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41. Sydney Writers' Festival pianist william chen will play the music of Grieg and ancient Chinese folk songs.CHI ZIJIAN is the 2004 Cathay Pacific Suspended Sentence Fellowship winner. http://www.swf.org.au/index.php?option=com_events&task=view_detail&agid=124&year |
42. Rile Management Roster soprano Louise Toppin, tenor william Brown, flutist Harold Jones and pianist WilfredDelphin powerful, passionate, sensational NaiNi chen Dance Company http://www.rilearts.com/roster.htm | |
43. UMBC TheatreProduction History Costume Design Janet Neil Light Design Janet Neil, william T. Brown Costume DesignerJanet Neal Light Designer Sandy chen (Student) pianist and Composer http://www.umbc.edu/theatre/1970s.htm | |
44. April 26 Events In History - BrainyHistory silver1984) April 26, 1961 Joan chen, chen Chong, Shanghai Leger, archbishop (Montreal)April 26, 1904 william Count Basie, jazz pianist (Policy Man http://www.brainyhistory.com/daysbirth/birth_april_26.html | |
45. Ronan Vibert, Vibertology, Breaking News 2002 model/actor/whatever At 2 Prince william (a rather updated release news Roman Polanski sThe pianist is to be April 12, 2002) Once again, chen Kaige s English http://members.lycos.co.uk/Ronan_Vibert_ology/page63.html | |
46. Terry Winter Owens - Performances - Past And Future Pianophoria Book II Excerpts will be performed by pianist william Troop on SundayMay 25 by three gifted pianists, Hiromi Abe, JuPing Song and Pei-Chun chen. http://www.terrywinterowens.com/concerts.html | |
47. University Of Texas At Dallas Names Latest Class Of Eugene McDermott Scholars mock trial team, is an accomplished pianist and writer High School, Katy, daughterof william and Rosanna Plano Derrick chen, Plano Senior High School, Plano http://www.utdallas.edu/mcdermott/news/pr_03class.html | |
48. Simmons College LS435 - Composers Homepages Opera biography Herbert Brun John Bull william Byrd Biography Cervo Brazilian composerand pianist MarcAntoine Charpentier French language site chen Yi Living http://web.simmons.edu/~morrow/comp.html | |
49. Notesdec02 von Bingen (1999) Markus Beam, baritone chen Yi Sparkle in part by a grant fromthe william J. Cooper As conductor, pianist and bass player, Mr. Freemans http://www.orchestra2001.org/ProgramNotes/notesmar03.html | |
50. :: Referenzen :: Translate this page Ich glaube nicht, daß mein Weg als pianist oder auch das Schicksal william Bolcom,Claude Bolling, Andrea Bonatta. Bill Charlap, Evelyn chen, Pi-hsien chen. http://www.steinwayaustria.at/u_referenzen_ac.htm | |
51. SEPTEMBER 6 CLASSICALmanac 'today In Classical Music' percussionist, composer and conductor william KRAFT in harpsichordist Ralph Kirkpatrickand pianist Charles Rosen of ChineseAmerican composer Shih-Hui chen. http://www.angelfire.com/ab/day/sep6.html | |
52. Interview recipient of the 1998 Juilliard william Petschek Recital including Guide to the pianist sRepertoire and Concert Hall Competition Gwhyneth chen (Piano) - Ms http://www.webconcerthall.com/interview/ | |
53. 2001-2002 Season Jazz and Modernism featuring jazz pianist Jessica williams Friday, November chen Yi,WuYu (world premiere william Kraft, Percussion Concerto (American Revolution http://www.bmv.org/past/2001-02 Season/season2001-02.htm | |
54. TAIWAN AHART FESTIVAL Ms. chen was the firstprize winner of Taiwan pianist / Chin-Chuan Chang Dr. Changbegan his piano lesson Cincinnati, where he studied under Dr. william Black. http://www.cyberstage.com.tw/english/group/m/group/015.htm | |
55. Institutes | The Bard Center Robert Martin with pianist Melvin chen and violinist Bard community members Annysand william Wilson; cellist David Calhoun with pianist Susan Walters http://www.bard.edu/institutes/bardcenter/ | |
56. Newsday.com - Long Island And New York City Theater features Les Arts Florissants conducted by william Christie pianist Daniel Barenboimperforms all 32 Beethoven piano sonatas and new commissioned work by chen Yi http://www.newsday.com/entertainment/stage/ny-ffclas3296151may25,0,6736584.story |
57. 990510 his sponsor, Harriette Miller; pianist John Kirkpatrick Cow s; Carl Ruggles Evocations;william Grant Still s 1 (AfroAmerican); and chen Yuanlin s Flying Swans http://www.wjffradio.org/Gandalf/990510.htm | |
58. : : Historic Houses Trust - Exhibitions/What's On : : After a glass of sparkling wine and light refreshments the day willconclude with a concert by acclaimed pianist, william chen. http://www.hht.nsw.gov.au/museums/government_house/exhibitionswhats_on | |
59. 2002-2003 violinist Zachary Taxin (7) and pianist Karen Feng (8 Vincent chen, Nathan Kaplan,and Jonathan Sasmor also Carnegie Mellon University, College of william Mary http://www.hchs.hunter.cuny.edu/honors_and_awards/1999-2000.html | |
60. WWWRIOT Directory View: Music: Artists Willem s Genesis trading homepage Willem s Genesis Recordings trading page; williamchen pianist Solo Concerto and C - Home site for william chen pianist. http://www.dxpnet.com/riot/alphabetical.asp?c=55&char=W |
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