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81. Nat'l Academies Press: A Space Physics Paradox: Why Has Increased Funding Been A A space physics Paradox Why Has Increased Funding Been Accompanied by Decreased Effectiveness in the Conduct of space physics Research? http://www.nap.edu/catalog/4792.html | |
82. Space Physics Home Page Welcome to the space physics Group at the University of Otago. The radio icon at the left returns to this page. Other useful space physics links http://www.physics.otago.ac.nz/space/spacehome.html | |
83. Www.ngdc.noaa.gov8080/ Institute of Atmospheric Physics Department of space physicsInstitute of Atmospheric Physics. Department of space physics. Welcome everybody! Terezka has the pleasure to invite you to waste http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov:8080/ |
85. SPA Section Home Page The official Web site of the space physics Aeronomy (SPA) section of the American Geophysical Union (AGU). section overview meetings http://space.agu.org/ | |
86. Solar And Space Physics: A Community Assessment And Strategy For The Future Project Title Solar and space physics A Community Assessment and Strategy for the Future Date Posted Posted 01/08/2001 Project Identification Number http://www4.nas.edu/cp.nsf/0/c8ce1f765624ffc1852569ce006f6801?OpenDocument |
87. Committee On Solar And Space Physics Project Title Committee on Solar and space physics Date Posted Posted 09/16/2002 Project Identification Number SSBX-L-00-90-H Major Unit Division on http://www4.nas.edu/cp.nsf/0/9b3a04408d857ad185256c36006c5faa?OpenDocument |
88. Welcome Augsburg College space physics. and related sites. Automatic Geophysical Observatories Unmanned scientific platforms on the Antarctic continent. http://space.augsburg.edu/ | |
89. Swedish Institute Of Space Physics, Uppsala, Information Page This web page is obsolete. In early 2001, the IRF Wave Group and part of the Satellite Group was merged into the IRF Physics in Space research programme. http://www.wavegroup.irfu.se/ | |
90. Astronomy And Space Physics Department Home Page Astronomy and space physics Department Home Page, Faculty of Physics, Kyiv Shevchenko National University. Astronomy and space physics Department. http://space.univ.kiev.ua/ | |
91. Department Of Astronomy And Space Physics Department of Astronomy and space physics. Address information Telephone numbers. The Department of Astronomy and space physics consists of two subdepartments. http://www.astrospace.uu.se/ | |
92. NorthWest Research Associates, Inc., NWRA, Bellevue, WA; Science, Instruments, S Contractresearch firm conducting in-depth investigations in the physical sciences and providing consulting services to government and industry. Expertise ranges from atmospheric, ocean, and sea ice sciences, to fundamental geophysical fluid dynamics and space physics. We also produce instrumentation for the geosciences. http://www.nwra.com/ | |
93. Space Environment Center, NOAA, U.S. Dept Of Commerce Space weather, aurora science, space physics, forecasts. http://sec.noaa.gov/ | |
94. Charles Vind's Center For Critical Information A collection of articles that speculate on the fundamental nature of space, matter, energy, as well as the mysteries of human consciousness. http://www.west.net/~simon/index.html | |
95. Space Plasma Physics - Alfvén Laboratory Science projects Investigations of the auroral phenomenon, magnetic fields and electrodynamics of dense interstellar plasma clouds. Based at the Alfv©n Laboratory, Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. http://www.plasma.kth.se/space/ | |
96. Physics & Engineering Book Breakthrough! Electromagnetic Field Theory And More. book review Book that challenges fundamental principles of modern electromagnetic field theory and unveils a new model for electromagnetic masses as they move from the point of origin out into space. http://www.physics-books.com | |
97. NASA/Marshall Solar Physics The Solar physics Branch of Marshall space Flight Center's (MSFC) space Sciences Laboratory (SSL) is composed of 15 scientists involved in various studies of the physics of the Sun. http://science.nasa.gov/ssl/PAD/SOLAR/default.htm | |
98. Science Activities Interactive Learning Resources Includes activities about the earth, space, oceans and water, weather and climate, physics and chemistry, and geography and mapping. Requires Macromedia Flash Shockwave and Apple Quicktime. http://www.eoascientific.com/interactive/ | |
99. Space And Time Course based on Stephen Hawking's best selling book, A Brief History of Time . The course deals with topics in modern physics such as Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity, Quantum Theory, Black Holes and the Creation of the Universe. http://info.hartwick.edu/physics/spacetime.html | |
100. Plasma Physics Division, Naval Research Laboratory Conducts a broad experimental and theoretical program in basic and applied research in plasma physics, laboratory discharge and space plasmas, intense electron and ion beams and photon sources, atomic physics, pulsed power sources, laser physics, advanced spectral diagnostics, and nonlinear systems. http://wwwppd.nrl.navy.mil/ |
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