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Home - Pianists - Orkis Lambert |
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1. Welcome To The Website Of Lambert Orkis Explore the manyfaceted career of pianist lambert Orkisnoted for concertsand recordings as recital partner, chamber musician, soloist, who performs http://www.lambertorkis.com/ | |
2. Reed Web Design - Portfolio - Lambert Orkis, Pianist lambert orkis, classical pianist. lambert orkis performs worldwide concertsin North America, Europe and Asia. Visit the Site. lambert orkis, pianist. http://www.reedwebdesign.com/orkis.htm | |
3. ArkivMusic From Hammers To Bytes - Wernick, Primosch / Lambert Arkivmusic.com, the onestop shop for all your classical music needs! Keyboard virtuoso lambert orkis is heard in the premiere of two major works, dedicated to and composed for as a duo partner with composer/pianist Primosch. Wernick's Piano Sonata No http://www.arkivmusic.com/classical/album.jsp?album_id=72554 |
4. National Arts Associates - M-N-O Olson, Lynn Freeman* pianist, Atlanta Alumnae 1978. One, Darryl - Eta Pi 1998. orkis, lambert - pianist, Washington DC Alumnae 1996 http://www.sai-national.org/mship/naam.html | |
5. Lambert Orkis - Recordings - As Soloist - Gottschalk Explore the manyfaceted career of pianist lambert Orkisnoted for concerts and recordings as recital partner, chamber musician, soloist, who performs traditional and contemporary music playing http://www.lambertorkis.com/sologotts.htm | |
6. CMA Events : Lambert Orkis, Pianist/electronics Keys To The Future (From Hammers Wednesday, March 31, 730. lambert orkis, pianist/electronics Keysto the Future (From Hammers to Bytes) Wednesday, March 31, 730. http://www.clevelandart.org/educef/mseries/html/7505124.html | |
7. CMA Events : Lambert Orkis, Pianist/electronics Keys To The Future (From Hammers lambert orkis, pianist/electronics Keys to the Future (From Hammersto Bytes) Wednesday, March 31, 730. orkisGRAY2=ChadEvansWyatt.jpg. http://www.clevelandart.org/educef/mseries/html/9942323.html | |
8. CMA Events : Lambert Orkis, Pianist/electronics Keys To The Future (From Hammers Musart Series 20032004. Musart Mondial Series. lambert orkis, pianist/electronics. Keys to the Future (From Hammers to Bytes) Wednesday, March 31, 730. lambert orkis, pianist/electronics. Keys to http://www.clemusart.com/educef/mseries/html/7505124.html | |
9. Performance: Fortas: Nurit Bar-Josef And Lambert Orkis Oct 19, 2003 At 7:30 PM Nurit BarJosef, violinist, and lambert orkis, pianist, in duo recital Nurit Bar-Josef,the highly praised concertmaster of the National Symphony Orchestra http://www.kennedy-center.org/calendar/index.cfm?fuseaction=showEvent&event=MEFS |
10. Lambert Orkis music. lambert orkis. Classical. Need an excuse to get off your ass and attendthe recital by pianist lambert orkis on Sunday night? Take your pick. http://citypaper.net/articles/2002-04-11/music6.shtml | |
11. Performance: Fortas: Nurit Bar-Josef And Lambert Orkis Oct 19, 2003 At 7:30 PM Two National Symphony Orchestra principals come together for classic sonatas by Mozart, Bach, and Prokofiev. Nurit BarJosef, violinist, and lambert orkis, pianist, in duo recital hued elegance(The Washington Post). pianist lambert orkis appears on the world's foremost concert platforms http://www.kennedy-center.org/calendar/index.cfm?fuseaction=showEvent&event= |
12. Artist Page Fantasy Quintet, Dexter Morrill, lambert orkis, 1356, n/a. lambertorkis is a pianist for all seasons. No make that a keyboardist http://innova.mu/artist1.asp?skuID=168 |
13. Mutter's Musical Genius Plays Well / Davies Recital Also Shows Off level of equal and intimate partnership on display by the violinist and her longtime colleague, pianist lambert orkis And in orkis, a pianist of subtle but farreaching skill, she http://www.sfgate.com/ea/kosman/dd66295.html | |
14. Artist Page Chamber Symphony, n/a. Fantasy for solo harpsichord, n/a. Fantasy Quintet,Dexter Morrill, n/a. lambert orkis is a pianist for all seasons. http://innova.mu/artist1.asp?skuID=149 |
15. Anne-Sophie Mutter // Lambert Orkis Translate this page Als Erster pianist des Washingtoner National Symphony Orchestra ist LambertOrkis als orchestraler Solist bei der RCA-Aufnahme von Leonard Slatkins http://www.anne-sophie-mutter.de/m_orkis.htm | |
16. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results 13. PERFORMING ARTS The Washington Post; March 16, 2004 orkis lambertWhen pianist lambert orkis and violinist LisaBeth lambert were http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_thesauru |
17. WETA: Press Room: Fortas lambert orkis lambert orkis has garnered international recognition for the NationalSymphony Orchestra, orkis holds the been celebrated as a pianist of notable http://www.weta.org/pressroom/fortas/slatkin.html | |
18. BRIDGE 9131 - From Hammers To Bytes Keyboard virtuoso lambert orkis is heard in the premiere recordings orkis has alsohad a long relationship with the a duo partner with composer/pianist Primosch http://www.bridgerecords.com/9131.htm | |
19. BRIDGE 9082 Richard Wernick: Paino Concerto; Violin Concerto Played brilliantly by pianist lambert orkis, Wernicks Piano Concerto is a workthat reconciles modernism with classical architecture a work of extreme http://www.bridgerecords.com/9082.htm | |
20. Theatre: January-May 2003 Schedule Grammy Award winning pianist lambert orkis and violinist LisaBeth lambert, who wasa member of the National Symphony Orchestra for six seasons before joining http://www.theatre-washington-va.com/Schedule.cfm?TheScheduleID=20 |
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