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         Space Physics:     more books (100)
  1. Physics of interstellar space;: A popular science outline by S. B Pikelʹner, 1959
  2. Advances in geodesy: Selected papers from Reviews of geophysics and space physics by Erik W. Grafarend, Richard H. Rapp, 1984
  3. Distribution of Mass and Angular Momentum in the Solar System (Astrophysics & Space Physics Reviews) by L. Marochnik, 1989-01-01
  4. Gravitational Physics: Exploring the Structure of Space and Time (<i>Physics in a New Era:</i> A Series) by Committee on Gravitational Physics, National Research Council, 1999-11-03
  5. Space Charge Dominated Beam Physics for Heavy Ion Fusion (AIP Conference Proceedings)
  6. Solar Physics and Space Weather Instrumentation: 31 July-2 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA
  7. Journal of Geophysical Research, Space Physics An International Quarterly, Volume 73, March-April, 1968 by unknown, 1968
  8. Reviews of Geophysics and Space PhysicsVol. 20, No. 3August 1982 by American Geophysical Union, 1982
  9. The changing order; the physics of space, time and motion. Edited with introductions by Arnold Koslow by Arnold (comp.) Koslowe, 1967
  10. National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) - Flagship Scientific Computing Center for the Department of Energy at Berkeley Lab, Climate, Nanotech, Physics, Space Research (CD-ROM) by Department of Energy, 2007-06-20
  11. Supernova 1987A (Astrophysics & Space Physics Reviews) by V. Imshennik, 1989-01-01
  12. Theory of Stellar Spectra (Topics in Astrophysics & Space Physics) by C. Cowley, 1970-01-01
  13. Vector Spaces And Matrics in Physics by M. C. Jain, 2007-08-30
  14. Physics of Phase Space: Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, Geometric Quantization, and Wigner Function (Lecture Notes in Physics 278) by International Conference on the Physics of Phase Space 1986 universit, Y. S. Kim, 1987-06

121. The Great Web Of Science
Providing links for science, astronomy, biology, chemistry, electronics, medicine, meteorology, oceanography,physics and space.
The Great Web of Science
A resource to sites about the sciences and books about science and technology.
Chemistry Electronics Meteorology ...
Return to ImagineHawaii
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Last updated on 06/02/03

spacetime dimension, considerations of finite dimensional variants of standard quantum theory, the nature of space and time, multiple concepts of time, all centered on the fundamental problem of quantum gravity.
Welcome to the Physics Pages
"There is no God, and Dirac is his prophet." W. Pauli "It is that the universe is comprehensible at all; that is the mystery." E. Wigner Epitaph seen: "Here lies Schroedinger's cat" Time doesn't exist, a priori; it is generated by the sheer existence of energy, the sine qua non of existence.
Metapostulates: As a function of scale, physical reality is, and physical theory should be, described by alternating regimes of chaos and order; at the lowest scale of physical existence, there is chaos and noncomputability. This is essential for the ontological alternations of chaos and order that do exist. Reality seems at all levels of complexity to require a randomizer of some sort. The fundamental level of reality must contain such a randomizer, and a "Quantum Principle" (Q) must be present as that randomizer. The fundamental level is small, local, and consistant with Q. All Q-type formalisms suggest Lie algebraic structures. The Problem:
Define a local Q structure that is Lie algebraic in nature, that gives rise to both the the structure of QM embodied in the Heisenberg algebra, and also to the relational structure embodied in a "Relativistic Principle" R, of which we have two, Special Relativity (SR) and General Relativity (GR), the latter extending SR to include gravity.

