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Home - Pianists - Busoni Ferruccio Benvenuto |
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41. Ferruccio Busoni Translate this page ferruccio Dante Michelangelo benvenuto busoni fluktuierte in seine Einstellung als pianist wie als Januar 1920, wurde ferruccio busoni zur Identifikationsfigur http://www.musikmph.de/rare_music/composers/a_e/busoni_ferruccio/1.html | |
42. Murray McLachlan - Concert Pianist for inspiration which the great ItalianAustrian composer, pianist, conductor, author and teacher ferruccio Dante Michaelangiolo benvenuto busoni (1866-1924 http://www.murraymclachlan.com/articles/creativity_in_motion.htm | |
43. Netscape Search Category - Busoni, Ferruccio Benvenuto Search the Web or Ask a Question. Search the entire directory Search only in busoni, ferruccio benvenuto. busoni Review of his career as a pianist. busoni MSS.,_Ferruccio_Be | |
44. Ferruccio Busoni :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius Online Encyclopedia Dante Michaelangelo benvenuto ferruccio busoni (April 1, 1866 July 27, 1924) was an Italian composer, pianist, music teacher and conductor http://www.informationgenius.com/encyclopedia/f/fe/ferruccio_busoni.html | |
45. KLAVAR MUSIC FREE DOWNLOADS YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS. busoni, ferruccio (benvenuto) (18661924), ITALIAN pianist AND COMPOSER. Mail to Klavar@klavarmusic.com. http://www.klavarmusic.com/freedownloads.htm | |
46. KLAVAR MUSIC SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL AND FRIENDS. busoni, ferruccio (benvenuto) (18661924), ITALIAN pianist AND COMPOSER. NO NEED TO WORRY ABOUT SHEET MUSIC. MORE THAN http://www.klavarmusic.com/info.htm | |
47. Porträt: Ferruccio Busconi Translate this page ferruccio Dante Michelangelo benvenuto busoni wurde am 1 zu erwarten, daß der kleine ferruccio in die souverän, daß der spätere pianist, Komponist, Dirigent http://www.luise-berlin.de/bms/bmstxt99/9907porb.htm | |
48. Sesquipedalian Web Page: Ferruccio Busoni had already noticed his talents as a pianist. 3 When his eldest son, benvenuto, was seventeen For biographical information on ferruccio busoni the standard http://www.sesquipedalian.fsnet.co.uk/busoni.html | |
49. July 27 Deaths In History - BrainyHistory dies July 27, 1934 Louis HG Lyautey, French minister of Defense (191617), dies at 79 July 27, 1924 ferruccio benvenuto busoni, pianist/composer, dies July 27 http://www.brainyhistory.com/daysdeath/death_july_27.html | |
50. MSN Encarta - Busoni, Ferruccio Benvenuto Translate this page busoni, ferruccio benvenuto (1866-1924), italienischer Komponist und pianist. busoni wurde am 1. April 1866 als Sohn eines italienischen Vaters und einer http://de.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761572483/Busoni_Ferruccio_Benvenuto.html | |
51. MUSIC-RELATED COLLECTIONS busoni mss. are the letters of Italian pianist and composer ferruccio benvenuto busoni. NAME OF COLLECTION CARMICHAEL MSS. DATE http://www.indiana.edu/~liblilly/lilly/mss/subject/music.html | |
52. George F. DeVine Music Library Louis Institute of Music until his death in 1950. The Italianborn pianist, composer, and conductor ferruccio benvenuto busoni was born April 1, 1866. http://www.lib.utk.edu/~music/special.html | |
53. Empoli, Italy SIBMAS International Directory Of Performing Arts Collections And Piazza della Vittoria I50053 Empoli, Telephone +39 (0571) 710 041 Special Collections ferruccio benvenuto busoni (1866-1924), composer, pianist. Index http://www.theatrelibrary.org/sibmas/idpac/europe/ite001.html | |
54. Collections: Bu / SIBMAS International Directory Of Performing Arts Collections Guelph, Ontario, Canada) Buskins, The Glenbow Museum; Archives (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) busoni, ferruccio benvenuto (18661924), composer, pianist Museo Casa http://www.theatrelibrary.org/sibmas/idpac/collections/bu.html | |
55. Musiklehre ONLINE Kapitel 13: Komponisten+Musiker,Komponisten Biografien, Seite Translate this page Die Winter dienen künftig Konzertreisen als pianist und Dirigent, die Sommermonate der Komposition in Stille und Naturschönheit busoni, ferruccio benvenuto. http://www.musiklehre.at/13_002.htm | |
56. Janus: The Papers Of Edward Joseph Dent ferruccio busoni was born at Empoli, Italy in 1866. busoni was an acclaimed concert pianist, and his performances He had two sons, benvenuto (born in 1892) and http://janus.lib.cam.ac.uk/db/node.xsp?id=EAD/GBR/0272/EJD/2/1 |
57. Janus: The Papers Of Edward Joseph Dent 1, Writings by ferruccio and benvenuto busoni. 2/1/6/2, Press cuttings of reviews of ferruccio busoni . v) An Italian pianist from Manchester City News, 1 July http://janus.lib.cam.ac.uk/db/node.xsp?id=EAD/GBR/0272/EJD/2/1/6 |
58. 675-676 (Nordisk Familjebok / Uggleupplagan. 4. Brant - Cesti) 1892). busoni, ferruccio benvenuto, italiensk pianist, f. 1866, elev af W. Mayer i Graz, uppträdde redan vid 89 års ålder såsom pianist, kompositör och http://www.lysator.liu.se/runeberg/nfbd/0362.html | |
59. 292 (Salmonsens Konversationsleksikon / Anden Udgave / Bind IV: Bridge - Cikader K. H, busoni, ferruccio benvenuto, ital Boston og nedsatte sig endelig 1894 i Berlin, hvor han har udfoldet en meget omfattende Virksomhed som pianist og Lærer http://www.lysator.liu.se/runeberg/salmonsen/2/4/0322.html | |
60. BUSONI AND VARÈSE 1907 classic, Sketch of a New Aesthetic of Music, the eminent composerpianist ferruccio busoni had set 7 Note 1 ferruccio benvenuto busoni, Entwurf einer http://www.rodoni.ch/busoni/telharmonium.html | |
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