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21. Michael Lewin Even more impressvie were the pianist s moments with all those more Award (1983)and the University of Marylands william kapell International Competition http://www.jwentworth.com/lewin/lewin.htm | |
22. µå¸²À§Áî À½¾Ç W X Y Z . william kapell pianist. william kapell pianist . , ?, http://msd.inlive.co.kr/artist/artist.html?code=7615 |
23. Classical Net Review - Maestrino - William Kapell Edition shortly after Rachmaninoff died and the pianist cried though The other Brahms piece,with william Primrose on the on a Chandos recording, but kapell and Kurtz http://www.classical.net/music/recs/reviews/r/rca68442a.html | |
24. Classical Net Review - Prokofieff/Khachaturian/Shostakovich - Piano Concerto #3/ 34. william kapell, Piano * Dallas Symphony Orchestra/Antál Doráti Boston kapellwas an intense artist, with powerful to fans of this excellent pianist and to http://www.classical.net/music/recs/reviews/r/rca68993a.html | |
25. William Kapell, Volume 2 (1 CD) v.1 Kappel, william william kapell In Concert william kapell, v. 2 American HeirloomsLibetta, Francesco Presenting Francesco Libetta a stunning new pianist! http://www.vaimusic.com/CD/1048.shtml |
26. MSN À½¾Ç , A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R ST U V W X Y Z . william kapell pianist. ? ? . ? ? . http://entertainment.msn.co.kr/music/asp/category/play/artistinfo.asp?sub_cat=do |
28. Music Download homepage of the ChineseAmerican pianist; contains news, concert schedules, biography,sample music downloads. Music Download. kapell, william (1922-1953 http://iomusic.com/Equipment_and_Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists/music_downl | |
29. BMG Music Service: CD Detail william kapell, The william kapell Edition, Complete recordings of legendaryAmerican pianist (killed in 1953) are restored and remastered. http://www.bmgmusic.com/catalog/product/cd_detail.jhtml?productId=28071 |
30. BMG Music Service: CD Detail 3, Recordings from 194649 feature pianist william kapell, also in 3Shostakovich Preludes, Op. 34. Dorati, Koussevitzky cond. Selection http://www.bmgmusic.com/catalog/product/cd_detail.jhtml?productId=34361 |
31. NPR : Performance Today For Saturday, October 31, 1998 Recently, the RCA label released the william kapell Edition, a 9 CD set of kapell srecordings including a Blair has a profile of the dynamic pianist. http://www.npr.org/rundowns/rundown.php?prgId=4&prgDate=31-Oct-1998 |
32. NPR : Performance Today For Thursday, October 29, 1998 Recently, the RCA label released the william kapell Edition, a 9 CD set of kapell srecordings Elizabeth Blair has a profile of the dynamic pianist. http://www.npr.org/rundowns/rundown.php?prgId=4&prgDate=29-Oct-1998 |
33. CD-Olymp: William Kapell Translate this page sterben früh Er hätte der berühmteste pianist Amerikas, ja der william kapell(Klavier), Jascha Heifetz (Geige), william Primrose (Bratsche), verschiedenen http://www.rondomagazin.de/klassik/olymp/992.htm | |
34. Prokofiev Discography Prokofiev is rightly remembered as a composer rather than as pianist, he was lackthe element of sheer adrenalin that, for instance, william kapell brought to http://home.earthlink.net/~marnest/prokofiev.html | |
35. The Piano Education Page - Artist/Educator Archive Interview - William Leland PEP Do you have a favorite pianist? And for overall spontaneity and excitement Iloved william kapell; it was a major tragedy when he went down in an airliner http://pianoeducation.org/pnolelnd.html | |
36. Arbiter Liner Notes Essays on william kapell (19221953) tend to focus Notice the transformation fromkapell s youthful encounter with his sudden death, finds the pianist well in http://www.arbiterrecords.com/notes/108notes.html | |
37. KAPELL PLAYS BRAHMS AND PROKOFIEV, CD-4990 rare live performances by the legendary william kapell (19221953 performance ofthe concerto that kapell left us Here is the pianist as Superman aggressive http://www.musicandarts.com/CD4990hc.html | |
38. Musical Autographs: Catalog 58 kapell, william SP 5 x 7 photo of the brilliant pianist who died in a planecrash age 32! d/s ..$1,250 *044. http://www.rgrossmusicautograph.com/instrumental58.html | |
39. Instrumentalists: Catalog 34 HESS, Dame Myra SP of the popular British pianist at the keyboard She pens some kapell,william- SP splendid 9 x ll portrait d/s to Bruno and Nina Zirato NY http://www.rgrossmusicautograph.com/instrument34.html | |
40. TIME Magazine Archive Preview -- The William Kapell Edition -- Oct. 12, 1998 kapell Edition william kapell By TERRY TEACHOUT He was on his way to becoming thegreatest American pianist of the century when time ran out on william kapell. http://www.time.com/time/archive/preview/0,10987,1101981012-140200,00.html | |
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