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21. Jazz House launches a concert series for children ages 6 to 12 with Everybody MakesMusic! One of the highlights finds master pianist leon bates in concert http://citypaper.net/articles/011697/article010.shtml | |
22. PreviewCT: Rhapsody In Bates WENDY STULBERG PHOTO. pianist leon bates brings a keen sense of vocalmelody and rhythm to his interpretations of Gershwin. There http://previewct.com/gbase/Music/content.html?oid=oid:32726 |
23. March 14, 2002 - Acclaimed Pianist To Play In Next Segment Of The Babcock Season The Sweet Briar College Babcock Season continues Thursday, March 14 with a performanceby pianist leon bates at 730 pm in the College s Memorial Chapel. http://www.sbcnews.sbc.edu/0203/0203leonbates.html | |
24. The Prize Winner - Leon Django Bates leon Django bates Photo British pianist, keyboard and tenor horn player, bandleader,and composer. Born Beckenham, Kent, UK, on the 2nd of October 1960. http://www.jazzpar.dk/Prize_Winners/leon_django_bates.html |
25. Music Download Music Download. bates, leon International concert pianist. Site includes biography,reviews, repertory and programs. Music Download. Bauer, Harold (1873-1951 http://iomusic.com/Equipment_and_Instruments/Keyboard/Piano/Pianists/music_downl | |
26. Tickets On Sale For Leon Bates Performance Performance. Ticket sales begin Monday, Nov. 10, for the Cowan Centerperformance of internationally acclaimed pianist leon bates. The http://www.uttyler.edu/news/2003/nov10/story4.html | |
27. Montana Events Calendar Entered By Shara1. Title Bullfighter Dances, featuring leon bates, pianist. EventType Montana Missoula Concerts Performances Performances. Location http://www.mymontana.com/?template=calendar_event&eid=2108&cuid=7898&caldate=200 |
28. Template Nationally Renowned pianist leon bates to Perform at Stillman. March23, 2004. Nationally renowned pianist leon bates will perform http://www.stillman.edu/stillman/news/publicrelations/Leon b.html | |
29. Concert Guild Past Seasons 200203 Roanoke Opera s Madama Butterfly. leon bates, pianist. King s Singers. 1994-95Guarneri String Quartet. leon bates, pianist. Aspen Woodwind Quintet. http://music.wlu.edu/guild_past_seasons.htm | |
30. University Of St. Francis St. Francis. World class pianist leon bates will perform in concertat the University of St. Francis on Friday, Jan. 30. The concert http://www.stfrancis.edu/pressreleases/leonbates.htm | |
31. NPR : Performance Today For Saturday, September 26, 1998 . pianist leon bates PLAYS. pianist leon bates plays music by GeorgeGershwin to kick off a two hour Gershwin centenary celebration. http://www.npr.org/rundowns/rundown.php?prgId=4&prgDate=26-Sep-1998 |
32. NPR : Performance Today For Friday, March 29, 1996 (Tisch Audio). ». pianist leon bates JOINS. pianist leon bates joinsconductor Robert Spano and the Colorado Symphony for a concert http://www.npr.org/rundowns/rundown.php?prgId=4&prgDate=29-Mar-1996 |
33. Coastal Senior Brilliant American pianist leon bates is scheduled to perform with the HiltonHead Orchestra under the direction of Maestra Mary Woodmansee Green on Jan. http://www.coastalsenior.com/archives/january2003/SNRleonbates.html | |
34. Nicholls State University News - ACCLAIMED PIANIST TO PERFORM AT NICHOLLS STATE THIBODAUX Worldrenowned pianist leon bates will share his love for music witha concert on Thursday, March 11 and a lecture and master class for aspiring http://www.nicholls.edu/news/2004/043.html | |
35. CORVALLIS-OSU MUSIC ASSOCIATION CONCERT SERIES 1948 To The Present violinist) 197778 Welsh Choir of Cardiff Soviet Georgian Dancers Tiblisi PolyphonicChoir St, Paul Chamber Orchestra leon bates (pianist) Royal Ballet of http://www.music.peak.org/ARTISTS.TXT |
36. Roanoke Symphony Orchestra an educational concert for area school students, violin soloist Derek Reeves on aRoanoke Symphony Classics Concert and reknowned pianist leon bates in concert http://www.rso.com/friends.shtm | |
37. 1999-2000 Performing Arts Series At Beloit College February 20, 2000, GERSHWIN BY REQUEST, a glorious evening of music and songs byAmerica s favorite composer, with leon bates, pianist; SEBRONETTE BARNES and http://www.beloit.edu/~pubaff/events/pas99.html | |
38. YOTA Event Details February 19 Piano Master Class, leon bates, pianist Selected piano students willtake part in a Master Class with pianist, leon bates at 1000 am in Eaton http://www.beloit.edu/~arthist/yota/yotaevents.html | |
39. PianoatPepper.com THE WORLD OF MUSIC AT THE KEYBOARD Janet Vogt leon bates Lorenz Corporation HANONFOR THE DEVELOPING pianist CharlesLouis Hanon Hal leonard Corporation The http://www.pianoatpepper.com/catalog/bdillon.jsp |
40. Savannah NOW: Diversions: Music: Music Briefs 01/03/03 pianist leon bates to play in Hilton Head pianist leon bates is scheduled to performwith the Hilton Head Orchestra under the direction of Mary Woodmansee http://www.savannahnow.com/diversions/stories/010303/MSCMusicBriefs.shtml | |
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