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Home - Pianists - Osinchuk Juliana |
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21. Five Rising Classical Stars Mobberley. Musical America dubbed pianist juliana osinchuk a YoungArtist to Watch after her New York recital debut. The Alaskan http://www.azcentral.com/ent/arts/articles/0907fallclass07side1.html | |
22. NameTraq | Last Name: Juliana March Classic Concert pianist juliana osinchuk joinsthe Anchorage Symphony Orchestra for Phillip Munger s Piano Concerto, Op....... Date Mar 6, 2004 http://nametraq.com/genealogy_jan04/J/Juliana.shtml | |
23. Caramba! - Klavír John Grant (Kanada); Jose Luis Hernandez (Mexiko); juliana osinchuk (USA); June deToth (USA); Chopin III; Franz Liszt Page; The Prokofiev Page; Prokofiev as pianist; http://www.caramba.cz/page.php?PgID=548 |
24. Anchorage Muscians And Music Venues - Artists, Clubs, Dance, Bands osinchuk, juliana (local listing) Anchorage classical pianist educatedat the Juilliard School and offering workshops and recordings. http://www.jumptoyourcity.com/anchorage/music.html |
25. The NORTHERN LIGHT - University Of Alaska Student Newspaper 27 at 730 pm An hour before the show, local pianist juliana osinchuk will be leadinga preconcert talk. Tickets range $22-36 and are available at CarrsTix. http://light.uaa.alaska.edu/issues/2003_09_09/calendar.html | |
26. National Gallery Of Art Concert pianist juliana osinchuk will present a recital at the national Gallery of Art aspart of the museum s 59th annual concert season featuring acclaimed national http://www.thewashingtongroup.org/Events/2001/National Gallery of Art Concert.ht | |
27. Robbs Page Alyeska Resort. Fantasy Cars. Nora Kuegemanns page. pianist juliana osinchuk.Peter Johnsons page. Triumph Spitfire. This mutt here is Aurora ,. http://www.du.edu/~rkulin/ | |
28. Shopping Some Jlod Music Enterprises pianist, juliana osinchuk clips from someof her recordings. http//www.jlodmusic.com Related Shopping http://shopping.rahost.com/some.htm | |
29. Homer News OnlineCook Inlet Keeper Water Quality Laboratory Up And Running 03/11 Oct. 5 Fall Soiree, with juliana osinchuk, pianist, Dawn Lindsay, violin, andIra Glansbeek, cello, 730 pm, Bunnell Street Gallery. Admission. 2352662. http://www.homernews.com/stories/091902/ent_0919020011.shtml | |
30. MUSICAL ARTISTS songwriter. osinchuk, juliana Anchorage - classical pianist educatedat the Juilliard School and offering workshops and recordings. http://www.bigcityyellowpages.com/alaska/anchorage/music.html | |
31. [Dixielandjazz] FW: J. Bliss juliana osinchuk (pianist) had Ukrainian parents her father a medical doctor who managed to get to NYC where her mother worked in a sweat shop while her http://ml.islandnet.com/pipermail/dixielandjazz/2002-June/000335.html | |
32. Verzeichnis - Language: Englisch - Shopping - Entertainment - Recordings - Music 8. Jlod Music Enterprises pianist, juliana osinchuk clips from some of herrecordings. 9. Kempf, Freddy - Includes concert and recordings reviews. 10. http://webkatalog.freenet.de/freenet_page_66cd2f75544e7d99d0c4790401341206.html | |
33. Anchorage Daily News | Winter Soiree Winter Soiree pianist juliana osinchuk a Juilliard graduate with her doctoratein music - plays Cesar Franck s sonata for violin and piano with violinist http://www.adn.com/photos/lavrakas/v-9/ | |
34. Anchorage Daily News | Winter Soiree Winter Soiree Violinist Audrey Solomon and pianist juliana osinchuk perform inthe living room of David and Christine Brauner s Rabbit Creek Road residence http://www.adn.com/photos/lavrakas/v-8/ | |
35. Kenai Peninsula Online - Alaska NewspaperWhat's Happening 10/03/02 The Bunnell Street Gallery presents an Anchorage Festival of Music Fall ChamberMusic Soiree, featuring pianist juliana osinchuk, cellist Ira Glanskeek and http://peninsulaclarion.com/stories/100302/ins_100302ins0010001.shtml | |
36. Netscape Search Category - Individual Promotions Jlod Music Enterprises pianist, juliana osinchuk clips from some of her recordings.Kempf, Freddy (b.1977) Includes concert and recordings reviews. | |
37. Individual Promotions Directory classics. http//classicsoncd.com/ Jlod Music Enterprises pianist,juliana osinchuk clips from some of her recordings. http//www http://u-s-go.com/cgi.cfm/Top/Shopping/Entertainment/Recordings/Music/Specialty/ | |
38. Music: Specialty: Classical And Early: Individual Promotions At Speciality Mall' JLOD Music Enterprises presents juliana osinchuk, Concert pianist, Music Educatorand Recording Artist juliana osinchuk Concert pianist, Music Educator and http://specialitymall.com/ishop/Music/Specialty/Classical_and_Early/Individual_P | |
39. Shopping Directory: Individual Promotions classics. Jlod Music Enterprises http//www.jlodmusic.com pianist,juliana osinchuk clips from some of her recordings. Adagio http://shoppingguide.biz/directory/Top/Shopping/Entertainment/Recordings/Music/S | |
40. Wish7.com - Start Searching! Jlod Music Enterprises pianist, juliana osinchuk clips from some of herrecordings. The World of Opera Sales of CDs by tenor John Sayers. http://www.wish7.com/Shopping/Entertainment/Recordings/Music/Specialty/Classical | |
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