123. Radio And Space Plasma Physics Group
Research group at the University of Leicester, UK.
Radio and Space Plasma
Physics Group
Document last updated
Welcome to the Radio and Space Plasma Physics Group The Radio and Space Plasma Physics Group is at the forefront of research into the interaction of planetary environments with the solar wind. The most spectacular evidence of this interaction are the aurora which occur in the regions surrounding both the north and south magnetic poles. To understand these complex interactions, information from a broad range of theoretical and experimental studies is required and the group is active in many national and international collaborations. Experimental studies with spacecraft and ground based facilities are being carried out. The group builds and operates ground based radar facilities including the SPEAR radar currently being constructed on Svalbard and the CUTLASS radars. (The CUTLASS radar in Finland is shown below.) This site contains information about the work of the group and its experimental facilities as well as providing access to both real time and archived data. Use the panel to the left to navigate the site and learn more about the activities of the Radio and Space Plasma Physics Group. Click on the site map button for an alternative method of navigating this site and to see a complete list of the content.

124. Erics Programming Page!!!
Whats your weight on all the planets? Science, physics, Astro Picture Gallery. space.

125. John F.Shalman
Professor of Theoretical physics in the New Delhi Institute of Technology. He is interested in a new concept of spacetime in physics his preferred approach is Bumpter Theory.
John F. Shalman Ordinary Professor of Theoretical Physics
Division of Mathematical Physics New Delhi Institute of Technology I am a theoretical physicist. Topics I have worked on in the past include the connections between particle physics and cosmology, properties of topological defects, nonperturbative phenomena in quantum field theory, and quantum aspects of the early universe and of black holes. For several years, my central interest has been in a new physical description of space-time that I have been developing, I call it Bumpter Theory. I am very interested in to contact with physicist that work in nonstandar ideas. This is due my obsession to find original ideas that permit us to advance in this so hard and beauty discipline (usually physicists are too conservatives to get the deep change that modern theoretical physics needs). Bumpter Theory Group was developed to shelter these kind of scientifics in the same place.
Contact Information: John F. Shalman
Ordinary Professor in Theoretical Physics
Chandrasekhar Building, office 324

126. Expanding Matrix And The Unification Of Dynamics, A Physics Treatise Reexamining
A physics treatise examining fundamental assumptions about energy, space and time using the little known expanding dimension portion of Einstein's equivalence principal.
var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded"
The Expanding Matrix
(The designations Part 1, 2, 3 etc. are schematic to the order documents are converted to html format and put online, not to their relationship to the theory itself. Eventually another 100+ pages will be converted by OCR from dot matrix on paper to HTML format.) Part 2 N/A N/A 4 N/A 5 N/A 6 N/A 7 N/A 8 N/A 9 N/A 10 N/A (N/A = Not Available at this time )
Jan.22/1999 For the reader with limited time, the strongest persuasions for the Author's view are marked with asterisks*. One of the prime objectives of this project is to interest as many skilled mathematicians as possible in converting the standard "Static Space" models of physics into the "Expanding Matrix" model presented here. One of the best candidates in the author's view is "String Theory" as it already uses a framework based on the concept of spatial transformations to build reality. The idea that our geometric laws are a function of dynamic energy transformations is the foremost tenet of the "Expanding Matrix" model. In older papers, this theory is referred to as "Dynamic Asymmetry". Great pains were gone to, to explain the origin of the "symmetries" from such. However to avoid confusion, the term is seldom used anymore. At the time I was delighted that it clarified a single dynamic identity for energy and the arrow of time.

127. Index.html
Doing theoretical plasma physics in space Science Center, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, USA.
English Chinese Big 5 Chinese GB
Welcome to Chung-Sang Ng's Homepage
Lydia, Andy, Simeon, and Sang
  • Go to my resume. Some academic articles. Some chinese essays written by me.

  • Links:
    The American Physical Society University of New Hampshire
    The University of Iowa Home Page
    Iowa City Chinese Bible Study Group ... Chinese Christian Internet Mission

    To give any valuable suggestion, please feel free to mail me

    128. Gravel - RCL Software
    Free simulation software which models the interaction between bodies in space according to Newtonian physics.
    We have moved:

