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41. Ulster Orchestra Reviews programme perhaps the most purely entertaining was ronald brautigam s characterfulrendition of The young pianist Alexander Melnikov is every inch the romantic http://www.ulster-orchestra.org.uk/Reviews/2004/rev0402.html |
42. Ulster Orchestra Reviews Concerto No 4 in G major has always been a great Belfast favourite and on this occasionwe heard the brilliant Dutch pianist, ronald brautigam, who combines a http://www.ulster-orchestra.org.uk/Reviews/2002/rev0204.html |
43. BIRKAM Program 2002/2003 Den dansk/koreanske klavertrio består af søstrene SooJin Hong, violin, Soo-KyungHong, cello samt den danske pianist Jens Elvekjær. ronald brautigam klaver. http://www.birkam.dk/program03.htm | |
44. Svensk Konsertdirektion As a soloist he performed throughout the world and has an establishedduo with Dutch pianist ronald brautigam and Aldert Vermeulen. http://www.loddingkonsert.se/artistdetail.asp?category=Violin&id=133 |
45. Hans Hordijk Fotografie: Portret home portret documentair series nieuw info, portret, ronald brautigam,pianist ronald brautigam vorige volgende. webtrafficanalysis http://www.uitvergroot.nl/portret/16.html | |
46. Winter2 of the enterprise is thanks in no small part to pianist Susan Tomes Complete SoloPiano Music, Volume 10, Airs, Variations and Dances , ronald brautigam, BIS. http://www.positive-feedback.com/Issue12/winter2.htm | |
47. Solistische Musik (allg.) Translate this page Darsteller ronald brautigam Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Bartholdy Maurice RavelRobert Schumann Igor Stravinsky Sir Landon ronald. Excusions for a pianist. http://www.eine-gute-cd.de/Musik/Klassik/Gattungen/SoloinstrumenteohneBegleitung | |
48. Www.klassik-heute.com - Komponisten/Interpreten Translate this page Von ronald brautigam sind mir noch rasante Parforceritte durch die KlaviersonatenRobert der Haydnschen Sonaten hat sich der holländische pianist ein angenehm http://www.klassik-heute.de/4DAction/web_a_kuenstler_infos?ID=1548&was=rezension |
49. Nieuws RTV Rijnmond Dat gebeurt op 1 februari 2005 in Concertgebouw De Doelen in Rotterdamonder leiding van Conrad van Alphen en met pianist ronald brautigam. http://www.rijnmond.nl/?pid=4&item=20831 |
50. The Orcadian Features - St Magnus Festival Goes Truly International She said that there was also a music ensemble coming all the way from Australiaand the festivals celebrity soloist, pianist ronald brautigam was from http://www.orcadian.co.uk/features/articles/stmagnus2002.htm | |
51. Classical Music - Andante - Haydn: Keyboard Sonatas, Vol. I -- Nos. 32, 34, 42, It takes a brave pianist to play a genuine fortissimo where is it After all, one minute slistening to ronald brautigam s instrument will convince any listener http://www.andante.com/article/article.cfm?id=12796&highlight=1&highlightterms=& |
52. De Officiële Site Van Het Nederlands Bureau Voor Toerisme & Congresssen - Act DEELNEMENDE MUSICI De lange lijst deelnemende musici bevat namen als ronald brautigam(pianist), violiste Liza Ferschtman, celliste Quirine Viersen en zangeres http://www.holland.com/nl/evenement/dcmf.html | |
53. Concert ronald brautigam ronald brautigam was born in Amsterdam in 1954, and was a studentof Rudolf Serkin. About the pieces Mendelssohn was an outstanding pianist. http://www.bfz.hu/hangversenyek/egy_koncert_en.php?id=421 |
54. Classical Net - Beethoven Piano Sonatas: Overview Of Recordings She is a pianist for the ages. ronald brautigam has recorded two discsearly piano variations, and the first piano sonatas (opera 2 49). http://www.classical.net/music/comp.lst/articles/beethoven/psonatas.html | |
55. Montreux-Vevey Festival ronald brautigam, pianist (Tickets SFr 30, 10). Aug 31, 730 pm, http://www.ffaire.com/musicplanner/festivals/montreuxprog.html | |
56. LMP Press Releases once again, and the season also sees appearances from great British veteran conductorVernon Handley, exceptional Dutch pianist ronald brautigam, the virtuoso http://www.lmp.org/ffnextseasonpr.htm | |
57. Www.marbecks.co.nz - New Release Classical Titles Expanded Edition / CD released 21/Mar/2004 $24.22 The pianist Glenn Gould 10 (Airs,Variations and Dances) - ronald brautigam, fortepiano (with Ingo Petry http://www.marbecks.co.nz/cd/classicalnew.lsd?-Token.sid=595295.5.20&skip=405 |
58. Verhuur Vaste gasten zijn onder andere Ton Koopman en zijn Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, hetCombattimento Consort, het Schönberg Kwartet, en pianist ronald brautigam. http://www.waalsekerk-amsterdam.nl/verhuur.htm | |
59. DeSingel - Beethoven Happening pianist ronald brautigam grijpt terug naar een vroege sonate en combineert die,als liedbegeleider van Michael Volle, met de innemende cyclus An die Ferne http://www.desingel.be/productionDetailView.orb?pr_id=6880 |
60. 07 08 With a cameo solo appearance by MPO pianist Akiko Nakamura along the pm 26 27.Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra Kees Bakels conductor ronald brautigam piano http://www.petronas.com.my/dfpmpo/dfp.nsf/0/9b38a323f095524d48256ad0004ce7ae?Ope |
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