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Home - Pianists - Chen William |
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1. William Chen Pianist - Site For Solo Concert Pianist William Chen william chen Concert pianist chen Piano - Concert Music - Piano Music - williamchen. william chen pianist Piano Music Concerts Solo Concerto Chamber. http://www.williamchen.info/ | |
2. The Pianist RECORDING RELEASED!! CLICK ON PICTURE! Biography. william chen, pianist. He had an infectious flair for performance . The Independent, London. http://www.williamchen.info/English.htm | |
3. Instruments - Pianists Top Links C©cile French pianist page with biography, discography chen, william - Site includes concerts, recordings and biography. Mascolo-David, Alexandra - Portuguese pianist with http://www.music-instruments-list.com/Top_Arts_Music_Instruments_Keyboard_Piano_ | |
4. Wanda Yang's Home Page from Hermit Songs by Samuel Barber, with pianist, Lilin chen from Three Songs by william Walton, with pianist, David Kosutic http://www.yangtemko.com/wanda/perform_audio.html | |
5. Bronson Piano Studio 03/21/04. pianist Ursula Oppens. Steinway Society Gala Concert to Commemorate william Kapell. william Kapell Piano Foundation 07/18/03. Works of chen Yi and David Teimpidis http://www.bronsonpianostudio.com/reviews.htm | |
6. Radiomain East Timor Oil Row pianist william chen part 2 Business in Fremantle East TimorOil Row The Australian Government and the East Timorese prime minister are http://www.sbs.com.au/radio_new/radiomain.php3?choser=2004-03-04 |
7. ALBERT KAY ASSOCIATES, INC. Tamas Erdi, pianist. Angela Brownridge, pianist. Gwhyneth chen, pianist. Zoe Erisman, pianist Eugenia Manolides. Zoe Erisman. william Wallace. Lando Bartolini, LiricoSpinto Tenor http://www.albertkay-jayyoo.com/artistdata2.htm | |
8. Radiomain william chen PART 1 william chen PART 1 And now to the first intalmentof our two part series focussing on pianist william chen. http://www.sbs.com.au/radio_new/radiomain.php3?choser=2004-02-24 |
9. Patsy Chen - One Of The Most Successful Publicists Wendy Fang chen, the Brooklyn born Taiwanese descent pianist will be performing Rachmaninov by Jim Lehrer, Featuring Veteran Actor william Schallert. Ticket InfoTelephone (973 http://www.patsychen.com/ | |
10. Microsoft SDB: Stringed Instruments > Other Stringed Instruments william chen pianist site for solo Concert pianist william chen PianoConcert william chen Concert pianist - chen Piano - Concert http://sbd.bcentral.com/4429_4.aspx | |
11. Friends News left to right Alicia Steffin, Bruce Silver, Daisy chen, william Leventhal, and Patty O'Bryan enjoys weight training and is an accomplished pianist. Originally from South Dakota http://www.plattlibrary.org/newsletter/v7_2/friends.htm | |
12. Guide To The Archives Of The United Board For Christian Higher Education In Asia 9. 183. chen, william K. W. 1984 Tan, Margaret HeeLeng (pianist) 1980-1982 http://webtext.library.yale.edu/xml2html/divinity.011c.con.html | |
14. Piano Instruments - 596 Of The Best Sites Selected By Humans Free Piano Lessons.com Klavar Music Foundation -Piano Nanny -Piano Tools -WellPrepared pianist Institute -Chateau (b. 1962) -chen, william -Comune, Carol http://www.cbel.com/piano_instruments/?order=alpha |
15. Performance Calendar For January 1999 The Harid String Quartet Wendy Yun chen and Jessica Shuang Wu, violins; Yinzi Kong, viola; Guang Wang, cello Kate Ransom, violin. william Ransom, guest pianist. Nos. 1 4 6 7 http://www.harid.edu/general/jancal.html |
16. About Ars Trio Taipei College, National Taichung Teachers College and Shichen University , also pianist/ Chin-Chuan Chang. of Cincinnati, where he studied under Dr. william Black. http://www.arstrio.com.tw/impression.htm | |
17. Supporters Of The Overs Grand Piano Francesco Celata, Associate principal clarinet Sydney Symphony Orchestra.william chen, Australian concert pianist. Owen Chambers, ABC producer. http://www.overspianos.com.au/supp.html | |
18. Yale Bulletin And Calendar pianist Melvin chen is no stranger to Yale s stages, having performed on them many Asa student at Yale College, chen won the william Waite Competition two http://www.yale.edu/opa/v29.n20/story15.html | |
19. February Yehudi Wyner, guest composer and pianist. Horntrio with william Purvis, horn FacultyArtist Series Thursday, February 19 at 800 pm Melvin chen, piano. http://www.yale.edu/music/concerts/months/feb.html | |
20. Info On Piano Pianist flutist Melissa Sweet, and guitarist william Zito; closing re. chamber music cellistRobert Martin violinist Erica Kiesewetter pianist Melvin chen The Bard http://www.musiciansnews.com/cgi-bin/go.pl?cat=piano~pianist&db=pages |
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