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         Space Physics:     more books (100)
  1. The Book of the Moon: A Lunar Introduction to Astronomy, Geology, Space Physics, and Space Travel (Frontiers of Science) by Thomas A. Hockey, 1986-06
  2. Calculus and Mechanics on Two-Point Homogenous Riemannian Spaces (Lecture Notes in Physics) by Alexey V. Shchepetilov, 2006-10-09
  3. Solar-Terrestrial Physics - Principles and Theoretical Foundations (Astrophysics and Space Science Library)
  4. Time, space, causality, geometry: The relative and absolute in the physics of Einstein by Lawrence H Domash, 1975
  5. Knowledge In Motion: Space, Time And Curriculum In Undergraduate Physics And Management (Knowledge, Identity and School Life, No 2) by Jan Nespor Asso, 1994-11-01
  6. Physics of the Earth (Space science text series) by Frank D. Stacey, 1969-12
  7. progress in space-time physics by j.p. wesley, 1988
  8. Physics of Solar System Plasmas (Cambridge Atmospheric and Space Science Series) by Thomas E. Cravens, 2004-11-11
  9. Path Integrals and Anomalies in Curved Space (Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics) by Fiorenzo Bastianelli, Peter van Nieuwenhuizen, 2006-08-14
  10. Dynamic Space Demands Dynamic Time by Ann Hall Kitzmiller, 2005
  11. An Introduction to Noncommutative Spaces and Their Geometries (Lecture Notes in Physics) by Giovanni Landi, 1998-01-15
  12. Figuring Space: Philosophy, Mathematics and Physics (Science and Philosophy) by Gilles Châtelet, 1999-11-30
  13. Space and Time in Contemporary Physics: An Introduction to the Theory of Relativity And Gravitation (Great Minds) by Moritz Schlick, 2007-02-26
  14. Space Plasma Simulation (Lecture Notes in Physics)

61. Theoretische Physik IV: Lehrstuhl Für Theoretische Physik IV -- Prof. Dr. Reinh
Translate this page Experimente. Astrophysics, space physics. Astrophysik. Weltraumphysik. Topological Fluid Dynamics, Plasma Physics. Topologische Fluiddynamik. Plasmaphysik. -.
Theoretische Weltraum- und Astrophysik
Startseite Druckversion Aktuelles/Stellen Vorlesungen ... Intern Forschung Astrophysik Weltraumphysik Plasmaphysik Topologische Fluiddynamik ...
Designed by
Alia Yacoub

62. Rice University
Department of space physics and Astronomy.

63. 400 Years Of "De Magnete"
History of geomagnetism, and its relation to space physics and aurora.
The Great Magnet, the Earth
by David P. Stern
  • A more technical historical review, overlapping some of the material of this web site, appeared in Reviews of Geophysics in September 2002. under the title A Millennium of Geomagnetism
    It can now be read here, titled A Millennium of Geomagnetism
  • ...A Spanish translation
    ...also a French translation by Pascale Cambier with the Belgian Institute of Space Aeronomy.
    ...and a German translation by Sven Friedel of the University of Leipzig. We are seeking volunteer translators to produce versions in other languages . Please contact the author, Dr. David Stern, audavstern ("at" symbol)

This is part of a large family of websites. See:
"tared and zipped" compressed version of this set (2 Mb)
"tar" version joining all files (no compression, 3.8 Mb) at
(Best viewed in font #14,
but print in #10 or #12)

William Gilbert
    In 1600, four hundred years ago William Gilbert, later physician to Queen Elizabeth I of England, published his great study of magnetism, . It gave the first rational explanation to the mysterious ability of the compass needle to point north-south: the Earth itself was magnetic.

