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61. ArkivMusic Chopin, Enescu, Ravel, Liszt, Brahms / Dinu Lipatti 104 most recently appeared on APR (see my review of dinu lipatti The complete Third Sonata is cleaned up to the point where the pianist s darting articulation http://www.arkivmusic.com/classical/album.jsp?album_id=9100 |
62. JEAN NEGULESCO dinu lipatti (19171950). in Romania, to parents noth wealthy and musical, lipatti began playing infancy and made his public debut, as both pianist and composer http://www.cpcug.org/user/stefan/lipatti.html | |
63. :: EMI MUSIC GERMANY :: EMI CLASSICS :: DINU LIPATTI :: BIOGRAFIE Translate this page Der große pianist Alfred Cortot verlässt aus Protest gegen diese Entscheidung Bei Ausbruch des Zweiten Weltkrieges kehr dinu lipatti nach Rumänien zurück http://www.emiclassics.de/552895/biografie.html | |
64. Music For The Left Hand et al.. New York G. Schirmer, c1985. Series title The pianist s repertoire. Philadelphia T. Presser co., 1903. SOUND RECORDING lipatti, dinu, 19171950. http://www.io.com/~cortese/left/leftmus.html | |
65. Record Error ; Others - Youngrok LEE's Music Page 1980s as Supraphon recording of Halina CzernyStefanska(Polish female pianist, famous not BBC(Of course he checked the tape with Madeleine lipatti, dinu s widow http://my.dreamwiz.com/fischer/RecordError/EOthers.htm | |
66. Pressedienst 07. Mai 2004: Primadonna Assoluta Der Geige Und Der neue Dinu Translate this page Ihr Partner wird der pianist Mihai Ungureanu sein, der in der internationalen Fachpresse als der ?neue dinu lipatti gefeiert wird. http://www.uni-oldenburg.de/presse/mit/2004/103.html | |
67. Nadia Boulanger - Encyclopedia Article About Nadia Boulanger. Free Access, No Re . Click the link for more information. dinu lipatti dinu lipatti (March 19, 1917 December 2, 1950) was a Romanian pianist. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Nadia Boulanger | |
68. George Enescu - Encyclopedia Article About George Enescu. Free Access, No Regist . Click the link for more information. and dinu lipatti dinu lipatti (March 19, 1917 December 2, 1950) was a Romanian pianist. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/George Enescu | |
69. Buy Dinu Lipatti Chopin: Waltzes, Etc. - Opuscds.com Classical Music Cd Store Artist dinu lipatti. The legendary Romanian pianist (who died in 1950 at the tragically young age of 33) is heard here in one of his most famous recordings http://www.opuscds.com/cd/26616 | |
70. StereoTimes -- Strictly On The Record By Igor Kipnis Daniel Barenboim conducting both works and also participating as pianist in K a first the Bartók Third Piano Concerto with the great dinu lipatti, recorded in http://www.stereotimes.com/mr122900.shtm | |
71. Ny Side 1 dinu lipatti RumanianFrench pianist, composer and teacher. Bucharest, 19.03.1917 - Geneva, 02.12.1950. When dinu lipatti died at http://hjem.get2net.dk/Brofeldt/Catalogue_l.htm | |
72. Instrumentalists - Catalog 30 lipatti, dinu Rumanian composer pianist-typed postcard written about 12 months before he died in Geneva of leukemia (1950) at the age of 33 to Marcel http://www.rgrossmusicautograph.com/instrument30.html | |
73. Instrumentalists - Catalog 31 William SP superb 10 x 12 dashing portrait of the legendary pianist d/s lipatti. dinu- message on verso of picture post card of Roma to Marcel Mihalovici 1938 http://www.rgrossmusicautograph.com/instrument31.html | |
74. Musik Für Klavier Und Andere Tasteninstrumente Dinu Lipatti - Les Inedits - Jpc lipatti war ein einzigartiger pianist - nicht nur http://www.jpc-music.com/7456040.htm | |
75. Angel Records The genius of the Romanianborn pianist dinu lipatti (who died of leukaemia in 1950, at the tragically young age of 33) has long been celebrated, yet his small http://www.angelrecords.com/Detail.asp?UPCCode=724356777521 |
76. Window To Romania - Famous Romanians dinu was born in Bucharest on March 19, 1917 His mother was an excellent pianist, and his father was lipatti began playing the piano while still in infancy and http://windowtoromania.com/wtr/famous2.asp?catid=3 |
77. M U S I K B I B L I O T E K . D K - Et Stykke Med Romantisk Barok... Og så er der alle de andre den engelske pianist Myra Hess, der på samme tid som dinu lipatti, nemlig omkring 2. verdenskrig, gjorde sig stærkt bemærket http://www.musikbibliotek.dk/Artikel_vis.asp?ArtikelId=1107 |
78. The Classical Music Guide March 17 Wednesday dinu lipatti - pianist - Born 1917 Betty Allen - Mezzo - Born 1930. March 18 - Thursday James Conlon - Conductor - 1950. http://www.classicalmusicguide.com/mcalendar.htm | |
79. Violinist Georges Enesco/George Enescu And The Remington Celiny ChailleyRichez, pianist. From about 1963 is Monitor 2049 with Georges Enesco playing his Second Sonata accompanied by dinu lipatti (taken from 78 RPM http://www.soundfountain.com/remenes.html |
80. Chopin: Waltzes Nos. 1-14 - Fryderyk Chopin , Dinu Lipatti 114 by Artist Fryderyk Chopin , dinu lipatti Manufacturer Angel Records Released 12 January, 1999 Audio CD Sales Rank lipatti is the one pianist who can http://www.classicalmusicreview.com/Chopin_Waltzes_Nos_114_B00000GCA8.html | |
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