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81. Curtis Alumni Recital Series As a part of the Curtis Alumni Series, cellist Wendy Warner and pianist lambert Orkiswill play the works in a benefit for the school (they are also recording http://citypaper.net/articles/112395/article059.shtml | |
82. Steck/Orkis - Martinon/Res/Dello Martinon, Respighi Dello Joio. Sonatas for Violin Piano. William Steck, violin; lambert orkis, piano. Outstanding first recordings of two works by Jean Martinon, plus compatible works by Respighi http://www.gasparo.com/NewFiles/martinon.html | |
83. News And Media Relations The college will also present a master class featuring Grammy Awardwinning pianistlambert orkis and Philadelphia Orchestra violinist Lisa-Beth lambert. http://www.temple.edu/news_media/gc0308_306.html | |
84. Klassik.com: Aktuelle CD-Besprechung, DVD-Kritik, CD-Besprechungen, DVD-Kritiken lambert orkis. http://magazin.klassik.com/reviews/reviews.cfm?TASK=performer&art=interpret&lett |
85. Keyboard Workshop's Music Links - United States Explore the manyfaceted career of pianist lambert Orkisnoted for concertsand recordings as recital partner, chamber musician, soloist, who performs http://www.playpiano.com/links/unitedstates.html | |
86. Tango Song And Dance - Andre Previn , Johannes Brahms , Jascha Heifetz , Fritz K Mutters sensuous tone is perfect for Summertime. lambert orkis, Mutters longtimepianist, performs in the Brahms Hungarian Dances, the Kreisler pieces, and http://www.firstmusicreview.com/Tango_Song_and_Dance_B00007KMOV.html | |
87. Borusan Kültür Ve Sanat Konser, Sergi, Orkestra, Kitap, Müzik, Nota AnneSophie Mutter A life with Beethoven, Famous violonist Anne-Sophie Mutter andpianist lambert orkis, interpret Beethoven Spring and Kreutzer sonatas. http://www.borusansanat.com/english/kutuphane/yenilikler.asp | |
88. Web Metasearch : "mstislav Rostropovich" Ric. Explore the manyfaceted career of pianist lambert Orkisnotedfor concerts and recordings as recital partner, chamber music. http://ilectric.com/-/mstislav rostropovich | |
89. Music : Tango Song And Dance Mutter s sensuous tone is perfect for Summertime. lambert orkis, Mutter s longtimepianist, performs in the Brahms Hungarian Dances, the Kreisler pieces, and http://www.oldhouseweb.com/cgi-bin/davesamazon/products_feed.cgi?input_item=B000 |
90. George Crumb | The NEWS | Travels & Performances the California State University, Long Beach music department, and a professionalpianist, Ellen Burger {10} AnneSophie Mutter and lambert orkis performed Four http://www.musicweb.uk.net/crumb/travels.html | |
91. George Crumb | Deutsche Grammophon 469503 To capture the brilliant partnership between violinist AnneSophie Mutter andpianist lambert orkis, one only has to look to their riveting recording of http://www.georgecrumb.net/rec/dg469503.html | |
92. Pianists 2. Welcome to the Website of lambert orkis Explore the manyfaceted career ofpianist lambert orkisnoted for concerts and recordings as recital partner http://violinmp3.com/simon/classicalmusic/performers-pianists.htm |
93. NPR : Performance Today For Wednesday, February 22, 1995 . VIOLINIST ANNESOPHIE MUTTER. Violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter and pianist LambertOrkis perform a suite from the ballet Pulcinella by Igor Stravinsky. http://www.npr.org/rundowns/rundown.php?prgId=4&prgDate=22-Feb-1995 |
94. Iclassics.com - Classical Music And More In 1998, violinist AnneSophie Mutter and her recital partner, pianist LambertOrkis, did nothing except perform Beethoven s violin sonatas. http://www.iclassics.com/iclassics/feature.jsp?featureId=275 |
95. Sebastian Currier, Composer His work Aftersong was written for violinist AnneSophie Mutter who, with pianistLambert orkis, premiered the work at the Schleswig-Holstein Festival http://www.collagenewmusic.org/currier.html | |
96. RONDO-Archiv: Penderecki, Violinkonzert Nr. 2, Mutter Translate this page Meilenstein werden können, wenn der Geigerin ein pianist vom Schlage Bei LambertOrkis jedoch fehlen - schon rein klanglich - prägendes Profil, wirksame http://www.rondomagazin.de/klassik/p/penderecki/kp01.htm | |
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