64. LMMS L942 Homepage
The space physics Laboratory (LMSPL) is a Department within Lockheed Martin Missiles and Space Company s Advanced Technology Center.
The Space Physics Laboratory (LMSPL) is a Department within Lockheed Martin Missiles and Space Company's Advanced Technology Center. We are a group of scientists and engineers who study the near Earth space environment. We have expertise and a long successful history in the design and development of remote sensing instrumentation, in situ measurements, and theoretical studies of the Sun-Earth particle and field interaction regions and processes. Our Laboratory is located in the heart of the Silicon Valley in California. We have on-going programs in partnership with Stanford University, University of California at Berkeley in our immediate region and with various Universities across the US and the world, as well as US National Laboratories. See an index of the RECENT PUBLICATIONS from our Laboratory staff
We also work closely with the Lockheed Martin Solar Astrophysics Lab
L942 Member HomePages Datlowe, Dayton Magoncelli, Tony Peterson, Bill Petrinec, Steve Pronko, John Rairden, Rick Rinaldi, Michael Remainder Member HomePages Not yet Available L942 Forms/Info Blank Fax Cover Page Fax Cover Page Fax Cover Page Template IT Hardware/Software Requests 9x80 Workweek Calendar Current Publication Awards List Tavel Approval Form Tavel Template Form

[LMSPL Home]
[About LMSPL] [Programs] [Personnel] ...
Michael A. Rinaldi

65. Welcome To The NSSDC!
Provides access to a wide variety of astrophysics, space physics, solar physics, lunar, and planetary data from NASA space flight missions, in addition to selected other data, models, and software.
Welcome to the
National Space Science Data Center
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA
Discipline-specific Services
Multidisciplinary Services

66. JGR-Space Physics Home Page
The home page of JGRspace physics is now maintained by the office of the new Senior Editor. Please mark the new location in your hot list.
The home page of JGR-Space Physics is now maintained by the office of the new Senior Editor. Please mark the new location in your hot list.

67. JHU/APL's Auroral Particles And Imagery - Interwoven Space Physics Stories
Interwoven space physics Stories. about the solar wind striking the Earth, the aurora, and the halo around both of the Earth s magnetic poles
Interwoven Space Physics Stories
about the solar wind striking the Earth, the aurora, and the halo around both of the Earth's magnetic poles Presented bilingually. Click to toggle: Scientific Presentation Plain English Top Story: Solar Cycle and the Aurora
After the 11-year solar cycle was established in the 18th century, efforts began to find out if the terrestrial environment was affected. The first relationship which seemed clear is that more aurora occur following solar maximum that minimum. We re-examined this question to test a controversial theory of auroral arc formation, with surprising results. Story 1: Is the aurora there when no one is looking?
The aurora has been studied for centuries by scientists and enjoyed by others for much longer. The northern lights can only be seen at nighttime, but it has always been assumed that, like the stars, the aurora was still there after the sun came out. New research by the auroral particles and images group at JHU/APL shows that aurora which are intense enough to be seen with the unaided eye are in fact comparatively rare when the sun is above the horizon. The northern lights are present much more often when they can be seen (when the sun is down). Story 2: Barring the Earth's Halo.

68. JHU/APL's Auroral Particles And Imagery Page
Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL) has madesignificant advances in quantitatively understanding certain space physics processes, while
Click on to enlarge.
T he Auroral Particles and Imagery Group at The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL) has made significant advances in quantitatively understanding certain space physics processes, while uncovering some new mysteries.
A multi-institutional effort to define the position (and ultimately the intensity) of the auroral oval using multiple data sets cross-calibrated to a single standard. Data from the DMSP satellites, from NASA's Polar UVI imager, and from the University of Alaska, Fairbanks Meridian Scanning Photometer are all incorporated. Only the latter is currently available real-time. The size and position of the auroral oval can be plotted for any time from December 1983 to present.
Go To OVATION Real-Time Page Stories Space Physics Research Stories (Dual Scientific and Plain English Presentations) Data Products Available DMSP Particle Data Products, which include spectrograms, dayside and nightside crossing identifications, auroral ovals plots, geomagnetic contour plots, Arc probability maps, DMSP satellite tracking plots, data files, and some source code. Substorm Movies Substorm movies (MPEG format) created from Polar UVI data.

