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41. IC News Releases: Ithaca Native Fritz Gearhart To Perform With Owings-Gearhart D Gearhart will return to his hometown to perform a guest recital at Ithaca Collegeon Sunday, September 19, at 815 pm pianist john owings will collaborate with http://www.ithaca.edu/news/article.php?id=303 |
42. St. Mark S Episcopal Church In San Antonio, TX-Music Ministries Church Chamber Music owingsGeahart Duo pianist john owings and violinist FritzGearhart continue to delight audiences with the power of their music-making. http://www.stmarks-sa.org/Modules/Music/ConcertSeries.html |
43. Performers as Nancy Garrett, Ian Hobson, Claude Frank, Tamas Ungar, john owings, William Race StevenHarlos, pianist, made his debut as a soloist in 1986, performing the http://www.muphiepsilondallas.org/new_page_2.htm | |
44. Nashville Scene - Printer-Friendly Version songs and her fine touring band, comprised of Nashville residents Doug Lancio onguitar, Dave Jacques on bass, drummer Bryan owings, pianist john Deaderick and http://archives.nashvillescene.com/cgi-bin/printer.cgi?story=Back_Issues:2004:Ja |
45. Rochester Review University Of Rochester that he made his third consecutive appearance in the MidAmerica concert series inWeill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall with pianist john owings on September 21 http://www.rochester.edu/pr/Review/V62N3/cn-east.html | |
46. Rochester Review V62 N1--Eastman Notes On March 18, Fritz Gearhart 88E (MM) was featured on NPR s PerformanceToday with pianist john owings of Texas Christian University. http://www.rochester.edu/pr/Review/V62N1/cn-east.html | |
47. UC Davis Psychology - Faculty News The panel, which included the German conductor and pianist Christian Zacharias bysuch Psychology affiliates as Don owings, Aaron Rundus, john Ruys, Debra http://psychology.ucdavis.edu/news/2002Spring/Sp2002.htm | |
48. Robert Casadesus [RB]: Classical Reviews- March 2002 MusicWeb(UK) Hommage à Chausson (1955) 7.50 Fritz Gearhart (violin) john owings (piano) Kathryn tomoderately wellinformed music lovers as a pianist whose performances http://www.musicweb.uk.net/classrev/2002/Apr02/casadesus.htm | |
49. Classical CD Review Archive - Classical - April 2002 Part 3 C-L: Classical Music à Chausson (1955) 7.50 Fritz Gearhart (violin) john owings (piano) - Kathryn These1970s recordings unquestionably display a formidable pianist at work. http://www.musicweb.uk.net/classrev/2002/Apr02/1aApr02-3.htm | |
50. Events 2 Herbst Konzert Gemuetlichkeit 78 Glockenchor 7-9 Art Past Dark 7-9 Die KunstlerFine Art Exhibit 9 john owings, (concert pianist) in concert 11 Veterans http://www.fredericksburgtexas.net/events.htm | |
51. Art Past Dark Event Details Fredericksburg Music Club Presents pianist john owings in Concert 300pm at Fredericksburg United Methodist Church. (830)9972980 http://www.artpastdark.com/pages/Event Details.html | |
52. Search Price Unfiled Poducts Index 7070 a High Definition Compatible Digital (HDCD) recording.Once again pianist and arranger TheAmerican Piano - Barber, Copland, Carter / john owings The American http://www.amongnetworking.com/best/price/OpID_icat7070/CatType_VRTNOCATTYPE/pri | |
53. The Music Dealers Network: Musicians/Keyboard Players owings, john pianist and teacher; includes biography, discography,articles and photos. http//www.johnowings.com/ (Added Hits http://www.music-dealers.net/start/Musicians/Keyboard_Players/more5.html | |
54. The World Piano Competition as Nancy Garrett, Ian Hobson, Claude Frank, Tamas Ungar, john owings, William Race From19952000 she studied with world famous pianist Homero Francesch at http://amsa-wpc.org/artists.html | |
55. Blind Artists And Friends Concert is eager to return to her home in owings Mills john will be using some of his enhancementequipment Gardner, a classical, jazz and contemporary pianist was born http://www.mdtap.org/tt/2000.01/3-art.html | |
56. Music Department -- Goshen College Music Department 21 Friday, 800 pm, john owings, solo piano recital, Sauder Concert Hall. 730 pm,Fight for the Blessing, Ted Lee with pianist Ken Medema, Sauder Concert Hall. http://www.goshen.edu/music/schedule.php3 | |
57. Music Of William Quincy Porter, MP3 Album Music Download At EMusic Four Pieces For Violin and Piano; Improvisation for Violin and Piano (To Lois Porter);Variations for Violin and Piano (To Oscar Shumsky); john owings, pianist. http://www.emusic.com/albums/18637 | |
58. Spirit & Place Festival 2003 - Spirit & Place Festival Events Archive (2002) Composer/pianist Becky Archibald weaves a passion for the piano and her knowledgeof music into her original compositions. owings, Patte. Ridder, john E. http://www.spiritandplace.org/lastyear/archive.asp?theyear=2002&action=getpresen |
59. Baltimore Online - Baltimore Bride Vickie Preston The Godfather 410488-4699 Contact john Kutz Tom Entertainment 11-KGwynns Mill Ct, owings Mills 410 410-515-2080 Sean A. Ln, pianist/Jazz Group http://archives.baltimoremagazine.net/annuals/baltimorebride/bride_2004/resource | |
60. Clickmusic: Clickmusic_Web_Guide/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists tours, and news. owings, john pianist and teacher; site includes bio,discography, articles and photos. Paderewski, Ignaz Jan (1860 http://www.clickmusic.co.uk/Clickmusic_Web_Guide/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pian | |
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