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Home - Pianists - Paratore Anthony Joseph |
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21. Music.ontheweb: John Tesh Audio CD How you view this niche product from pianist John Tesh anthony paratore.joseph paratore 16 Jan 2001 - Audio CD AS THE TITLE INDICATES, SOMETHING TO http://music.ontheweb.com/shop/john-tesh.html | |
22. Lowest Price Unfiled Poducts Index 10582 III Piano Music / anthony paratore, et al Rarely does one find two performers socompletely in sync as anthony and joseph paratore. The pianist brothers work http://www.amongcollectibles.com/best/price/OpID_icat10582/CatType_VRTNOCATTYPE/ | |
23. HTTP 404 Not Found paratore DVD This exciting concert, performed by joseph and anthony paratore on two KeithJarrett Standards DVD Popular contemporary pianist Keith Jarrett http://centralwebmall.com/movies/cat/Music-Videos-&-Concerts 294.htm |
24. Video Universe Your Online Movie Store Albert Hall DVD or VHS movie Van Cliburn Concert pianist DVD or or VHS movie TwentiethCentury Music for Two Pianos - joseph and anthony paratore DVD or http://www.cduniverse.com/search/xx/movie/category/955/a/Classical Artists.htm |
25. Klavier-Duos - Topliste anthony und joseph paratore; SpielenSie als pianist in einem Duo und erfüllen eines der oben http://www.pianisten.de/klavier-duo.htm | |
26. Classical D To H pianist JeanLuc Fafchamps performs Quaderno Musicale di Annalibera by Luigi Dallapicolla;Six Encores pour Piano by Luciano anthony and joseph paratore. http://www.vergemusic.com/old/classd2h.htm | |
27. Pierre Luboshutz And Genia Nemenoff Duo-pianists On Remington anthony and joseph paratore, who are Pierre Luboshutz, who was born on June 17th1891 and was the pianist in the Luboshutz Trio (Lubosic Trio) with http://www.soundfountain.com/remlubnem.html |
28. 3/12/02 Tuesday Martinthe-Fields /Murray Perahia, pianist conductor Sony 89690 CD. RO 255 LaNuit des Tropiques anthony paratore, piano; joseph paratore, piano New http://www.wshu.org/classical/2002/cp020312.asp | |
29. P Information Sites Mathieu Young Greek pianist; short information and presenting his debut recording(needs flash-plugin). paratore, anthony and joseph - Piano duo, born in http://songsorg.com/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists/P/ | |
30. The Piano Book - Brookside Press Keith Jarrett, pianist, from the Foreword The most comprehensive and helpful guideto the mysteries of the piano anthony and joseph paratore, duopianists http://www.pianobook.com/reviews.html | |
31. Wish7.com - Start Searching! Pollack, Daniel Concert pianist; performs on worldwide concert stages in solo recitalsand as soloist with orchestras paratore, anthony and joseph Piano duo http://www.wish7.com/Arts/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists/ | |
32. Comparison Shop Unfiled Poducts Index 2935 paratore (DVD) This exciting concert, performed by joseph and anthony paratore ontwo pianos Sonatas for Violin and Piano (DVD) Famed pianist Gerhard Oppitz http://www.amongjewelry.com/best/price/OpID_icat2935/CatType_VRTNOCATTYPE/best_p | |
33. Pianists Polish Yellow Pages - Polska - Poland - Polen Papadiamandis, Mathieu Young Greek pianist; short information and presenting hisdebut recording (needs flash-plugin). paratore, anthony and joseph- Piano duo http://www.yellowpages.pl/ca/212770/Pianists/ | |
34. Arts/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists URL http//www.nyiregyhazi.org/ Pollack Daniel Concert pianist; performs on URLhttp//www.danielpollack.com paratore anthony and joseph Piano duo born http://www.arts-entertainment-recreation.com/Arts/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Pia | |
35. »»Karnad, Girish Movie Reviews«« You will notice in this movie that mostly every pianist either plays on a Steinway,Bosendorfer, or Brothers joseph and anthony paratore showcase their http://www.family-movie-review.com/Arts/Literature/Drama/20th_Century/Karnad,_Gi | |
36. Künstlerbiografien Translate this page Ion Marin, Dirigent. Komponist und pianist, geboren in Rumänien, österr.Staatsbürger Seoul. joseph und anthony paratore, Klavier. Die http://www.gaponline.de/strauss/bio/biographi.htm | |
37. MusicTeachers.co.uk Online Journal - Home pianist Paul Janes interprets the Andante grazioso of Mozart s Piano Sonata and otherworks (Recording of the Month) anthony and joseph paratore pianos. http://www.musicteachers.co.uk/journal/index.php?issue=2001-03 |
38. Clickmusic: Clickmusic_Web_Guide/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists paratore, anthony and joseph Piano duo Parker, Jon Kimura Canadian pianist s web page,includes touring schedule, biography, interviews and reviews, pictures http://www.clickmusic.co.uk/Clickmusic_Web_Guide/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pian | |
39. New Product Review - Piano And Keyboard 20th Century Music for Two Pianos Brothers joseph and anthony paratore showcasetheir Arabesque, Papillons Though a successful pianist, conductor, and http://www.npreview.info/DVD/Musicals-and-Performing-Arts/Classical/Piano-and-Ke | |
40. Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists - Fractured Atlas Links Directory Papadiamandis, Mathieu Young Greek pianist; short information and presenting hisdebut recording (needs flashplugin). paratore, anthony and joseph Piano duo http://www.fracturedatlas.org/site/links/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianis | |
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