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Home - Pianists - Mcmillen Blair |
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41. Walden School - Concert Series Concert Series will commence with a recital by pianist and Walden clarinet), GabrielBolkosky (violin), HaYang Kim (cello), blair mcmillen (piano), Nathan http://www.waldenschool.org/concert/2003series.shtml | |
42. Kalvos And Damian Ought-One Festival: Ought One Have Attended? Kitchen Table and Raw Silk (A Rag) show this pianist s fascination with Fingland (clar.),Gabriel Bolkosky (vn), HaYang Kim (cello), blair mcmillen (pno), and http://ought-one.com/ought1-reviews06.html | |
43. Ccm :: Doolittle, Emily Doolittle Doolittle, Emily (fem) 1972 Canada Nova Scotia, Halifax pianist, oboist. Bolkoskyviolin, Ha-Yang Kim cello, Nathan Davis percussion, blair mcmillen piano, 1 http://composers-classical-music.com/d/DoolittleEmily.htm | |
44. SSBM | Stuff | MP3 Collections Andru Donalds 1999-Snowin Under My Skin - 10 - blair mcmillen - SONY CAREER Shanti- Tichinabet 2222 FRANCINE KAY, Premiere Canadian pianist - DEBUSSY THE http://biger.kiev.ua/stuff/mp3/19 | |
45. Music Download violin, Ned McGowenflute, Gregory Oakes-clarinet, blair mcmillen-piano, Nathan MusicDownload. Patria Productions- Record label of pianist Marjan Kiepura Music http://iomusic.com/Styles_of_Music/Classical/iomusic_mp3_mp3_mp38.html | |
46. CONCERTEN Concert XXXI Dedicated to new and groundbreaking projects, blair mcmillen is committed to theperformance Zij spelen, naast eigen werk, met pianist Samuel Vriezen For One http://concerten.free.fr/m/c/program/XXXI.html | |
47. Acusmatica.com Music Technology & Composition Miller Theater blair mcmillen performs music by Berio and Scelci. Interpretationspresents trombone virtuoso David Taylor and pianist Kumi Ogano. http://acusmatica.7host.com/news.asp?Id=466 |
48. Tunez - Browse By Artist blair mcmillen LINCOLN CEN 01 01 mozart symph 40 01 Track 1.mp3 01_04 Track 4 1819 20 21 A Tribe Called Quest ACDC Air ALBERT FRANTZ, pianist Alkaline Trio http://rock.pillo.org/browse_artist.php | |
49. Counter)induction : News The soloist was blair mcmillen, the young pianist of Counter)induction, whowith his performances on this program announced himself as a prodigiously http://www.counterinduction.com/news.php?newsID=000005 |
50. Music Links - New Music Thomas Moore, pianist New Music Links, 14%. Gabriel Bolkosky-violin, Ned McGowen-flute,Gregory Oakes-clarinet, blair mcmillen-piano, Nathan davis-percussion. http://www.beatmode.com/music-links/newmusic.html | |
51. Calendar Guest speaker blair mcmillen presents Piano Music Inspired by Popular Culture. Saluteto Spring Concert will be performed by pianist, Alexander Peskanov http://www.antonnews.com/glencoverecordpilot/calendar/ | |
52. Search Price Unfiled Poducts Index 7153 recordings made by Shostakovich.The young Dmitri Shostakovich started out as botha pianist $12.99 at Kate Dillingham, blair mcmillen Debussy, Honegger, Faur? http://www.amongnetworking.com/best/price/OpID_icat7153/CatType_VRTNOCATTYPE/pri | |
53. USM Libraries - Alphabetical List Of Collections musical scores by composer and concert pianist born in of Hattiesburg, Mississippiarchitect Steve blair, Jr., ca. of historian Dr. Neil mcmillen about Citizens http://www.lib.usm.edu/~archives/alpha.php | |
54. Cygnus Ensemble - Program Notes As pianist he has premiered over100 compositions by composers from around the by FredSherry, David Holzman, Stephanie Griffin and blair mcmillen, plus and the http://cygnusensemble.com/pnotes.html | |
55. Classical Music - Andante - Web Directory Louise Bessette Profile. page at Mode Records See cached version. mcmillen,blair. page at Non Sequitur. Moravec, Ivan. Nada Maria Loutfi pianist. http://www.andante.com/Directories/Web/index.cfm?iTopID=12&iPage=3 |
56. Adam B. Silverman / Miscellaneous http//www.lefton.net . blair mcmillen is a pianist who played my piece Those MeanReds twice and still talks to me despite it. http//www.blairmcmillen.com . http://www.adambsilverman.com/misc.html | |
57. About Edmund Rubbra's Music 87 (Kimberly Hughes, mezzosoprano, blair mcmillen, piano and Stephanie Griffin,viola at the Oboe sonata (Alison Teale, oboe - no mention of pianist?, in the http://www.geocities.com/eschiss1/rubbra.html | |
58. Catholic Prayer Page - Famous Catholics of British Prime Minister Tony blair) Billy Connolly Brubeck (convert jazz composerand pianist) Leif Erikson Black Sox scandal) Tom mcmillen (Rhodes Scholar http://www.geocities.com/catholic_prayer/fc_list.html | |
59. Action TV Online - Suspense Episode Guide Betty blair), Robert Urquhart (Sam blair), David Lander Hilary Mason (Mrs Giddy),Mary mcmillen (Mrs Rimmer s Voice White Synopsis A famous pianist, a Command http://www.btinternet.com/~screeny/guides/suspense.htm | |
60. About The Performers blair mcmillen (piano) leads a varied life as soloist, chamber new and traditionalrepertoire, Mr. mcmillen is a He was also recently named pianist for the http://www.newmusicbox.org/webcasts/ball/performers.nmbx | |
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