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Home - Pianists - Hirata Makiko |
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1. Makiko Hirata - Clasical Pianist - Music makiko hirata. Classical pianist. Revues. A revelation! Ruth Laredo, pianist. makiko hirata is one of the finest young musicians that I know. http://members.bellatlantic.net/~ehb24/ | |
2. Makiko Hirata Resume makiko hirata is a rising young artist to watch a pianist of equal parts,.fire and delicacy, with technique to burn and compelling dramatic presence. http://members.bellatlantic.net/~ehb24/MH_Resume.htm | |
3. Contributing To The Success Of Musical Artists Kathy Shimata Gena Branscombe Project $200. makiko hirata - pianist. Mario Lomabardo- Composer. Japanese pianist makiko hirata. Romanian soprano, Diana Vidu. http://www.pbdmusic.com/pbdassoc.htm | |
4. Instruments - Pianists Top Links Ousset, C©cile French pianist page with biography, discography International concert pianist. Site includes biography, reviews, repertory and programs. hirata, makiko http://www.music-instruments-list.com/Top_Arts_Music_Instruments_Keyboard_Piano_ | |
5. Olde Dartmouth Realty - Massachusetts South Coast Calendar Of Events Saturday, January 11th (back to top). ZEITERION THEATRE HUNGARIAN SYMPHONYORCHESTRA With Peter Szkladany, Conductor; and pianist makiko hirata. http://www.oldedartmouth.com/january_2003_calender.html | |
6. Hanna Owen Productions | Artists | Search | Results | Detail | Makiko Hirata real.com. makiko hirata pianist. A native of Kanagawa, Japan, beganher piano studies at the age of three with Emiko Ito. After moving http://www.hannaowen.com/controlPanel/artistPage.asp?ArtistCategory=pianist&Arti |
7. Pianist MakikoHirata To Perform Performing Arts Series features renowned pianist. pianist makiko hirata will perform a concert for the Performing A native of Kanagawa, Japan, hirata emigrated to the U.S. in 1989 http://www.uwsp.edu/news/pr/kyMakikoHirata.htm | |
8. Hanna Owen Productions | Artists | Search Results | Category - Pianist Category pianist. First Name, Last Name. Roger, Rundle, Artist Page. Adam, Manijak,Artist Page. Karen, Kushner, Artist Page. Fedora, Horowitz, Artist Page. makiko,hirata, http://www.hannaowen.com/artistSearchResultsLink.asp?ArtistCategory=pianist |
9. The Anniston Star - Noted Young Pianist Performs At Ritz 20022003 seasons with a special music event featuring acclaimed young pianist makiko hirata in concert makiko hirata will also be in concert with the Hungarian Symphony Orchestra http://www.cleburnenews.com/entertainment/2002/as-music-0919-0-2i18x1901.htm | |
10. Music Download Music Download. Hinrichs, MarieLuise- German pianist; includes CDs, photos, biography,interview, reviews. Music Download. hirata, makiko- Includes resume http://iomusic.com/Equipment_and_Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists/music_downl | |
11. Music Directory: H Oficial site of Russian pianist, containing his biography, reviews, concerto repertoire German pianist; includes CDs, photos, biography, interview, reviews. hirata, makiko http://cds.biz/directory/895250 | |
13. Woodwind Forums At NYU Program includes Debussy Rhapsodie; Hindemith - Sonata; Weber - GrandDuo Concertante. pianist makiko hirata. Masterclass Performers http://www.nyu.edu/education/music/ensembles/windforum.html | |
14. Nostradamus Advertising: Other Projects Arts and Entertainment clients. makiko hirata, pianist. Opera Nazionale Italiana production of Otello Peter Klein) Raul Sunico, pianist. Jocelyn Chaparro and Jean Antrim http://users.rcn.com/nostrada/other.htm | |
15. Nostradamus Advertising: Other Projects Arts and Entertainment clients. makiko hirata, makiko hirata, pianist. Opera NazionaleItaliana production of Otello. Client Living Arts, Inc. (Peter Klein). http://www.nostradamus.net/other.htm | |
16. Living Arts Inc makiko hirata PIANO GUEST SOLOIST Makaiko hirata, native of Kanagawa Sara Buechner,who is currently hiratas piano young artist to watch a pianist of equal http://www.livingartsnyc.com/links/attractions/ppr/ | |
17. Living Arts Inc The tour was conducted by Philippe De Chalendar, and featured Mozart spiano concerto, No 21, in A major with makiko hirata, pianist. http://www.livingartsnyc.com/links/attractions/hso/ | |
18. á] makiko hirata is a rising young artist to watch a pianist of equal parts, fireand delicacy, with technique to burn and compelling dramatic presence. http://makikony.cool.ne.jp/hihyou.htm | |
19. Wauu.DE: Arts: Music: Instruments: Keyboard: Piano: Pianists: H Hinrichs, MarieLuise German pianist; includes CDs, photos, biography, interview,reviews. http//www.marie-luise-hinrichs.de/. hirata, makiko Includes resume http://www.wauu.de/Arts/Music/Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists/H/ | |
20. CLASICAL MP3 TOP 10 FROM SearchUK FILES makiko hirata Clasical pianist - Music. A revelation! - Ruth Laredo, pianist makiko hirata is one of the finest young musicians that I know.Rank 90. http://www.datop10.com/MEDIA/CLASICAL MP3/CLASICAL MP3_SearchUK.html | |
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