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41. ☼ UK Present > StudentBookWorld > Instruments > VIOLIN FRAUD; VIOLIN MAKING OSSMAN BRUCE; YOUNG pianist. Other Items Relatingto Instruments, 5.45. Mahler Instrumental Works chitose okashiro. £13.99. http://www.uk-present.co.uk/StudentBookWorld/Instruments/ | |
42. Virtuoso Piano Transcription : Discography Copeland (Pearl, GEMS 0001); THE COMPOSERpianist Marc-Andre RICHARD WAGNER PIANOTRANSCRIPTIONS, chitose okashiro (ProPiano, PPR224521); MUSSORGSKY PICTURES http://www.ne.jp/asahi/piano/natsui/CD.htm | |
43. {player, Performer} + {site} + {WWW, Web, W3} chitose okashiro Official Web Site ?(2002) Classical pianist, chitose okashiro sOfficial Web Site, and her own record label, Chateau Reacords site. http://edge.ee.tokushima-u.ac.jp/urls/word/p/l/ayer /site /www.html | |
44. Audio Ideas Guide A/V News: Francine Kay Triumphs In Pro Piano Recital Series 20 of playing a single ugly note, Canadian pianist Francine Kay has pianists who demonstratedsuch musically startling profundity chitose okashiro (I993,) and http://www.audio-ideas.com/articles/francine.html | |
45. Programm 2000 Esinevad Pärnu koorid ja Pärnu Linnaorkester, dirigeerib Olari Elts. Avakontserdilastub üles ka tuntud pianist chitose okashiro Jaapanist. Reede,, 21. juuli, http://www.prkf.ee/ajalugu/2000/prog.htm | |
46. Programme 2000 C. Kreek Reekviem Pärnu choirs, Pärnu Town Orchestra, conductingOlari Elts. pianist chitose okashiro from Japan. Friday,, July 21, http://www.prkf.ee/english/history/2000/prog_eng.htm | |
47. Yamaha Drums For Sale Los Angeles classifieds Schumann Symphonic Etudes Classical Music CD for sale (2GBJ9) The initialrelease in the PPR catalogue from the great pianist, chitose okashiro. http://www.sak-kloth.com/products1/24/yamaha-drums-for-sale-los-angeles.html | |
48. :: En Construcción ::MasQueUnion.com - Chat, Comunidad, Foros, Postales, Etc... biography, discography, schedule and announcements for the classical pianist. OkapiGuitar Band (1); okashiro, chitose provides profile, repertoire, discography http://www.masqueunion.com/musica/webs/index.cgi?seccion=15 |
49. Scriabin On Disc The outstanding Swedish pianist Dag Achatz joins Yukie Nagai in a suave, deftlyshaded reading (BIS 746), while chitose okashiro, in a remarkable technical http://www.mvdaily.com/articles/2001/12/scriabn3.htm | |
50. Pianos And Pianists - COPYWRITE chitose okashiro Darker, Deeper, Satisfaction Abounding . a current advertisementfrom New Yorkbased Pro Piano Records alias PPR alias pianist s Perspective http://www.mvdaily.com/articles/2000/01/ppcpywrt.htm | |
51. Scriabin Etudes Complete Classical Music CD Our Price $. Version Audio CD 5D. Scriabin Etudes Complete (World sONLY such COMPLETE compilation on CD.) chitose okashiro pianist. http://shop.certiport.com/Shop/Control/Product/fp/vpid/169020/vpcsid/0 |
52. The Music Dealers Network: Musicians/Keyboard Players http//www.nyiregyhazi.org/ (Added Hits 11) Review It Upgrade to Silver/Gold.okashiro, chitose Japanese pianist. Includes biography http://www.music-dealers.net/start/Musicians/Keyboard_Players/more5.html | |
53. Arizona State-Wide Calendar Of Events December 2001 3, SUN CITY Sun Cities Chamber Music Society Concert Bellevue Heights Church,chitose okashiro, pianist performs music of Franck, Debussy, Chopin, Liszt, $18 http://www.azmetro.com/cofe/december01.asp | |
54. Insite Ranking 6. TCHAIKOVSKY Sym 6 (piano) / chitose okashiro. Once again, the discoveryof another pianist who can be dubbed par excellence. http://www.insite-tokyo.com/ranking/ranking_tower00/ranking_tower0500.html | |
55. ►► At Least Blind Jury Heard Perfectly This TIme - Press Release On of playing even a single ugly note, Canadian pianist Francine Kay pianists who demonstratedsuch musically startling profundity chitose okashiro (1993,) and http://art-entertainment.press-world.com/v/29723.html | |
56. New York's Premier Alternative Newspaper. Arts, Music, Food, Movies And Opinion chitose okashiro performs piano concerto, Only She Can Inbue The Rainbows Colors SopranoAilleen Jane Bramhall pianist Robert H. Smith perform works of Berg http://www.nypress.com/14/22/listings/classical.cfm | |
57. Calendar: Oyster Bay Enterprise Pilot; December 11, 1997 Call 9220036 for information. Piano Concert. pianist chitose okashiro will performworks by Chopin, Debussy and Scriabin at the Locust Valley library on Dec. http://www.antonnews.com/oysterbayenterprisepilot/1997/12/11/calendar/ | |
58. Fall98soc September 18th, 8pm, Secrest Artist Series, chitose okashiro, pianist.9/30, 10/1, 10/2, or 10/3, 8pm, The Matchmaker, WFU Theatre. http://www.wfu.edu/Student-organizations/euzelian/fall98soc.html | |
59. The SoundDirectory - - /SoundDirectory/Top/Arts/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano downloads. okashiro, chitose Japanese pianist. Includes biography, discography,concert tours, and news. In English and Japanese. Sanrom http://www.deltaz-palaze.de/SoundDirectory/Top/Arts/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/P | |
60. ABC Classic FM Music Details: Monday 25 June 2001 McLaughlin, g Verve 539 1532 5 Sakamoto Chanson - chitose okashiro, p ProPiano 8 12.00am EILEEN JOYCE More archival recordings by the pianist whose biography http://www.abc.net.au/classic/daily/stories/s403866.htm | |
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