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61. Cosmik Debris' Staff Picks The Top Five Releases Of 2001
Zen music by the blind pianist Shearing. Sometimes Rhys Fulber and BillLeeb s Poem sounds like Dead Can Dance, sometimes like Enigma.
By the staff of Cosmik Debris Magazine
It's that time again. Time for the writers of Cosmik Debris, full time and contributors, to let you know what they think the best music of 2001 was. So ready or not, here it comes!
In previous years I've had a number one CD that I've saved for last. This year, all of my top five have equal billing, so I'm presenting them in alphabetical order. All five of these are getting a lot of speaker time at my place, and have been all year, as have the honorable mention CDs. BOWLING FOR SOUP : Let's Do It For Johnny (Jive) A Texas quartet that rocks punkish in the Mr. T. Experience tradition and came up with an album of unforgettable songs, most notably "The Bitch Song," with its catchy romantic lyric, "You're a bitch, but I love you anyway." The walls are made of distorted guitar and the floor shakes with bass and pounding drums that make you dance like you're on hot coals. The album's stamped with a 2000 date, but Jive's push didn't start until 2001. I haven't heard about them since. Tragic. COLESLAW : Self-Help (Potroast Records) Former Cosmik Debris Magazine artist coLeSLAw was always a jack-of-all-trades, master-of-allofem kind of guy, so I shouldn't have been as surprised as I was when his first music release, Self-Help, glued me to the spot for a mesmerizing hour. Slaw's music, if it must be labeled, is a form of electronica, but it's more like hypnotica. Take this CD, for instance. The deep bass and spacey piano swirls around the voice of The Infinite Jimmy Shlepitz, master self-help guru who spends the next hour selling you on an ever evolving concept until you realize a complete metamorphosis has taken place and you're just hoping somebody out there can hear you, that somebody's left alive. Does my description sound strange? Not half as strange as Self-Help, and that's why I can't stop listening to it, and that's why it's on this list.

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    Christina Jonke Habe jede Menge Ideen zu Filmhandlungen (familientauglich) zu Papier gebracht - auch Erstfassungen von Drehbüchern. Bin Journalistin und möchte mich vermehrt dem Drehbuchschreiben zuwenden.Bin für jeden Tip, wie man solche Produkte vertreibt dankbar. Dietrich Siegl Schau ma mal...

64. Kolisch, Rudolf, 1896-. Papers: Guide.
bMS Mus 195. Kolisch, Rudolf, 1896. Papers Guide. Houghton Library, Harvard College Library. 2000 The President and Fellows of Harvard College. Descriptive Summary. Repository Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
bMS Mus 195
Kolisch, Rudolf, 1896-. Papers: Guide.
Houghton Library, Harvard College Library
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138
Descriptive Summary
Repository: Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
Location: b
Call No.: MS Mus 195
Creator: Kolisch, Rudolf, 1896-.
Title: Papers,
Quantity: 141 boxes, 18v. (47.5 linear ft.)
Abstract: Papers of musician Rudolf Kolisch including correspondence, musical and literary compositions, recordings, performance records, teaching materials, subject files, and biographical materials.
Administrative Information
Processed by: Barbara M. Wolff
Acquisition Information: *86M-99 Manuscripts presented by and purchased from: Mrs. Lorna Kolisch, 178 Columbine Place, Hercules, California 94547; received: 23 Dec 1986. Purchased with funds raised by the Committee for the Music Collections at the Houghton Library.
*96M-39 Item (2211) presented by: Mr. David Satz, 549 First Street, Brooklyn, New York 11215; received: 22-28 Feb 1997. *97M-52 Items (784) and (1692a) presented by: Regina Busch, Trauttmansdorffgasse 27, 1130 Vienna, Austria; received: 20 Mar 1998 Part of item (2174) presented by: Andreas Lehner; received: Jan 2001.

