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41. Superconductivity superconductivity. superconductivity is a phenomenon which occurs in certain materials and is characterized by the absence of electrical resistivity. http://www.americanmagnetics.com/tutorial/supercon.html | |
42. Welcome To Uchida's Group Homepage Uchida's Group, working on hightemperature superconducting. http://lyra.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ | |
43. Rial Vacuum S.p.A. - UHV E Criogenia, UHV And Cryogenics Products and services in the ultrahigh vacuum, cryogenics and superconductivity sectors. Distribuitors list. http://www.rialvacuum.com | |
44. Www.sucon.cam.ac.uk/uksucon.html superconductivityThis site has been removed by it s creater until further notice. http://www.sucon.cam.ac.uk/uksucon.html |
45. American Superconductor Develops commercial applications of superconductor technology and products for the global power industry. Information about superconductivity; products; employment in the industry; and investment. (Nasdaq AMSC) http://www.amsuper.com/ | |
46. Superconductivity - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia superconductivity. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. superconductivity is a Theories of superconductivity. Since the discovery http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superconductivity | |
47. Index Manufactures advanced magnets, cryostats and SRF cavities. The company provides low cost equipment and a variety of services to scientific community of accelerators, superconductivity and cryogenics. http://www.amacintl.com/ | |
48. Superconductivity - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia superconductivity. (Redirected from Superconductor). superconductivity is a phenomenon Theories of superconductivity. Since the discovery of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superconductor | |
49. Garfield, Nick Personal information, curriculum vitae, link and information on high temperature superconductivity physics and for Internet networking problems and programming. http://www.nickgarfield.com/ |
50. A Guide To Superconductivity A Guide to superconductivity. Appendix A superconductivity Milestones; Appendix B Periodical Literature; Appendix C superconductivity Reference Books; http://www.physnet.uni-hamburg.de/home/vms/reimer/htc/contents.html | |
51. Howstuffworks "What Is Superconductivity?" Main Science ShortStuff What is superconductivity? superconductivity is a phenomenon observed in several metals and ceramic materials. http://www.howstuffworks.com/question610.htm | |
52. Www.stcs.uiuc.edu/ superconductivity Groupsuperconductivity Group Home Page This is Home page This is Contents page Go to Papers and Patents site Go to Other related site Go to members and staffs site http://www.stcs.uiuc.edu/ |
53. We Come In Peace - Formation Inc. - The Information Corporation Director of Research, Formation Inc. Scientific Research and Development. Interests include High Temperature superconductivity and Energy Conversion Technology. http://elifritz.members.atlantic.net/ | |
54. Bajas Temperaturas This site is the homepage of the research group on Low Temperatures Physics (superconductivity, magnetism, strongly correlated systems, mesoscopic systems) of the Centro At³mico Bariloche http://cabbat1.cnea.gov.ar/bt-pages/start_en.html | |
55. Physics For Professionals Bulletin board for problems, research and solutions in superfluidity, superconductivity, quantum vortex dynamics, pulsar rotation, evaporation, statistical physics. http://www.physics4u.com/ | |
56. Superconductivity Concepts Characteristic lengths in superconductors. Index Superconductors by Joe Eck. HyperPhysics***** Condensed Matter, R Nave. Go Back. http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/solids/supcon.html | |
57. Superconductivity Links A large link list of superconductivity data bases, free journals, papers and news, and university http://superconductor.com.ne.kr/ |
58. PhysicsWeb - Archaeology Turns To Superconductivity Archaeology turns to superconductivity 6 August 2003. Researchers from Israel have developed a new way to date archaeological objects http://physicsweb.org/article/news/7/8/3/1 | |
59. PhysicsWeb - Best Of PhysicsWeb Physics in Biology. superconductivity. Best of superconductivity. News Superconducting diamond turns up in Russia; Closing in on a theory of superconductivity; http://physicsweb.org/bestof/superconductivity | |
60. Kluwer Academic Publishers - Journal Of Low Temperature Physics Fundamental theoretical and experimental research developments in all areas of cryogenics and low temperature physics. Subject areas include superconductivity, superfluidity, quantum liquids, magnetism and electronic properties, transport and phonon phenomena at low temperatures. http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/0022-2291 | |
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