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81. Best Price Comparison Unfiled Poducts Index 2624 volume of the monumental Hyperion Schubert Edition, director and pianist G $14.99 HaydnKeyboard Sonatas Vol 2 Bossler / ronald brautigam Haydn Keyboard http://www.lostprice.com/best/price/OpID_icat2624/CatType_VRTNOCATTYPE/price_com | |
82. Feestmaand Op zaterdagavond vanaf de kant of vanuit een bootje luisteren naar violisteIsabella van Keulen en pianist ronald brautigam op het podiumponton. http://www.rd.nl/extra/festivals/juli.htm | |
83. MIC Artikkel i filmen To pianister, nederlandske ronald brautigam og franske brautigam, som erkjent fra flere tidligere besøk er en meget ettertraktet pianist som opptrer http://www.ballade.no/nmi.nsf/doc/art2002120313481820106202 | |
84. CONTINUO Magazine For Early Music, December 1997 CD Classical Keyboard Music Rev K 545; in Bflat major K 570; in D major K 576.ronald brautigam, fortepiano Trainedwell over two decades ago at university as a pianist and organist, he later http://www.continuo.com/decrevs97/keydec97.htm | |
85. Music Outlet Store - The Romantic Approach, Volume 3: Music From Germany - Disco Dietrich, Robert Schumann, Clara Wieck Schumann, ronald brautigam, Isabelle Van 876.Popular Music Josef Hofmann, Legendary pianist, Josef Hofmann, Legendary http://www.music-outlet-store.com/music-mode-music-page_num-88-search_type-Artis | |
86. Find Price Unfiled Poducts Index 5708 of the monumental Hyperion Schubert Edition, director and pianist Graham Johnson HaydnKeyboard Sonatas Vol 2 Bossler / ronald brautigam Haydn Keyboard http://www.amongpowersupply.com/best/price/OpID_icat5708/CatType_VRTNOCATTYPE/pr | |
87. IAMA Newsletter Sept '97 - Welcome To New Members She now concentrates her energies on her two artists, the Dutch violinist Isabellevan Keulen and the Dutch pianist ronald brautigam, managing the Delft http://www.iamaworld.com/news/newsletter/nl07g.htm | |
88. (sound Recording Reviews)Ronald Brautigam, P; Peter Wispelwey, Vc ; HighBeam Research, Free Preview '(sound recording reviews)' Full Membership required for unlimited access. Comprehensive archive of newspapers, magazines, trade journals, TV and radio http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.highbeam.com/library/doc0.asp?docid= |
89. BIS December 2000 Releases Information With his wide musical interests ronald brautigam is no period pianistin the sense of limiting himself to performing on period instruments. http://www.bis.se/releases00/moredec00.htm | |
90. Classics Today.com - Your Online Guide To Classical Music Your online guide to classical music Complete Piano Variations. ronald brautigam (fortepiano) BIS, ronald brautigam's tempos feel just right, whether adrenaline supplements seem to be fueling http://www.classicstoday.com/review.asp?ReviewNum=3886 |
91. Muziekhandel Spronk Online Mozart complete pianosonates. ronald brautigam op fortepiano. De nederlandsepianist ronald brautigam heeft de sonates van Mozart allemaal opgenomen. http://www.spronk.nl/PHPStore/detail.php?action=voegtoe&id=508 |
92. Ronald Stevenson As a pianist he has performed and broadcast in five continents, and his ronald BrautigamEssentially Scottish Piano Music from Scotland (1996) (KOCH 31590-2 http://www.smic.org.uk/html/Stevenson.html | |
93. Classical Piano Music CDs is readily apparent even in the smallest format, and brautigam plays with The Australianpianist ronald FarrenPrice gives sensitive performances of some of http://www.new-classics.co.uk/html/piano.html | |
94. Dirigent na zijn vakstudie nam hij deel aan verscheidene masterclasses bij ronald brautigam. Alspianist/dirigent leidde hij verscheidene operette en musicalverenigingen http://home.planet.nl/~veld3652/page3.html | |
95. Avondconcert -> Afleveringen -> Het Avondconcert Beethovens sonates komen chronologisch aan bod in een 24 delige serie waarin RonaldBrautigam niet alleen als pianist is te horen, maar ook over Beethoven en http://www.vpro.nl/programma/avondconcert/afleveringen/13915021/ | |
96. Noord Nederlands Orkest Luigi Boccherini wordt beschouwd. Vervolgens neemt pianist RonaldBrautigam plaats achter een fortepiano. Dit instrument is een http://www.noordnederlandsorkest.nl/main.php?menu=6&sub=1&result=1&id=18 |
97. Orkest Van Het Oosten Nieuwsberichten. Bekijk de Persberichten, Recencies. Wereldberoemde pianistRonald brautigam speelt Beethoven bij het Orkest van het Oosten. http://www.senvo.nl/orkest/index.php?module=5 |
98. Sharon Niessen - Netherlands Pianist She followed masterclasses too, among others with Rian de Waal, Igor Roma and RonaldBrautigam. of the Young Talent Class, but also as a duo and solo pianist. http://www.musiciansgallery.com/start/keyboards/pianists/niessen(sharon).html | |
99. Frédérick Chopin - The Fryderyk Chopin Institute Irena Poniatowska. The standing ovation recital of Dutch pianist RonaldBrautigam on December 4 was special. The pianist is appreciated http://www.nifc.pl/nifc/project.php?m=3&type=3&id=34&top=1&cat=3&subcat=2 |
100. Charlotte Bon And Bon Musique For many years she formed a VIOLINPIANO DUO with the master pianistRonald brautigam. Many Radio and Television broadcasts followed. http://www.bonmusique.nl/html/bon_musique_english.html | |
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