    Scientific and mathematical modeling of physics including, gravity, space, antigravity, dark matter, solution to the n-body problem, expansion rate of the universe and black holes, which suggests the development of field propulsion for advanced space flight.
    Gravitational / Universal Engineering creates practical models which can be applied to solve real problems including: gravity, anti-gravity effects, dark matter, n-body problems, expansion of the Universe...
    A) QUANTITATIVE MODELING comments/feedback
    Contraction of Space as the Mechanism for Universal Gravitation
    Pseudo Force of Gravity, Acceleration due to Gravity Redefined, Independent Derivation of Universal Gravitation , Revised Laws of Motion, Natural Dynamic of Space
    2. Gravity Modeled as Dynamic Geometry Eliminates Need for Dark Matter
    Redefining Space, Reduction of Space by Mass, Acceleration of a 1, 2 and 3 Body System, Missing Mass of the Universe, Cumulative Effects of Gravity, Special Case of Linear 3-Body Problem
    Final Solution to N-Body Problem using Dynamic Geometry
    Complete Solution to the n-body problem. No approximations, No pseudo Forces, No excessive computations. Exact linear equations including; relative positions for any time interval ( time sequencing unnecessary), adding: absolute positions, and effect of initial velocities *

    130. Home Page Of Carl Sundberg
    This site will introduce the world to usable relative energy found in rotating gravitational bodies, time travel limitations, extremely low power space travel systems, alternatives to fossil and atomic fuels and methods to power the planet with geothermal energy.
    Welcome to the home page of
    Carl E. Sundberg
    When we consider the wind, the rain and all the energy that is present in our weather system, it's quite easy to realize the deficits which exist in our knowledge of physics. For centuries, we have just accepted our weather system as a very efficient engine. The apparent efficiency of that system has been a fascination of mine for decades. Over the years, I have made a study of this system in an effort to discover it energy secrets. I have made progress that leads me to better understand many other energy systems. Being a person with no formal training in physics, just an interest, I have no reputation to protect. I will therefore be revealing my discoveries on this site some time in the next several months. My work will include discussions on the limitations of time travel, discovery of a whole new kind of planetary energy which we can tap to replace fossil and atomic fuels, a method to make long distance wireless electric automobile travel possible, a theory on how to travel throughout space with extremely small amounts of energy and a replacement system to eliminate the need for rocket propulsion systems and perhaps the most important discovery of all, a discussion on bias as it relates to the release of a new kind of energy which has always been present in all geothermal systems throughout the universe. My work will embraces all of Newtonian and Einsteinian physics. Without the works of both Newton and Einstein, none of the theories I will advance would have been possible. Keep watching this site. I'm still trying to decide whether to put all of my discoveries on-line at once or in pieces and I'm still writing...

    131. Theory
    physics of the inner magnetosphere
    Center for Integrated Space Weather Modelling (CISM)
    PI Hudson CoIs: Lyon, Wiltberger
    Related Sites
    ISTP/GGS Modelling Mesoscale Processes in the Global Geospace System
    PI: Mary Hudson
    The Dartmouth-Berkeley-Minnesota theory team has identified a number of mesoscale phenomena to be investigated as part of the GGS program. A broad range of techniques are implemented including ideal and reduced MHD, two fluid, hybrid, particle-in-cell and test particle simulations. Detailed comparison of simulations results with GGS satellite and ground based data will be undertaken.
    NASA SECTP: Ultra Low Frequency Magnetospheric PHysics
    William Lotko, P. I.
    This synergistic research effort is exploring and advancing theoretical understanding of the causal agents, coupling, scale-interactions, and particle kinetics of magnetospheric and ionospheric variability in the ultra-low-frequency regime (time scales from 1 sec to 30 min). Magnetotail transients and oscillations (periods of 10-30 min), magnetospheric boundary and dayside merging transients and pulsations (1-10 min), geomagnetic cavity and field line eigenmodes (0.5-10 min), and auroral resonator/cavity dynamics (1-30 sec) are being investigated via:
    • Dynamic, global MHD simulation of the solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere interaction

