson, Oscar Jazz pianist. Plamondon, Luc Composer. http://schwinger.harvard.edu/~terning/Canadians/musicians.html | |
45. R E D M A G A Z I N E season. Guest pianist jon kimura parker provided a splendid performanceto complete the talentpacked concert season. His incredible http://www.red-mag.com/apr08/parker.html | |
46. R E D M A G A Z I N E Tonight, the Virtuoso Series will close the curtains on an exciting 20032004season with guest pianist jon kimura parker. In addition http://www.red-mag.com/apr01/cover.html | |
47. The Salt Lake Tribune -- A Keyboard Wizard that box a little. Stepping outside the box * pianist jon kimura parker performsThursday at 730 pm in Libby Gardner Concert Hall at the University of Utah. http://www.sltrib.com/2004/Mar/03282004/arts/151560.asp | |
48. The Salt Lake Tribune -- Risk-taking Pianist Shines In Passionate Performance Risktaking pianist shines in passionate performance. By Celia R. Baker The SaltLake Tribune jon kimura parker s Friday night piano recital began with elegance http://www.sltrib.com/2004/Apr/04032004/saturday/153612.asp | |
49. News Events include a free evening concert by the Minnesota Orchestra, featuring conductorMiguel HarthBedoya and pianist jon kimura parker, as well as a Saturday http://www.minnesotaorchestra.org/about/news_story.cfm?id_news=84157838 |
50. HoustonChronicle.com - pianist thrills with musical acrobatics. By CHARLES WARD Copyright 2004 HoustonChronicle jon kimura parker likely didn t qualify for a place in the Guinness http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/features/2468291 | |
51. Welcome To Piano.com information. parker, jon kimura Planer, Sharon pianist available forparties, weddings, and other events throughout central Minnesota. http://www.piano.com/pianist/pianist_misc.cfm | |
52. Orchestra London Canada jon kimura parker. Internationally acclaimed concert pianist jon kimuraparker was born, raised, and educated in Vancouver. A true http://www.orchestralondon.ca/new/guestartists_2.shtml | |
53. The Neurosciences Institute Mainly Mozart jon kimura parker Piano Recital Wednesday, June 23, 2004, 800 ArtsLibrary Athenaeum Mozart Festival with Gustavo Romero pianist Gustavo Romero http://www.nsi.edu/public/performingarts/index.php | |
54. Piano Six Artist Biographies Fialkowska is an absolute dream of a pianist, and in this repertoire, aconsummate musician. PIANO AND KEYBOARD MAGAZINE. jon kimura parker. http://www.pianosix.com/bios.html | |
55. Summer Guide: Classical Music Calendar 8 with pianist jon kimura parker, 8 pm July 9. RimskyKorsakov s CapriccioEspagnol and Tchaikovsky s Piano Concerto No. 1 with http://www.startribune.com/stories/1646/4775137.html | |
56. SUMMER PIANO FIESTA - Br SEASON S GRAND FINALE Regarded by The Chicago Tribune as a pianist of the very first rank . jon kimura Jackie parker tackles Beethoven s Fifth, the Emperor a statement of http://www.hkpo.com/eng/about/press/20030530.jsp |
57. SHIMMERING PREMIERE, UNRUFFLED PIANIST 10 feature pianist jon kimura parker, the Brahms Requiem, an evening of operaticarias, and two modern works Bunch s Lichtenstein Triptych as part of the http://www.artssf.com/marinsym06107.html | |
58. Music Download Download. parker, jon kimura Canadian pianist s web page, includes touring schedule,biography, interviews and reviews, pictures, etc. Music Download. Perahia http://iomusic.com/Equipment_and_Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists/music_downl | |
59. Orchestra At Temple Square Announces Season-Opening Concert SeasonOpening Concert Salt Lake City The Orchestra at Temple Square will bejoined by jon kimura parker, internationally acclaimed solo pianist, for the http://www.meridianmagazine.com/churchupdate/020830temple.html | |
60. Events Calendar May 19 and 20 Internationally celebrated concert pianist jon kimura parker playswith the Orchestra London as the final concert of their Masterworks series. http://www.toronto.ca.emb-japan.go.jp/english/events-calendar/events-calend.html | |
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