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Home - Pianists - Li Yundi |
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21. Chinese Pianist Wins Gold In Poland S Chopin Competition Chinese pianist li yundi won the gold medal Friday at the 14th Frederic Chopin International Piano Competition, the first time the event s top prize has been http://fpeng.peopledaily.com.cn/english/200010/20/eng20001020_53163.html |
22. Yundi Li - Chopin - Recital Insights In doing so he achieves the most interesting thing of which a pianist of our time is capable yundi li adds a new shading to something long familiar, uncovers http://www.deutschegrammophon.com/special/insighttext.htms?ID=yundili-chopin&DET |
23. Yundi Li - Chopin - Recital Insights in 15 years. This time the top prize was duly awarded, and it went to the 18year-old Chinese pianist yundi li. He also received http://www.deutschegrammophon.com/special/insighttext.htms?ID=yundili-chopin&DET |
24. Yundi Li Plays Liszt At Edifying Spectacle Here s the comment liSZT PIANO SONATA IN B MINOR; OTHER WORKS yundi li, pianist (Deutsche Grammophon) This Chinese player, born in 1982, is one to watch. http://edifyingspectacle.org/thanks/asinsearch_B00008GQTQ/ | |
25. Yundi Li [dh's Memoranda] Posted by AGM on January 28, 2003 0232 PM. yundi li is called KIMUTAKU of pianist in Japan. Kimutaku is the most popular young actor in Japan. http://uva.jp/dh/mt/archives/000068.html | |
26. Dh's Diary - April 1, 2004 - Yundi Li yundi li is called KIMUTAKU of pianist in Japan. Kimutaku is the most popular young actor in Japan. yundi li is called KIMUTAKU of pianist in Japan. http://uva.jp/dh/tdiary/19700225.html |
27. Buy Yundi Li Plays Liszt - Music - Computergames.ro Web Shop - Buy From Amazon.c liSZT PIANO SONATA IN B MINOR; OTHER WORKS yundi li, pianist (Deutsche Grammophon) This Chinese player, born in 1982, is one to watch His account of the http://shop.computergames.ro/shop/p/product/mode/classical/id/B00008GQTQ/yundi-l | |
28. Buy Yundi Li, Live From 14th International Frederick Chopin Piano Competition - dramatic movements at the piano Another young Chinese pianist of prominence read more Rating Congragulations yundi li played absolutely brilliantly He truly http://shop.computergames.ro/shop/p/product/mode/classical/id/B000068GO0/yundi-l | |
29. Li Yundi: Portrait Yundi Li - YesAsia.com Flawless technique and a poetic style yundi li won the First Prize at the 14th person to be awarded a First Prize in 15 years and the youngest pianist to win http://us.yesasia.com/en/PrdDept.aspx/pid-1002916447/aid-123/section-music/code- | |
30. Pure Music: Music Portrait yundi li, Portrait yundi li ~ li yundi Pure Music Lawrence The pianists Forever Collections (6CDs), Lawrence The pianist s Forever Collections (6CDs http://us.yesasia.com/en/artIdxDept.aspx/aid-123/did-864/section-music/code-w/ | |
31. Verkauf Versand - Yundi Li: Liszt Here s the commentliSZT PIANO SONATA IN B MINOR; OTHER WORKS yundi li, pianist (Deutsche Grammophon) This Chinese player, born in 1982, is one to watch. http://www.verkauf-versand.de/info-B00008GQTQ.html | |
32. Verkauf Versand - Chopin: Recital Translate this page Mein Klassiker Hat es etwas zu bedeuten, wenn ein junger pianist den renomierten Chopin Wettbewerb in Warschau gewinnt?yundi li ist sicherlich mit 19 Jahren http://www.verkauf-versand.de/info-B00005UVZB.html | |
33. Straight.com: Believe The Hype: Star Pianist Has Poetic Virtuosity For the Vancouver debut of Chineseborn pianist yundi li, mention of his first prize in 2000 for the 14th International Frederick Chopin Piano Competition http://www.straight.com/content.cfm?id=2225 |
34. Straight.com: Different Kind Of Keyboard First Captured Pianist captured pianist. By alexander varty Publish Date 15Apr-2004. Call it perverse, but it s interesting to speculate on what keyboard virtuoso yundi li might http://www.straight.com/content.cfm?id=2013 |
35. BIOGRAPHY Of YUNDI LI With yundi li, however, this notion seems not to apply. At 20 he is already a pianist capable of deciphering the message of a work and conveying it to his http://yundirecital.org/Yundi_Bio.htm | |
36. Blogcritics.org: A Startling Young Talent - Yundi Li: Chopin This CD leaves little doubt that yundi li is an extremely talented pianist. Even more encouraging is the fact that his playing is http://blogcritics.org/archives/2003/09/19/123451.php | |
37. 21st Century Online WITH his photogenic looks, prodigious technique, youthful enthusiasm, and immense talent, Chinese pianist li yundi has become a household name. http://www.21stcentury.com.cn/article.php?sid=7517&thold=0&mode=&order=0 |
38. Top Pianist Plays For His Country WITH his photogenic looks, prodigious technique, youthful enthusiasm, and immense talent, Chinese pianist li yundi has become a household name. http://www.21stcentury.com.cn/print.php?sid=7517 |
39. Events Worldrenowned pianist yundi li charmed Hong Kong music lovers again by a captivating performance at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University Jockey Club http://1010.hkcsl.com/jsp/per_whatisnew/per_whatisnew_events_04.jsp |
40. KlassikAkzente Yundi Li Nocturnes Aus Tschungking Translate this page Nach 15 Jahren Pause bekam mit yundi li erstmals wieder ein pianist den 1.Platz des renommierten Chopin-Wettbewerbes zugesprochen. Und das ist erst der Anfang. http://www.klassikakzente.de/page_6173.jsp |
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