69. Poetry
Public outreach, education, and teaching on space physics topics. Includes classroom activities and study guides.
P. O. E. T. R. Y P ublic O utreach, E ducation, T eaching and R eaching Y outh.
This web site provides teachers, students and the interested public with the latest information about auroral science, and the study of Earth's magnetic field. The goal of the IMAGE mission's education and public outreach program (POETRY) is to explain how solar storms affect the Earth, and to correct misconceptions about Earth's magnetic field, its radiation belts, and why we have aurora. Here are some questions that you may have encountered in your textbooks: What causes aurora? Answer What is the solar wind? Answer What is space weather? Answer What is a magnetic field? Answer What are the Van Allen Belts? Answer IMAGE Discoveries Educator Resources Multimedia Gallery ... Warning!!

70. Hyperspace Physics
Empty space appears to contain the energy of a trillion atomic bombs in The Infinite Complexity of our Immediate Environment; StateSpecific Physics; SUPERSPACE. index updates forum chat contact English to German English to Spanish English to French English to Italian English to Portug. German to English German to French Spanish to English French to English French to German Italian to English Portug. to English Random : Symbiotic Sloths
PHYSICS related net resources
  • The laboratory of parallel universe experimentation may not lie in a mechanical time machine ... but could exist between our ears. Dr. Fred Alan Wolf on

71. SpacePhysics
space physics. space physics is the branch of geophysics that deals with the study of the ionized layers of planetary atmospheres
for Space

72. Science On High-Energy Lasers: From Today To The NIF
An overview of science performed with high energy lasers, including five scientific areas (astrophysics and space physics, hydrodynamics, material properties, plasma physics, radiation sources, and radiative properties).
Science on High-Energy Lasers:
From Today to the NIF
Facility Definitions

Material Properties

Plasma Physics
Radiative Properties

Richard W. Lee
Richard Petrasso
Roger W. Falcone
To help you find specific subject areas, we have also provided a document map showing all the sections and subsections. Last modified on February 1, 1996
If you have technical questions about this page contact: Richard Lee ( and Science on High-Energy Lasers: From Today to the NIF

73. Space Physics
space physics @ IUB, space physics can be characterised as the physics of the Earth s environment in space and the interplanetary medium.
GeoSciences and Astrophysics
The Major Astrophysics Geochemistry/Geology ... IUB Home Space Physics Overview and Research Projects

Instructor's Homepage

DFG Project: Studies of Paleomagnetospheric Processes
Space Physics Links

Space Physics @ IUB Space physics can be characterised as the physics of the Earth's environment in space and the interplanetary medium. Loosely speaking, space physics comprises everything that can be reached with spacecraft. Astrophysical objects like stars and galaxies, on the other hand, can only be studied using remote sensing instruments (telescopes). Further neighbouring science disciplines are aeronomy (physics and chemistry of the Earth's upper atmosphere) and planetology.
More than 99% of the visible matter in the universe is in the plasma state which implies that plasma physics is crucial for the understanding of many cosmic phenomena. Near-Earth space is a huge natural plasma laboratory at our back door which can be studied using spacecraft, rockets, and ground instruments like ionospheric radars. The results are relevant not only for the magnetospheres of planetary bodies in our solar system but also for the rapidly growing number of exoplanets which are likely to be exposed to strong stellar winds in the vicinity of their mother star. Furthermore, the rich variety of nonlinear plasma phenomena contributes to the understanding of nonlinear physics in general.
To get informtion about Space Physics at IUB, use the links on the left hand side.