    132. Applets By Daniel Roth
    Applets for learning university level physics. Also includes link to older DOS software (momentum space visualization).
    Applets by Daniel Roth - (c) FiPS, University of Kaiserslautern (c) Dec 2000 by Daniel Roth FiPS Department of Physics University of Kaiserslautern , Germany These pages are mirrored at , the official FiPS website hosted at the University of Kaiserslautern in Germany. Introduction Here's the place where you can find Java Applets (to view them, your Browser must support at least Java 1.1) which I have written from time to time to simulate or illustrate problems in Physics. They are freeware, you can use and copy them as much as you want, but you are not allowed to modify and redistribute them (which means e.g. decompile them, change the source code and compile them again) without my prior admission ( just ask me!
      Some of the Applets are not yet the way I would like them to be (e.g. handling of image loading - if the applet presents a more or less empty space, wait a few seconds until the images have finished loading), but I am constantly improving them. So if you like and use them, please come back to see if I have made some improvements.
      Please confirm changes in the parameters of an Applet with ENTER.

    133. Alfvén Laboratory
    Researching elctromagnetic theory and applications, including fusion, space and basic plasma physics experiments. Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.

    PÃ¥ svenska
    KTH ), Stockholm. Our research and educational activities focus on laboratory, space, and fusion plasma physics as well as on applied electrophysics and electromagnetic theory including antenna theory. Research
  • Applied Electrophysics
  • Electromagnetic Theory
  • Fusion Plasma Physics
  • Lab Plasma Physics ...
  • Space Plasma Physics Education
  • Undergraduate programme

    M Sc thesis projects
  • Graduate study programme Organization
  • Personnel
  • Divisions
    Applied Electrophysics

    Electromagnetic Theory
    Search our pages

    Tel: +46 8 790 7704 Fax: +46 8 24 54 31
    Email: Map for visitors Latest update 24 March 2004 by Lars Blomberg
  • 134. The Institute For Geophysical Research
    Radio and space Plasma physics GroupUniversity of Leicester, Radio and space Plasma physics Group. Welcome to the Radio and space Plasma physics Group. The Radio and space
    The Institute for Geophysical Research is composed of members who are engaged in geophysical research in three University departments: the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, the Department of Mathematical Sciences and the Department of Physics. The purpose of the Institute is to foster interaction and collaboration among individuals from these three departments who are involved in research in Earth Physics, to advance geophysical studies within the University, to assist in the dissemination of knowledge, to help train leaders in areas of importance for the future well-being of our environment, and to promote interaction between the University and the broader community. Executive F. Walter Jones , FRAS, PhD, Director of the Institute for Geophysical Research
    Samuel S. Shen , PhD, Associate Director of the Institute for Geophysical Research
    Ex Officio Council Members Mark Dale , PhD, Professor of Biological Sciences, Dean of Graduate Studies and Research
    Brian Jones
    Gary Kachanoski
    , PhD, Vice-President (Research)
    Anthony To-ming Lau , PhD, Professor and Chair, Department of Mathematics
    Gregory Taylor , PhD, Professor of Biological Sciences and Acting Dean of Faculty of Science
    Administrative Assistant: Sarah Derr
    Ph. (780) 492-3521

    135. Topological Geometrodynamics
    An attempt to unify fundamental interactions by assuming that physical spacetimes can be regarded as submanifolds of certain 8dimensional space. Book in PDF by Matti Pitk¤nen, Helsinki.
    This report is subject to small changes now and then: errors are corrected and new details are added. Just now (30.10. 2003) I have performed massive up-dating and re-organization of the book so that the theory is constructed from the beginning by taking from number theoretic ideas and the philosophical input from TGD inspired theory of consciousness. I am grateful for comments, criticism and suggestions. The following list gives table of contents for "Topological Geometrodynamics". If You want, say chapter "Physics as a Generalized Number Theory", as a .pdf file, just click on "Physics as a Generalized Number Theory" in the table of contents. To help the reader to get overview I have included also a list of links to the chapters in the table of contents as well as corresponding abstracts. Previous level
    Introduction PART I: Configuration Space Geometry
    An Overview about the Evolution of Quantum TGD
    Configuration Space Spinor Structure PART II: TGD as a Generalized Number Theory
    Quaternions, Octonions, and Infinite Primes