65. Tiscali - Search
.home suche suchkategorien World ... Interpreten  .Tasten Ensembles Biret, Idil Brendel, Al... Gould, Glenn ... Ueckermann,...@ Kategorie Tasten Sites
Argerich, Martha
(Cosmopolis) Biografie, Konzert- und CD-Kritiken der argentinischen Pianistin. Ax, Emanuel (Rondo) Interview von 04/1999 ¼ber die Ansichten und Vorlieben des amerikanischen Pianisten. Badura-Skoda, Paul Website des in Wien geborenen Pianisten mit biografischen Daten, aktueller Diskografie, H¶rproben und Hinweisen zu Meisterkursen. Banfield, Volker Der Pianist mit dem «auŸer-/ungew¶hnlichen» Repertoire stellt sich hier selber vor. Blum, Dominik Der Pianist und Dirigent aus der Schweiz informiert ¼ber sich, seine Musik und Konzertdaten. Botvinov, Alexey Castro, Ricardo Der junge s¼ddamerikanische Pianist mit Biografie, Fotos, H¶rporben, Daten der Wettbewerbe. Chuquisengo, Juan Jos© Biografie, Kritiken, Konzerte, CDs und Fotos des peruanischen Konzertpianisten. Drechsel, Oliver Der Konzertpianist pr¤sentiert sich mit Vita, Ver¶ffentlichungen (CD, B¼cher, Noten) und Konzertterminen. Fiseisky, Alexander

66. Austrian Master Classes  - Professoren & Referenten
Jahre AMC Austrian Master Classes - Internationale Jugend- und Meisterkurse Professoren
in alphabetischer Reihenfolge Ingrid Ammerer Gesang David Frühwirth Violine Konzertauftritte führten ihn zu bedeutenden Musik Festivals wie z.B.. Schleswig-Holstein, Gstaad Music Festival, Black Sea, Kuchmo und Ilona Feher Music Festival, in die USA (Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center), Montreal und in die wichtigsten Konzerthallen in ganz Europa, Russland, Nordamerika und Israel. Radio und Fernsehauftritte hatte er in Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz Ungarn und in den USA. David Frühwirth studierte an der Hochschule Mozarteum in Salzburg bei P.Roczek, J.Geise und R.Ricci, setzte seine Studien bei Z.Bron fort und absolvierte diese bei P.Zukerman und P.Kopec in New York mit Auszeichnung. Kammermusikerfahrung konnte er u.a. mit J.Laredo, I.Cohen und W.Levine sammeln. David Frühwirth spielt auf der "ex-Brüstlein" Stradivari aus dem Jahre 1707, die ihm die Österreichische Nationalbank zur Verfügung gestellt hat. Andrea Holzer-Rhomberg

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  • Abbing, J¶rg - Der Organist und Orgellehrer an der Hochschule f¼r Musik in Saarbr¼cken stellt sich vor mit Lebenslauf, CD-Ver¶ffentlichungen, H¶rproben und Publikationen.
  • Argerich, Martha - (Cosmopolis) Biografie, Konzert- und CD-Kritiken der argentinischen Pianistin.
  • Babor, Valentina - Die 1989 in M¼nchen geborene Pianistin pr¤sentiert ihre Biografie, die Konzerte mit den Programmen, eine Fotogalerie, Pressestimmen und ein G¤stebuch.
  • Badura-Skoda, Paul

68. Tiscali - Search
repertoire, etc. 75.Leonhardt, Trudelies Fortepianist.
Tutto il Web Siti Italiani Web Immagini Video News ... Piano Pianists Agents and... Directories Jazz Biret, Idil ... Yancey, Jim...@ Siti selezionati dalla categoria Pianists
UK Piano duo; brief information only. Aleksander, Adam Polish/Canadian Classical pianist, includes brief biography and contact information. Alonso, Jose Ramon (b.1966) Spanish pianist's personal home page. Alvarez , Carmen Concert pianist born in Uruguay. Includes biography, sound bites, concert reviews, photos, etc. Archontides, P. B. Greek-Australian pianist. Includes biographical information press releases and upcoming events. Argerich, Martha (b.1941) Excerpts from a 1979 interview with Dean Elder; in-print discography; reviews. Aubin, Isabelle Brief information on the Canadian pianist with several links. Austbo, Hakon Homepage of the Norwegian pianist living in the Netherlands. Biography, repertoire, discography and upcoming concerts. Bakker, Johan Dutch pianist brings more than 35 original compositions for solo piano. With audio clips. Bates, Leon

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