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1. Philadelphia Pianist Leon Bates To Perform At MCCC faculty staff visitors legislators press releases leon bates. Philadelphia pianist leon bates to Perform. at Montgomery County Community College. March 6, 2003, Blue Bell, Pa. Rhapsody in Blue Candlelight Concert" featuring Philadelphia pianist leon bates on Saturday, March 15 at 8 p.m http://www.mc3.edu/cr/mc3news/march/bates.htm | |
2. Borealis Wind Quintet With Leon Bates, Pianist, Sunday November 9, 2003 At 3 PM Borealis Wind Quintet with leon bates, pianist, Sunday, November9, 2003 at 3 PM. Borealis Wind Quintet, leon bates, pianist, Next http://www.danbury.org/concert/borealis.htm | |
3. 20040303 - NCCU LYCEUM SERIES EVENING WITH PIANIST LEON BATES NCCU LYCEUM SERIES PRESENTS AN EVENING WITH pianist leon bates MARCH 25th. leon bates Central University presents an "Evening with pianist leon bates" on March 25, 2004 at 7 p http://web.nccu.edu/publicrelations/news/168.htm |
4. Four Seasons Concerts - Leon Bates leon bates. pianist. Home. Schedule. Artists. Ticket Information. Where. Special Interest. About Us. Contact leon bates has appeared in recital and in concert in the major cities throughout North http://www.fourseasonsconcerts.com/artists/bates.htm | |
5. NBC10.com - NewsLinks - Jan. 30: Fugitive Of The Week, Pianist Leon Bates, Free 30 Fugitive Of The Week, pianist leon bates, Free At Last!/Shari Botwin, Stephen Dubner, Philly's More Fun When You www.valentinesfortroops.com. pianist leon bates. www.rile.com http://www.nbc10.com/newslinks/1944998/detail.html | |
6. Spotlights & Events: Pianist Leon Fleisher To Perform At Bates Recital Hall, Feb pianist leon Fleisher to perform at bates Recital Hall, Feb. 26. AUSTIN,TexasThe New York Times hailed him as The finest American http://www.utexas.edu/spotlight/2004/music_piano040224.html | |
7. Leonbates2.htm International concert pianist. Site includes biography, reviews, repertory and programs. http://www.rilearts.com/leonbates.htm | |
8. NPR PIANIST LEON BATES JOINS pianist leon bates joins conductor Robert Spano and the Colorado Symphony for a concert performance of the Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini by Sergei Rachmaninoff. Recorded one week ago tonight at http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.npr.org/features/feature.php?wfId=10 |
9. Leon Bates Bio pianist leon bates welcomes the millennium with plans that include recordings, performingnew works and continued joy in performing for audiences the world over http://www.rilearts.com/lbbio.htm | |
10. Leon Bates Reviews IN ITALY leon bates alone succeeded in giving the music its explosive power, dramaticcharacter and unmistakable color bates is a formidable pianist and a http://www.rilearts.com/lbpress.htm | |
11. Artist Biographies A native of Philadelphia, leon bates began his formal study of music at the MusicSchool, and his advanced study was under renowned pianist Natalie Hinderas at http://www.americancomposers.org/bios011099.htm | |
12. Shattering Stereotypes Classical Musics Bodybuilding Pianist. (Leon HighBeam Research, Free Preview 'Shattering stereotypes classical musics bodybuilding pianist. (leon bates) (Interview)' Full Membership required for unlimited access. Comprehensive archive http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.highbeam.com/library/doc0.asp?docid= |
13. American Composers Orchestra - January 10, 1999 Concert international impact of George Gershwin and his music and features leon bates, ScottDunn Francis Thorne, who as both composer and former house pianist at the http://www.americancomposers.org/rel990110.htm | |
14. Leon Bates Reviews leon bates IN VIENNA " leon bates was leon bates alone succeeded in giving the music its explosive power, dramatic. character and unmistakable color bates is a formidable pianist http://www.rile.com/lbpress.htm | |
15. Great Pianist Piano Poll Max Middleton Little Richard leon Russell Jerry Lee Lewis Nicky Hopkins JohnnieJohnson Tori Amos Other Favorite pianist Ray Charles leon bates David Lanz http://www.pianoworld.com/pianopoll.html |
16. Leon Bates Bio pianist leon bates welcomes the millennium with plans that include recordings, performing new works and continued joy in student over 20 years ago, leon bates has emerged as one of http://www.rile.com/lbbio.htm | |
17. Famous Pianist Word Search Fun Famous pianist Word Search Fun. John Tesh Johnnie Johnson Josef Hoffmann Josef LevinneKeith Emerson, Keith Jarrett Loen bates leon Russell Liberace Little http://www.pianoworld.com/fun/famous_pianist1.htm | |
18. HUMANARTS: Leon Bates Assumption College HUMANARTS Series Presents leon bates, pianist April, 2004Assumption Colleges HUMANARTS Series presents a concert with worldclass http://www.assumption.edu/news/newshp/current_news/bates.html | |
19. Assumption College: Archive Of Press Releases Assumption College HUMANARTS Series Presents leon bates, pianist April, 2004AssumptionColleges HUMANARTS Series presents a concert with worldclass http://www.assumption.edu/news/newshp/ACNE.html | |
20. Leon Bates For the Network gala, pianist leon bates, who was a star pupil of one of Walker sgreat champions, the late Natalie Hinderas, will perform the Sonata No. http://citypaper.net/articles/091296/article005.shtml | |
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