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81. Classical Music - Andante - A Great Young Chinese Pianist (and Not The One You T news China s li yundi, Chopin PrizeWinning pianist, Makes CD Debut in His Homeland expired China Daily - 25 December 2001. interviews http://www.andante.com/article/article.cfm?id=22309&highlight=1&highlightterms=& |
82. VH1.com Maria Callas CLASSICAL BEAT Maria Callas, Daniel li yundi has been named the winner of Poland s Frédéric yundi will receive the $25,000 first prize and the life from his youth as a vaudeville pianist in the http://www.vh1.com/artists/news/1223941/10232000/callas_maria.jhtml |
83. Peddie School pianist li yundi and Gao. Max lipton 07, one of the four Chinese language students who attended the piano concert in Washington, DC. Simon Kim 07. http://newsbriefs.peddie.org/news/detail.asp?newsid=92023&thispage=default |
84. Chan To Topline H.K. 'Art Of War' other 30episode series Love Affairs in Tang Dynasty, A Tale of Two Emperors and The pianist, based on the life of Chinese pianist li yundi, who won the http://vikingphoenix.com/public/SunTzu/chansuntzu.htm | |
85. Asiaweek.com | Teen's Golden Note | 11/03/2000 43 SEARCH ASIAWEEK Teen s Golden Note By the time the last notes of Chopin s Eminor concerto died away, Chinese pianist li yundi could feel the vibes. http://www.asiaweek.com/asiaweek/magazine/2000/1103/as.people.html | |
86. Asiaweek.com | People | 2/2/2001 Classical music enthusiasts were thrilled recently when it was announced that Shenzhenbased pianist li yundi was to give a one-night-only performance in the http://www.asiaweek.com/asiaweek/magazine/nations/0,8782,96639,00.html | |
87. Iclassics.com - Classical Music And More Feature Articles. The Aliszt yundi li s liszt Recital yundi li is a pianist intimately conversant with liszt s multifaceted musical world. http://www.iclassics.com/homepage.jsp/iclassics/album.jsp?selectionId=45771 |
88. CHOPIN Recital Li [AT]: Classical CD Reviews- Aug 2002 MusicWeb(UK) Apparently an admirer of Zimmerman, yundi li certainly achieves that great pianists thoughtful clarity and attention to detail, albeit at slightly less http://www.musicweb.uk.net/classrev/2002/Aug02/Chopin_Li.htm | |
89. Music: Chopin Recital - Fryderyk Chopin Yundi Li (new - Used - Reviews) This is not your grandfather s Chopin playing! Chinese pianist yundi li won the 2000 Warsaw International Chopin Competition at the age of 18....... http://shop.politinfo.com/products/index-B00005UVZB.html | |
90. Macao Cultural Centre studios, has turned the pianist into an overnight sensation in his native land. For the Fifth Anniversary of the Macao Cultural Centre, yundi li is making his http://www.ccm.gov.mo/en/page/page_programs/programs_details.asp?event_id=500 |
91. Lawrence(ks).com : Costa To Perform Brahms Concerto As a juror, Costa listened to the contestants play Chopin music for 10 hours a day for three weeks. The winner li yundi, an 18year-old pianist from China. http://lawrence.com/news/music/story/32226 | |
92. ConcertoNet.com - The Classical Music Network Since winning the Chopin Competition in 2000, yundi li has enjoyed an ever bringing to Gotham this young, hypermediatized, and surely very talented pianist. http://www.concertonet.com/scripts/review.php?ID_review=2406 |
93. Buechertipp24.de Musik CD Chopin Recital Musik CD Kaufen Translate this page Hat es etwas zu bedeuten, wenn ein junger pianist den renomierten Chopin Wettbewerb in Warschau gewinnt? yundi li ist sicherlich mit 19 Jahren der jüngsten http://www.buechertipp24.de/details/pop-music/Chopin:_Recital/B00005UVZB/ |
94. China's Well-off Society Gives Flourish To Piano Playing: Li Yundi the condition for parents to encourage their children to study various arts, such as piano playing, painting and dances,renowned Chinese pianist li yundi said. http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/200302/23/eng20030223_112100.shtml | |
95. Taipei Times - Archives Nevertheless, the heart of the matter is that yundi li is an outstanding All the indications are that here is a major international pianist, supremely talented http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/feat/archives/2003/03/21/198972 |
96. International Frederick Chopin Piano Competiotion the youngest winner of the Competition yundi li (China) Award granted by the Frederick Chopin Society in Tokyo USD 1,000 for the best Polish pianist at the http://www.konkurs.chopin.pl/extra_new.html | |
97. Audioscrobbler :: User :: Bluechaotica Vienna Teng, 76. Garbage, 59. yundi li, 35. Sergei Rachmaninoff, 24. Bright Eyes, 21. the corrs, 2. Colm Wilkinson Terrence Mann, 2. The pianist, 2. Massive Attack, 2. Poe, 2. http://www.audioscrobbler.com/user/bluechaotica/ | |
98. Classical Piano Links Simon Lepper Piano Accompanist (UK), Michael Lewin pianist. yundi li pianist (CN), Carol lian pianist. Jenny lin pianist, Dinu lipatti pianist (d. 1950). http://www.carolinaclassical.com/pianolinks.html | |
99. Piano Forum - Liszt B Minor Sonata He s a brilliant pianist with fluent techinique. Though his liszt Sonata tends to be a bit fast . yundi li s liszt album is out already!! http://www.pianoforum.net/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=repo;action=display;num=10 |
100. Yundi Li : CD's And DVD's yundi li's liszt albumClick here to find it at yundi li's Chopin Competition DVD Click here to find it yundi li's Chopin Competition recording Click here to find it http://www.lugansky.homestead.com/YL_CD.html |
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