    136. UNH Experimental Space Plasma Group
    Sounding Rockets. Seminars physics Department Colloquium Series; Graduate Student Journal Club; space Science Seminar Speaker Sergei
    Welcome to the University of New Hampshire Experimental Space Plasma Group!
    Currently Operating Missions Missions in Development:
    • STEREO (Solar-TErrestrial RElations Observatory)
    Other Missions:

    137. Orbiter - A Free Space Flight Simulator
    A realistic 3D flight simulator that uses proper physics for the modelling of planetary motion, gravitational fields, free space, and atmospheric flight.
    Home Download FAQ Manual Gallery ... Bug Tracker Orbiter is free - but if you like it, you can appreciate the work that has gone into creating it by making a donation.
    Cheers! About ORBITER ORBITER is a free flight simulator that goes beyond the confines of Earth's atmosphere. Launch the Space Shuttle from Kennedy Space Center to deploy a satellite, rendezvous with the International Space Station or take the futuristic Delta-glider for a tour through the solar system - the choice is yours.
    But make no mistake - ORBITER is not a space shooter. The emphasis is firmly on realism, and the learning curve can be steep. Be prepared to invest some time and effort to brush up on your orbital mechanics background. A good starting point is JPL's Space Flight Learners' Workbook - or you could tap into the accumulated knowledge base of the Orbiter community to get advice. News December 17, 2003: Orbiter Patch 031217 In time to celebrate 100 years of powered flight (and 3+ years of Orbiter) I have released a new patch which fixes a number of recently reported bugs and adds some new features, including cloud shadows on planetary surfaces. Get your copy from one of the download mirrors. (If you already have the 031105 version installed, please download the patch, not the full version!) For more details, check the

    Center for Astrophysics space Sciences, UCSD and ultraviolet astronomy, infrared astronomy, radio astronomy, theoretical astrophysics, cosmology, solar physics, space plasma physics, interferometry, and

    139. New Approach To The Fine Structure Of Matter And Space
    A new physical theory on space, matter and radiation empty space is full of tiny particles.
    EPOLA: A New Approach to the Fine Structure of Matter and Space
    Menahem Simhony
    Retired Associate Professor, Physics Section 5, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel Main Page The so called "empty" or "free" or "vacuum" space IS NOT EMPTY Free space, more or less empty or evacuated of atomic matter , contains wealths of tiny nuclear particles, especially electrons and positrons , far apart from one another. In our free space, these particles form a rare cubic Electron POsitron Lattice or EPOLA. Epola particles are bound to one another by a binding energy of 1.02 MeV, a hundred thousand times the binding energies in strongest bound atomic solids. Absorption of the 1.02 MeV energy in any point of space frees an electron and a positron out of epola bounds there. When a pair of such free particles is caught into epola bounds, their binding energy is emitted in two or more energy quanta. There is no turning of energy into particles, nor of particles into energy, no particle "creation", nor "annihilation". In the E=mc formula

    140. RAL Planets And Space Plasmas Home Page
    space Plasma physics at RAL. Plasma, Research fields, People, space missions with which the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory is or has been involved.
    Planets and Magnetospheres at RAL
    24 Jan 2004 ESA - Mars Express has been inserted safely into Mars Orbit. ASPERA-3 has been turned on and is working well 27 sept 2003 Smart -1 Launched successfully. See the SMART-1 launch page
    has been checked out and is working perfectly.


    Our Group has an active instrument program involving a number of missions. We are also involved in theory, simulations, and ground-based observing. Our interests encompass two themes: The Magnetospheres theme includes the processes coupling the energy and matter in the interplanetary medium into the magnetospheres of the Earth and planets. The Planetary theme includes the planets, comets, satellites, smaller bodies and dust in the Solar System, and the extrasolar planets beyond our own System. In each area we are currently looking forward to exciting new missions: Cluster II and IMAGE are producing a wealth of data which will transform the scope of space physics. D-CIXS forms part of the SMART-1 core payload. Its results will tell us about the formation of the Earth-Moon system.

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