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1. Boston.com / A&E / Music / Pianist Li's Performance Shows Prowess And Promise MusicMUSIC REVIEW. pianist li's performance shows prowess and promise. By Richard Dyer, Globe Staff, 4/12/2004 pianist yundi li has the talent, the looks, and the personal charisma to be a standardbearer for to some of the world, yundi li has the makings of a http://www.boston.com/ae/music/articles/2004/04/12/pianist_lis_performance_shows | |
2. Piano Prodigy Li Yundi Intelligent And Cool boost the sales of his new album, yundi li liszt, released to package me as a pop icon, li says. care about is advancing from being a pianist to becoming a http://www.china.org.cn/english/NM-e/85170.htm | |
3. Yundi Li Chinese pianist. Biographical notes, audio and video clips, press articles and photos. http://Yundili.homestead.com/ | |
4. Yundi Li, Pianist Founded in 1895, the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra is the fifth oldest symphony in the United States and represents the evolution of 200 years of musical tradition in the Queen City. yundi li, pianist. yundi lis professional career was launched with his thrilling victory at the Warsaw Chopin Competition in 2000. li is a superstar in the making, exclaimed http://www.cincinnatipops.com/aboutus/guest_artists/Li.htm |
5. Young Pianist Hits Right Note li yundi, a 18year-old pianist rose to world fame after he won first prize at the 14th International Frederic Chopin Piano Competition in Warsaw last month. http://www.china.org.cn/english/4098.htm | |
6. Yundi Li -Unofficial Fan Page A page about yundi li, the young Chinese pianist Rumours about a 30episode television series called The pianist, based on the life story of yundi li the life story of yundi li. Back to yundi http://www.lugansky.homestead.com/yl_news.html | |
7. Classical Music - Andante - China's Li Yundi, Chopin Prize-winning Pianist, Make China s li yundi, Chopin PrizeWinning pianist, Makes CD Debut in His Homeland. China Daily - 25 December 2001. This story appeared http://backoffice.andante.com/article/article.cfm?id=15421&highlight=1&highlight |
8. Yundi Li It has been two years since yundi li captured 1st prize at the International Chopin Competition in Warsaw is only one yundi li, and as a pianist he is irreplaceable http://www.geocities.com/adagiocanada/YundiLi.html | |
9. Yundi Li, Pianist yundi li, pianist. yundi lis professional career was launched with his thrilling victory at the Warsaw Chopin Competition in 2000. http://www.cincinnatisymphony.org/aboutus/guest_artists/Li.htm | |
10. Piano Prodigy Li Yundi Intelligent And Cool male Vanessa Mae. Reports say li yundi was born to be a pianist. China Daily/file. li yundi is in cool young kid mode. Wearing a http://www1.chinadaily.com.cn/en/doc/2004-01/19/content_300197.htm | |
11. Passion Flows On Keyboards As a result of his busy performing schedule abroad, Lang s profile locally can t compete with that of another young pianist, li yundi, who won the http://www1.chinadaily.com.cn/en/doc/2003-09/06/content_261859.htm | |
12. The Holland Sentinel: Entertainment: Chinese Industrial City Produces A Prodigy China It is perhaps against all odds that li yundi has become such a promising young pianist. His prized instrument in hand, li started lessons at the Sichuan Children's http://www.thehollandsentinel.net/stories/122400/ent_Chinese.html | |
13. Pianist Yundi Li Shares His Gifts (washingtonpost.com) Music pianist yundi li Shares His Gifts By Tim Page Washington Post Staff Writer Monday, September 22, 2003; Page C05. yundi li s http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn?pagename=article&node=&contentId=A44989 |
14. Yundi Li the condition for parents to encourage their children to study various arts, such as piano playing, painting and dances, renowned Chinese pianist li yundi said http://www.personal.psu.edu/users/e/u/euc106/Art002/Yundi.htm |
15. Classical Success Story last time there was a firstprize winner, li yundi was a toddler in central China who had recording studios, has turned the pianist into an overnight sensation in his http://journeyeast.tripod.com/classical_success_story.html | |
16. Li Yundi To Visit Taiwan Next February of the Taiwanbased Chinese-language daily China Times, Ars Formosa Company has signed a contract with internationally renowned pianist li yundi for a series http://www.taiwanheadlines.gov.tw/20001101/20001101s6.html | |
17. Li Yundi Rules Out Future Competitions, Li Yundi Rules Out Future Competitions Published February 14, 2001 Source The China Post. Mainland Chineseborn pianist li yundi, left, during a press conference in Taipei yesterday. http://www.taiwanheadlines.gov.tw/20010214/20010214s5.html | |
18. Public Service Announcement Contact Katie Kemple 202) 5331886 kkemple@wpas.org WPAS Presents pianist yundi li In His Kennedy Center Terrace Theater Recital Debut WASHINGTON PERFORMING ARTS SOCIETY PRESENTS pianist yundi li IN HIS http://www.wpas.org/pressroom/PSAs/YundiLiPSAfinal.pdf |
19. Yundi Li domain names and web hosting and url forwarding from V3. yundi li. pianist Click here to continue. http://go.to/Yundi/ | |
20. Li Yundi Drove Taiwan Audience Crazy The first Chinese pianist to win an award at the Chopin competition is Fou Ts ong, who ranked third and was given li yundi found himself following Fou Ts ong. http://fpeng.peopledaily.com.cn/english/200102/20/eng20010220_62911.html |
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