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21. Superconductivity For Electric Systems Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Power Technologies superconductivity for Electric Systems. ORNL Home. Index Search. Comments. Disclaimers. Rev http://www.ornl.gov/HTSC/htsc.html |
22. ScienceDirect - Physica C: Superconductivity - List Of Issues www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/09641807 More results from www.sciencedirect.com IEEE Xplore Applied superconductivity, IEEE Transactions on Join IEEE, Applied superconductivity, IEEE Transactions on. Issues of Year 2004 March 2004, Vol.14, Issue 1 Other Years 2003 2002 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/09214534 | |
23. Homepage superconductivity. Funded by the European Commission within the framework of the GROWTH programme of the 5th framework programme. http://orchidea.maspec.bo.cnr.it/homepage.html | |
24. Kluwer Academic Publishers - Journal Of Superconductivity Covers all aspects of the science and technology of superconductivity, including new materials, new mechanisms, basic and technological properties, new phenomena, and small and large-scale applications. http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/0896-1107/ | |
25. Cookies Required Virtual Journal of Applications of superconductivity, a multijournal compilation, presents articles within the scope of applications of superconductivity to http://www.vjsuper.org/super/ | |
26. ARS Associates Home Page Specializes in components and instrumentation for superconductivity including super conduction magnets from cryomagnetics, power supplies, cryostats and associated electronics http://www.arsassociates.com/ | |
27. A Teacher's Guide To Superconductivity For High School Students Geared towards teachers so they can in turn teach others about superconductivity. Detailed, and a good read for anyone interested in the topic. Last updated 1996, but still quite useful. http://www.ornl.gov/info/reports/m/ornlm3063r1/contents.html | |
28. Introduction To High-Temperature Superconductivity In 1911, Heike Kamerling Onnes discovered superconductivity (the ability of a material to carry electricity with no resistance) in mercury, cooled by expensive http://www.uh.edu/research/tcsuh/hts_intro.html | |
29. Cookies Required This semimonthly virtual journal presents articles that have appeared in one of the participating source journals and that fall within the scope of applications of superconductivity to electronics and large-scale systems. http://www.vjsuper.org | |
30. Power Applications Of Superconductivity In Japan And Germany Web book. Table of contents links to parts of chapters, writer information. http://www.wtec.org/loyola/scpa/toc.htm | |
31. Kluwer Academic Publishers - Journal Of Superconductivity http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/0896-1107/contents | |
32. PhysicsWeb - Archaeology Turns To Superconductivity From PhysicsWeb, The new technique relies on measuring the magnetic signal from lead, which was widely used in antiquity, in samples that have been cooled to cryogenic temperatures. http://physicsweb.org/article/news/7/8/3 | |
33. Kluwer Academic Publishers - Journal Of Superconductivity http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/0896-1107/current | |
34. Applied Superconductivity Center: UW-Madison Applied superconductivity Center. We advance the science and technology of superconductivity and particularly superconductivity applications. http://www.asc.wisc.edu/ | |
35. CEA/ DRFMC/ SBT Research in cryogenics in the areas of superconductivity, superfluid helium technology, fusion, cryogenic refrigeration, and electronics. France. http://www-drfmc.cea.fr/english/SBT/ | |
36. Superconductivity Technology Center At Los Alamos Overview The superconductivity Technology Center (STC) coordinates a multidisciplinary program for research, development, and technology transfer in the area http://www.lanl.gov/superconductivity/stc.shtml | |
37. Indian Institute Of Technology Kharagpur Curricula includes optoelectronics, electromagnetics, power electronic drives, industrial automation, power systems, superconductivity, signal and image processing, and industrial and biomedical instrumentation. http://www.iitkgp.ernet.in/departments/home.php?deptcode=EE |
38. Superconductivity Papers DB -Search- www.aist.go.jp/RIODB/db013/englishver.html More results from www.aist.go.jp superconductivity Basicssuperconductivity Basics. superconductivity. Conductor Phenomena. Magnet Phenomena. Characteristics of Superconducting Magnets. Back http://www.aist.go.jp/RIODB/sprcnd_etl/DB013_eng_top_n.html | |
39. Understanding High Temperature Superconductivity: Progress And Prospects Progress and Prospects http://cnls.lanl.gov/Highlights/1997-06/html/June_97.html | |
40. New Page 2 Government sponsored institute conducting research programs on electric power supply, energy efficiency, environmental protection, electrophysics, power apparatus, superconductivity, powerline telecommunication, and advanced materials. http://rose.keri.re.kr/index_e.html |
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