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1. Hess, Dame Myra hess, dame myra. hess, dame myra 18901965, English pianist, studied at the Royal Academy of Music. She made her London debut in 1907 and first appeared in the United States in 1922. 1939, and during World War II, hess organized a series of lunchtime http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/people/A0823593.html | |
2. Other Archival Holdings - Dame Myra Hess Special Collections. hess, myra, dame, 18901965. myra hess fonds. 1922 - 1961. 0.19 m of textual records. - 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm. English concert pianist dame myra hess was born in London, England, on February 25, 1890. Fonds consists of three scrapbooks chronicling dame M. hess's musical career http://www.ucalgary.ca/library/SpecColl/hessm.htm | |
3. Accent Online: Winter 2002: Page 19 darkest days in World War II, renowned pianist dame myra hess put aside her international career for more as the inspiration for Chicagos dame myra hess Memorial Concert Series. http://www.yamaha.com/publications/accent/Accent102/19.htm | |
4. Biography - Marta Aznavoorian, Lincoln Trio Pianist Richard Dyer has said of pianist Marta Aznavoorian, She is a pianist of exceptionally finished has performed for the dame myra hess Memorial Concert Series broadcast live http://www.kpworld.org/lincolntrio/biographies/aznavoorian.htm | |
5. Classicalmus.hispeed.com/hess/ dame myra hess Concert pianist 18901965 To many, hess was a living symbol of Britain s Harold C. Schonberg gave the great pianist this epitaph in the New York Times dame myra was one of the http://classicalmus.hispeed.com/hess/ |
6. Hess, Dame Myra (1890-1965) A tribute to British pianist; includes a brief biography outlining her career in Europe and America with Real Audio sound files of her playing. http://classicalmus.hispeed.com/hess/index.html |
7. Classical Piano Links Jose Luis Hernandez pianist (MX), AnaBelen Herrezuelo pianist (ES). dame myra hess pianist (UK) (d.1965), Eric Himy Concert pianist. http://www.carolinaclassical.com/pianolinks.html | |
8. Hess, Dame Myra. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. hess, dame myra. 18901965, English pianist, studied at the Royal Academy of Music. http://www.bartleby.com/65/he/Hess-Dam.html | |
9. Search Results For Dame - Encyclopædia Britannica Did you mean dame's rocket (bot.) dame school (educ.) dame's gillyflower (bot.) dame's violet (bot Hiller, dame Wendy (Br. act.) hess, dame myra (Br. pianist) Rambert, dame Marie (Pol http://www.britannica.com/search?query=dame&submit=Find&source=MWTEXT |
10. Hess Definition Of Hess. What Is Hess? Meaning Of Hess. What Does Hess Mean? Hes hess English pianist (1890-1965)dame myra hesspianist, piano player - a person who plays the piano. 2. hess - Swiss 1881-1973)Walter hess, Walter Rudolf hessphysiologist http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Hess | |
11. Hess, Dame Myra encyclopediaEncyclopedia hess, dame myra. hess, dame myra, 18901965, English pianist, studied at the Royal Academy of Music. She http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0823593.html | |
12. PIANIST - Meaning And Definition Of The Word Search Dictionary pianist Dictionary Entry and Meaning Clara Josephine Schumann, Czerny, dame myra hess, Falla, Franz Liszt, Frederic Francois Chopin, hess, Horowitz, Ignace http://www.hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/Pianist |
13. Hess Site Map. dictionaryDictionary hess Pronunciation (hes), key n. 1. dame myra, 18901965, English pianist. 2. Victor Francis http://www.factmonster.com/ipd/A0474951.html | |
14. La Folia -- A Pianist's Thoughts On Schumann: Symphonic Etudes, Op. 13 Etudes, I think of the great English pianist, myra hess, who often performed the work for her Beth mentions dame myra hess heroic performance; its in her Great pianists http://www.lafolia.com/archive/levin/levin200312schumann.html | |
15. Dame Myra Hess - Dictionary Definition Dictionary Definition of dame myra hess. Click Here, The noun dame myra hess has 1 senses. 1. hess, dame myra hess English pianist (18901965). http://www.yourdictionary.net/Dame_Myra_Hess.html | |
16. Dame Moura Lympany: Tribute To A Legend In 1992 Moura Lympany became dame Moura, the first pianist to receive became Sir Clifford in 1977 and the first woman pianist since myra hess was honored http://www.ivoryclassics.com/dammourlymtr.html | |
17. Ann Schein: Schumann Her teachers included Mieczyslaw Münz, dame myra hess and Artur Rubinstein. In the 1960 s the American pianist Ann Schein had a big success with http://www.ivoryclassics.com/annscheinsch.html | |
18. Blueplaqueproject.org | People | HESS, Dame Myra dame myra hess. No Plaque Image Available. Click to add one. 18901965 pianist, lived here. Links. Google Search for dame myra hess Comments add a comment. http://www.blueplaqueproject.org/plaque_detail.php?ID=336 |
19. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Dame Myra Hess (Music: History, Composers, And Performer Related Category Music History, Composers, And Performers, Biographies. dame myra hess 18901965, English pianist, studied at the Royal Academy of Music. http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/H/Hess-Dam.html | |
20. Biography Of Dame Myra Hess With Gold-music.com Artist. First name, Last Name. dame myra hess ( 1890 1965 ). pianist, born in London, England, UK. http://www.gold-music.com/fiches/fiche_16183.php | |
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