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61. OXFORD INSTRUMENTS SUPERCONDUCTIVITY LIMITED Oxford Instruments superconductivity is a world leader in the supply of superconducting magnets and low temperature cryogenic systems to the scientific and http://www.oxinst.com/SCNCHP1.htm | |
62. International Journal Of Modern Physics B Launched in 1987, this journal covers the most important aspects of, as well as the latest developments in, Condensed Matter, Statistical, Applied Physics and High Tc superconductivity. One unique feature of this journal is its review section which contains articles with permanent research value http://www.wspc.com/journals/ijmpb/ijmpb.html |
63. The Lemberger Superconductivity Laboratory Thomas Lemberger s superconductivity research lab in the department of physics at The Ohio State University. This page uses frames http://www.physics.ohio-state.edu/~trl/group/ | |
64. Cryogenics (journal) International journal of low temperature engineering including applied superconductivity, cryoelectronics, cryophysics, cryogenics in medicine, and refrigeration and liquefaction technology. Mostly a subscription/information site. http://www.elsevier.com:80/inca/publications/store/3/0/4/0/7/ | |
65. Â Oxide Physics Research The programme is a collaboration of experimental and theoretical physicists working on the behaviour of correlated electrons in oxide materials. Based in the School of Physics and Astronomy at Birmingham University, United Kingdom. Materials of interest include the high temperature cuprate superconductors, nonFermi liquid physics near quantum critical points, unconventional superconductivity in the ruthanates and heavy fermion behaviour in lithium vanadate. http://www.oxides.bham.ac.uk/ | |
66. Index Manufactures advanced magnets, cryostats and SRF cavities. The company provides low cost equipment and a variety of services to scientific community of accelerators, superconductivity and cryogenics. http://www.AMACintl.com/ | |
67. Superconductivity - Home 2nd year chemistry web project a small web site about the phenomenon of superconductivity. An introduction to the phenomenon of superconductivity -. http://www.chemsoc.org/exemplarchem/entries/igrant/main_noflash.html | |
68. Superconductivity - History 2nd year chemistry web project a small web site about the phenomenon of superconductivity. A Brief History of superconductivity. http://www.chemsoc.org/exemplarchem/entries/igrant/history_noflash.html | |
69. IEEE Technical Council On Superconductivity The IEEE Council on superconductivity, CSC promotes programs and activities that cover the science and technology of superconductors and their applications. http://www.ewh.ieee.org/tc/csc/ | |
70. Superconductor Science And Technology Superconductor Science and Technology is a multidisciplinary journal for papers on all aspects of superconductivity. http://www.iop.org/EJ/journal/0953-2048 | |
71. Institute Of Low Temperature And Structure Research PAS Part of the Polish Academy of Sciences, in Wroclaw, Poland. Includes information about the departments of superconductivity, and low temperatures. http://www.int.pan.wroc.pl/?lang=en |
72. The Centre For Nanoscale Physics Department of Physics, Centre for Nanoscale Physics ultrafast microscopy, ultrafast spectroscopy, nanocrystals and ion implantation, modelling of dynamics at solid surfaces, superconductivity, phase transitions and biophysics. http://nanoscale.phys.ualberta.ca/ | |
73. Materials By Design: Superconductors absolute zero. The change from normal electrical conductivity to superconductivity occurs abruptly at a critical temperature T c . A http://www.mse.cornell.edu/engri111/superco.htm | |
74. Superconductivity Authors/titles Recent Submissions superconductivity. Authors and titles for recent submissions. State Comm Subjclass superconductivity; Mesoscopic Systems and Quantum Hall Effect http://arxiv.org/list/cond-mat.supr-con/recent | |
75. Physics News 531, March 22, 2001 Physics News current densities hundreds of times greater than that of common metals; also heat conductivity almost as high as that of diamond; superconductivity in nanotube ropes; nanotube/buckyball peapods; nanotubes as atomic force microscope probes. http://newton.ex.ac.uk/aip/physnews.531.html | |
76. The UBC Superconductivity Group superconductivity homepage, superconductivity Group UBC Department of Physics and Astronomy, Introduction People Research Papers Datasets Talks Your face here? http://www.physics.ubc.ca/~supercon/supercon.html | |
77. Search The Web http://www.superconductivity.com/ |
78. Superconductivity Home Page The superconductivity Lab. publication list, or see who our present and former group members are. Weizmann superconductivity lab. http://www.weizmann.ac.il/~fnsup/ | |
79. Cryogenic UK - Cryogenic Processing Equipment superconductivity and cryomagnetic low temperature engineering and instrumentation. London, with many international contacts listed. http://www.cryogenic.co.uk/ | |
80. Blues.helsinki.fi/~matpitka/exo.html The Physics of superconductivityThe Physics of superconductivity. Created August 1995; Last changes October 1997. Included in SciCentral Selection. Join the superconductivity Society. CONTENTS. http://blues.helsinki.fi/~matpitka/exo.html |
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