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81. Black White 1/20, Tuesday UAB Faculty Recital yakov kasman on piano and Denise Schmidton clarinet. 1/26, Monday Faculty Recital pianist Anthony Pattin. http://www.bwcitypaper.com/1editorialbody.lasso?-token.folder=38277.213114&-toke |
82. »»Chopin Music Reviews«« Like the curate s egg good in parts. The pianist Walter Gieseking is still very prizewinner (Jon Nakamatsu), and the other by the 2nd (yakov kasman) and 3rd http://www.megamusicreviews.com/Opera_and_Vocal/Opera_Featured_Composers_A-Z/Cho | |
83. Classical CDs For OCT 01, Pt. 2 - AUDIOPHILE AUDITION a short poem and was used at a memorial concert for the pianist Nikolai Rubinstein 1 2, Elegy for Anne Frank Jon Nakamatsu, yakov kasman, Lukas Foss, pianos http://www.audaud.com/audaud/OCT01/CLASSICAL/clcds2OCT01.html | |
84. Our Apologies. November 14, 2003, Friday, 730pm Talich String Quartet with yakov kasman, pianist,Van Cliburn Silver Medalist 430530 open educational rehearsal followed http://www.waaytv.com/Global/story.asp?S=1449920&nav=0lIXI5k3 |
85. Citrus: Russian Salute The concert also will feature pianist Maeve Brophy, who made her orchestral debut Brophyis a student of yakov kasman, silver medalist of the 1997 Van Cliburn http://www.sptimes.com/2003/02/14/Citrus/Russian_salute.shtml | |
86. Presto Classical - Buy Classical & Opera CDs & DVDs Online Klaviere meines Lebens (Pianos of My Life). A special CD to mark the 90th birthdayof the composer pianist Karl Michael Komma. Beethoven yakov kasman (piano). http://www.prestoclassical.co.uk/newreleases.php?&page=21 |
87. Pianos And Pianists - 4th World Piano Competition London Founded in 1986 by the Moscowtrained Russian/Lithuanian pianist and teacher ChiharuSakai Japan Andrew Wilde UK Fabio Bidini Italy yakov kasman Russia. 1994. http://www.mvdaily.com/articles/2000/05/ppldnipc.htm | |
88. Omaha Symphony News Release 2002-3 Victor has invited his friend and awardwinning Russian pianist yakov Kasmanto perform Tchaikovskys Piano Concerto with the Omaha Symphony. http://www.omahasymphony.org/news/03 Season/JanFebMarch.html | |
89. Site Map Giusiano Frédéric Chopin International Piano Competition, Warsaw, 1995 yakov KasmanVan Cliburn the museum of the Army, Philippe Bianconi, pianist, will give http://www.robertcasadesus.com/actu_manifestations.php?req_lang=en |
90. The Memphis Flyer: We Recommend - December 9 - 15, 1999 benefit St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital. pianist yakov Kasmanis at the Germantown Performing Arts Centre. In other music http://www.memphisflyer.com/backissues/issue564/werec564.htm | |
91. Recent News Releases DURANGO FEBRUARY 17, 2003 A performance by internationally acclaimed pianistYakov kasman at 730 pm on Saturday, March 1 in the Fort Lewis College http://www.fortlewis.edu/news/news.asp?newsid=352 |
92. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results 3770080 CRAVEN, Robert Alexander 727 14. McCain brings renowned pianistYakov kasman to campus. M2 Presswire; September 17, 2003 McCain. http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?refid=bemorecreative&q=Robert Alexand |
93. NPR : Performance Today For Thursday, June 5, 1997 Worth, Texas One of the finalists, 30year-old Russian pianist YakovKasman, plays the Allegro in B minor by Robert Schumann. Recorded http://www.npr.org/rundowns/rundown.php?prgId=4&prgDate=5-Jun-1997 |
94. Cultural Arts Roundup Visit www.punchline.com to learn more. The Macon Concert Association presents pianistYakov kasman on October 18th at 8 PM in Wesleyan s Porter Auditorium. http://www.mercer.edu/cluster/Archives/84-04-10.11.01/Features/Features04.html | |
95. »çÀÌÆ®·Î ±¸¼ºÇÑ ¼¼°è¹®Çп¹¼úµµ¼°ü HuangPianist(CN) The Internet Piano MIDI Page William KapellPianist(d. 1953)Karic Foundation Piano Competitions(RU) yakov KasmanPianist(RU) Freddy Kempf http://school.pressian.com/dictionary/art_music_07.htm |
96. CLASSIC CD May 1998 The challenge for any pianist is to surmount their technical difficulties in order YakovKasmans complete sonata cycle on Galliope is a bargain on just two http://www.olegmarshev.com/reviews/review01.htm | |
97. Peninsula Music Festival’s 51st Season Celebrates The American Spirit Thursday, August 14 Russian Memories features Russian pianistYakov kasman and a concert of Tchaikovsky, Scriabin and Rachmaninov. http://www.ppulse.com/ArticleView.asp?article_id=887 |
98. RONDO-Archiv: Foss, Klavierkonzerte, St. Clair http://www.rondomagazin.de/klassik/f/foss/lf01.htm | |
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