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121. The Great Web Of Science Providing links for science, astronomy, biology, chemistry, electronics, medicine, meteorology, oceanography,physics and space. http://www.imagine-Hawaii.com/science.html | |
122. PHYSICS PAGES spacetime dimension, considerations of finite dimensional variants of standard quantum theory, the nature of space and time, multiple concepts of time, all centered on the fundamental problem of quantum gravity. http://graham.main.nc.us/~bhammel/physics.html | |
123. Radio And Space Plasma Physics Group Research group at the University of Leicester, UK. http://ion.le.ac.uk/ | |
124. Erics Programming Page!!! Whats your weight on all the planets? Science, physics, Astro Picture Gallery. space. http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shire/6675 |
125. John F.Shalman Professor of Theoretical physics in the New Delhi Institute of Technology. He is interested in a new concept of spacetime in physics his preferred approach is Bumpter Theory. http://www.geocities.com/jshalman/index.htm | |
126. Expanding Matrix And The Unification Of Dynamics, A Physics Treatise Reexamining A physics treatise examining fundamental assumptions about energy, space and time using the little known expanding dimension portion of Einstein's equivalence principal. http://members.tripod.com/Exmatrix/Part_1.html | |
127. Index.html Doing theoretical plasma physics in space Science Center, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, USA. http://plasma4.sr.unh.edu/ng/ | |
128. Gravel - RCL Software Free simulation software which models the interaction between bodies in space according to Newtonian physics. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/rcl-software/gravel | |
129. GRAVITATIONAL / UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING Scientific and mathematical modeling of physics including, gravity, space, antigravity, dark matter, solution to the n-body problem, expansion rate of the universe and black holes, which suggests the development of field propulsion for advanced space flight. http://www.gravitational-engineering.com/ | |
130. Home Page Of Carl Sundberg This site will introduce the world to usable relative energy found in rotating gravitational bodies, time travel limitations, extremely low power space travel systems, alternatives to fossil and atomic fuels and methods to power the planet with geothermal energy. http://2-pi.org | |
131. Theory physics of the inner magnetosphere http://www.dartmouth.edu/~spacephy/theory.html | |
132. Applets By Daniel Roth Applets for learning university level physics. Also includes link to older DOS software (momentum space visualization). http://www.netzmedien.de/software/download/java/index.html | |
133. Alfvén Laboratory Researching elctromagnetic theory and applications, including fusion, space and basic plasma physics experiments. Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. http://www.alfvenlab.kth.se/index-e.html | |
134. The Institute For Geophysical Research Radio and space Plasma physics GroupUniversity of Leicester, Radio and space Plasma physics Group. Welcome to the Radio and space Plasma physics Group. The Radio and space http://rubble.phys.ualberta.ca/inst/ | |
135. Topological Geometrodynamics An attempt to unify fundamental interactions by assuming that physical spacetimes can be regarded as submanifolds of certain 8dimensional space. Book in PDF by Matti Pitk¤nen, Helsinki. http://www.physics.helsinki.fi/~matpitka/tgd.html | |
136. UNH Experimental Space Plasma Group Sounding Rockets. Seminars physics Department Colloquium Series; Graduate Student Journal Club; space Science Seminar Speaker Sergei http://www-ssg.sr.unh.edu/ | |
137. Orbiter - A Free Space Flight Simulator A realistic 3D flight simulator that uses proper physics for the modelling of planetary motion, gravitational fields, free space, and atmospheric flight. http://www.medphys.ucl.ac.uk/~martins/orbit/orbit.html | |
138. Ariel.igeofcu.unam.mx/ Center for Astrophysics space Sciences, UCSD and ultraviolet astronomy, infrared astronomy, radio astronomy, theoretical astrophysics, cosmology, solar physics, space plasma physics, interferometry, and http://ariel.igeofcu.unam.mx/ |
139. New Approach To The Fine Structure Of Matter And Space A new physical theory on space, matter and radiation empty space is full of tiny particles. http://www.word1.co.il/physics | |
140. RAL Planets And Space Plasmas Home Page space Plasma physics at RAL. Plasma, Research fields, People, space missions with which the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory is or has been involved. http://sspg1.bnsc.rl.ac.uk/ | |
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