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Home - Pianists - Paratore Anthony Joseph |
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1. Past Artists Tuesday Musical Concert Series is a nonprofit concert series of international artists. anthony and joseph paratore, duo pianists. Erie Mills, soprano. Viktoria Mullova, violinist. Vladimir Ashkenazy, pianist Chamber Orchestra with joseph Kalichstein, pianist. Gil Shaham http://www.tuesdaymusicalomaha.org/past.htm | |
2. Instruments - Pianists Top Links French pianist page paratore, anthony and joseph Piano duo, born in Boston of Italian descent; includes biography, discography, repertory, and contact information. Li, Yundi - Chinese pianist http://www.music-instruments-list.com/Top_Arts_Music_Instruments_Keyboard_Piano_ | |
3. Burnside Distribution | Catalog | Classical Noel Coward, A Room with a View , Richard Conrad, William Merrill, pianist , NPD85647,Newport Classic, 0324665647 anthony joseph paratore, Classic Romance http://www.bdcdistribution.com/classical.htm | |
4. Untitled Sunday, February 1st 730 p.m. anthony and joseph paratore, Duo pianists Paul Shaw, Piano. Jamaican pianist Paul Shaw has performed to high critical acclaim at prestigious venues http://www.atlanticuc.edu/news.musicdeptrecitals.php | |
5. Nashua Community Concert Association--Historical Archives of Lithuania National Folk Ballet of Mexico Peter Nero pianist Benny Goodman TraditionIrving Berlin Century anthony and joseph paratore - duo-pianists http://www.gran-net.com/ncc/archive.htm |
6. ArkivMusic Classic Romance Iii - Piano Music / Anthony Paratore Rarely does one find two performers so completely in sync as anthony and joseph paratore.The pianist brothers work together seamlessly, their elegance lending http://www.arkivmusic.com/classical/album.jsp?album_id=37725 |
7. 2 F o u r W i n d s2002Catalog®Four Winds EntertainmentP.O. lanthony joseph paratore FWE pianist Alaine Fink, Vosburgh delivers a superlative performance of this demanding, clas sic twentieth century repertoire.anthony joseph paratore http://www.fourwinds-music.com/media/pdf/2002_Catalog.pdf |
8. Music Download Music Download. paratore, anthony and joseph Piano duo Music Download. Parker, JonKimura- Canadian pianist s web page, includes touring schedule, biography http://iomusic.com/Equipment_and_Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists/music_downl | |
9. Welcome To Four Winds Entertainment Four Winds Entertainment is a Record Label featuring Classical, Classical Romatic, Choral, Jazz and Rock Music selections and artists. On one piano or two, anthony joseph paratore have electrified audiences all over the world, since capturing first pianist Daniel Pollack's artistry has a flair for the romantics." http://www.fourwinds-music.com/ |
11. Search Directory Page Three standing ovations applauded anthony and joseph paratore's brilliant piano duet on January 26 January 16, 2005 Alpin Hong, The Fantastic pianist. April 2, 2005 Southern Fried http://www.tupelo-concerts.com/ | |
12. CFCE-FIF Official Home Page (The Festival Archives) 1993) McNicol, Richard LSO Animateur McCollum, John Tenor (1968) McPartland, MarianJazz pianist (1991) Mendelssohn paratore, anthony joseph Piano (1999 http://www.fif-lso.org/fif/archivesoloists.htm | |
13. MusicMoz - Instruments: Keyboard: Piano: Bands And Artists: P 1973) Classical pianist and educator, born in Sarajevo; site includes biography,repertoire, audio and video clips. paratore, anthony and joseph - Piano duo http://musicmoz.org/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Bands_and_Artists/P/ | |
14. Four Winds Entertainment - Free MP3 Music Downloads On SoundClick pianist Daniel Pollack s artistry has a flare for the romantics. Time MagazineSchumann Carnival Op 9 ..anthony and joseph paratore .. http://www.soundclick.com/bands/1/fourwindsentertainmentmusic.htm | |
15. Wauu.DE: Arts: Music: Instruments: Keyboard: Piano: Pianists: P Greek pianist; short information and presenting his debut recording (needs flashplugin).http//www.papadiamandis.com/. paratore, anthony and joseph Piano duo http://www.wauu.de/Arts/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists/P/ | |
16. Zip.ca: Classical Internationally renowned pianist Glenn Gould had all the marks of genius blinding 20thCentury Music For Two Pianos anthony And joseph paratore (1998), http://www.zip.ca/Category.aspx?catid=122&scatid=124 |
17. NPR : Performance Today For Wednesday, September 13, 1995 6, by pianist Konstanze Eickhorst (kohnSTAHN- zah EYEK-horst). (CPO 999 132-2).». The Boston-born piano guys, anthony and joseph paratore (pah-rah-TOH http://www.npr.org/rundowns/rundown.php?prgId=4&prgDate=13-Sep-1995 |
18. NPR : Performance Today For Wednesday, March 22, 1995 Our guests in Studio 4B this hour, clarinetist Richard Stoltzman and pianist JeremyWall The Boston Piano Guys, anthony and joseph paratore, (pairah-TOHR http://www.npr.org/rundowns/rundown.php?prgId=4&prgDate=22-Mar-1995 |
19. A Dog's Life: America's First Great Composer Neither the wouldbe pianist nor the audience was any the wiser. recording of thispiece for two pianos, performed by anthony and joseph paratore, on New http://borzoiblog.com/archives/007224.html | |
20. NPR Radio Broadcast-The American Sinfonietta you ll hear in a very wellreceived performance by pianist Gustavo Romero Date 09-13-95The Boston-born piano guys, anthony and joseph paratore (pah-rah http://www.americansinfonietta.org/news.htm | |
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