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21. Hr-online.de Presse - Meldungen Archiv Translate this page der auf die äußerst fruchtbare Titanin Thetys zurückgeht der Klarinettist IbHausmann, der Cellist Bruno Weinmeister und der pianist jan Gottlieb jiracek. http://www.hr-online.de/website/derhr/presse/presse_meldung_einzel.jsp?rubrik=48 |
22. NPR : Performance Today For Sunday, November 29, 1998 (WUAL, Tuscaloosa). ». pianist jan jiracek (YAHN YEERah-chek) playsthe Piano Sonata No. 31 in A-Flat, No. 31, by Franz Joseph Haydn. http://www.npr.org/rundowns/rundown.php?prgId=4&prgDate=29-Nov-1998 |
23. NPR : Performance Today For Friday, November 20, 1998 . On October 18th, 25year-old pianist jan jiracek (YAHN YEER-ah-chek)played a recital at Spivey Hall in Morrow, Georgia. We ll http://www.npr.org/rundowns/rundown.php?prgId=4&prgDate=20-Nov-1998 |
24. Entertainment ... Piano Category At SunSteam Search Try a Websearch! Results 1 15 of 56 Meet jan Gottlieb jiracek pianist jan Gottliebjiracek Bart Berman, pianist Jerusalem Post His performance http://www.sunsteam.com/directory/Entertainment/Music/Artists_and_Bands/Classica | |
25. Cliburn Piano Competition A young German pianist is conquering America. jan Gottlieb jiracek was the onlyGerman among 35 candidates in this year s Van Cliburn International Piano http://www.georghirsch.com/summaries/eng/1997/ghvclime.html | |
26. Cliburn Klavierwettbwerb Translate this page Ein junger deutscher pianist erobert Amerika. jan Gottlieb jiracek war in diesemJahr der einzige Deutsche unter 35 Kandidaten des Van-Kliburn-Wettbewerbes http://www.georghirsch.com/summaries/de/1997/ghvclimd.html | |
27. What New(s)? Piano Competition Jon Nakamatsu, Yakov Kasman, Katia Skanavi, jan jiracek, FilippoGamba As a designer and pianist, I wouldn t consider designing a piano http://www.steinwaynaples.com/news.htm | |
28. Klassiknet : Opera Competition The six finalists are Filippo Gamba, 28 (Italy); jan Gottlieb jiracek, 24 (Germany roundof the competition held 5 7 June, each pianist will perform http://www.culturekiosque.com/klassik/news/ra1van.htm | |
29. News Archive A Review Community Concert pianist Draws Enthusiastic Audience. the seasons firstconcert to enjoy the piano recital by jan Gottlieb jiracek, and were http://www.poncacitynews.com/NewsArchives/0999folder/lo092699.html | |
30. Lybot.com: Musicians And Bands > J: 1 - 25 entertainer makes music for millions of visitors to the Great Smoky Mountainarea. 24, jan Gottlieb jiracek, pianist go. 25, jan James go. http://www.lybot.com/Musicians_and_Bands/Alphabet/J_1_25.htm | |
31. UCSF Seminars: October 25-31, 1999 ...resend LECTURE Updates on Congestive Heart Failure Kanu Chatterjee, MB, FRCP (CardiovascularDivision) NOON Cole Hall CHANCELLOR S CONCERT jan jiracek, pianist 400PM http://www.keck.ucsf.edu/seminars/0256.html | |
32. TCU Magazine "Alma Matters" Institute, which included Germany s jan jiracek, a competitor in last year s CliburnCompetition. jiracek said the difference between a good pianist and a http://www.magazine.tcu.edu/tcumagazine/articles/1998-03-AM.htm | |
33. Feb The soloist will be the prizewinning Czech pianist ,jan Gottlieb jiracek, whoalso has a concert at the Unisa Sunnyside Campus on Saturday 6 March. http://www.pmaa.co.za/Feb 2_2.htm | |
34. About The JPO 8 Soloists jan Gottlieb jiracek (German) Conductor Michael Hankinson. 3. SoloistAshan Pieres injured; replace by Portuguese pianist, Luis Magalhaes. http://www.pmaa.co.za/aboutJPO.htm | |
35. The Herald : Entertainment THE Music Society of Port Elizabeths 2004 programme will get under way on Tuesdayat 8pm when GermanCzech pianist jan Gottlieb jiracek plays a single http://www.theherald.co.za/herald/2004/02/12/lstyle/hlstyle.htm | |
36. University Of Port Elizabeth: School Of Music Victoria Park, 1500. 17 February, Music Society of PE. jan Gottlieb jiracek. UPEAuditorium, 2000. Borris Petrushansky (pianist). UPE Auditorium, 2000. http://www.upe.ac.za/academic/schools/concertprogramme.asp?id=54&path=music |
37. Live On Stage! 19992000 Lessack and OBrian - vocals Taylor 2, dance jan. Gottlieb jiracek,pianist Russian Seasons Dance Company Ahn Trio Side Street Strutters. http://webpages.charter.net/communityconcerts/page10.html | |
38. EDITOR S PICKS St. in Temple; $20 for adults, $10 for students. pianist jan jiracek, 730 pm Feb. 10, Roxy Grove Hall, Baylor University. Wings http://www.wacotrib.com/featr/newsfd/auto/feed/features/2003/01/30/1043968656.01 |
39. SCRIABIN Mp3, Classical Music Search Museeks.com 4, 2nd movement rate it! (Sergio Fiorentino, Italian pianist) Sponsor! Sonata No. SonataNo.5 in F sharp, Op.53 rate it! (jan Gottlieb jiracek) Sponsor! http://museeks.com/members/SCRIABIN.html | |
40. Kunst Und Kultur/Musik Bei Ameta Der Grosse Webkatalog Mit Suchmaschine Translate this page Hamburger Band Ja König Ja. jan jiracek, pianist Biography, PressReviews, Schedule, Contact (auch in deutsch). Jazz and New Orleans http://ameta.de/Kunst_und_Kultur/Musik/more11.html | |
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