74. 2003-2004 UAF Catalog: Space Physics
Degrees and Programs. space physics. space physics focuses on the physics of upper atmospheres, ionospheres, magnetospheres and the interplanetary medium.
@import url(; Advanced Search
2003-2004 UAF Catalog Degrees and Programs Space Physics College of Science, Engineering and Mathematics Department of Physics Degrees: M.S. Ph.D. Minimum Requirements for Degrees: M.S.: 30-33 credits; Ph.D.: 18 thesis credits Downloadable PDF Space physics focuses on the physics of upper atmospheres, ionospheres, magnetospheres and the interplanetary medium. The Space Physics program is a graduate specialty area within the UAF physics department. The program includes core foundation physics courses and specialty courses in space physics, aeronomy, magnetospheric and auroral physics, and advanced plasma physics. Specialty courses support graduate research with faculty members of the UAF Geophysical Institute. Techniques courses provide training in areas such as numerical simulations and time-series analysis. Additional courses provide breadth such as radiative transfer and physics of fluids. Academic and research work may lead to employment opportunities with educational institutions, the aerospace industry and in government.

75. Atmospheric Chemistry And Space Physics
Atmospheric Chemistry and space physics. During the past three decades there has developed a growing public awareness of the interrelation
Atmospheric Chemistry and Space Physics
During the past three decades there has developed a growing public awareness of the interrelation between human activity and the atmosphere. In recent years this has evolved an urgency that is leading to major international research efforts to prepare for the political and economic decisions that need to be made. SRI's research in Atmospheric Chemistry and Space Physics contributes to understanding of atmospheric processes through active programs in all three cornerstone areas: field observations, modeling and simulation, and laboratory measurements. Table of Contents
  • Atmospheric Fate of Anthropogenic Substances
  • Heterogeneous Atmospheric Chemistry
  • Reliable Models of Ozone-Depletion Chemistry
  • Aeronomy: Photochemistry of Terrestrial and Planetary Atmospheres ...
  • Ionospheric and Space Sciences
    Atmospheric Fate of Anthropogenic Substances
    Industrial activity results in release of wide variety of chemicals to the atmosphere. Some of these chemicals are benign, others are effectively destroyed by natural processes in the atmosphere, and some result in damaging air pollution, acid rain, ozone depletion, or are implicated as promoting potential global climate changes. Increasingly restrictive regulations motivate careful assessment of atmospheric impact and development of new technologies with reduced emissions. SRI scientists and engineers assist clients through testing and monitoring protocols that track pollutants in the environment. Laboratory experimental procedures are used to understand chemical transformations. Optical and sampling techniques are developed for remote and point monitoring of pollutants and transport through the atmosphere.
  • 76. 2003 Villa Olmo International Conference
    8th ICATPP Conference on. Astroparticle, Particle, space physics, Detectors and Medical Physics Applications. Instrumentation as a
    International Conference on Advanced Technology and Particle Physics CENTRO DI CULTURA SCIENTIFICA A.VOLTA VILLA OLMO (COMO-ITALY) 8th ICATPP Conference on Astroparticle, Particle, Space Physics, Detectors and Medical Physics Applications Instrumentation as a tool for detection of radiation and effects of radiation in particle physics, astroparticle physics, space and medical applications
    Villa Erba, Como 6-10 October 2003) 2003 Conference Schedule Conference Programme The 2003 Conference Programme is available for downloading. Please contact your session organizer for any further information. Conference Poster Call for papers: Paper submission must be agreed with the Session Organizer or with the Organizing Committee. Exhibition Abstract Submission Article submission and Conference Proceedings Conference Proceedings: the whole set of Accepted Manuscripts is available for downloading. ... To contact Session Organizers Slides of Presented talks Companion Program Villa Olmo: Volta Centre Information Inside Villa Erba Inside Villa Olmo click to magnify How to reach Como and Villa Erba How to reach Como and Villa Olmo Italian Railways Swiss Railways ... Como Visitor Information links A special Covenant connects the A.Volta" Centre for Scientific Culture to

    77. Space Physics Research At NorthWest Research Associates, Inc.
    NearEarth space physics. Pages related to this area of research are
    Space Physics Atmosphere Ocean and Earth Fluid Mechanics ...
    Solar Physics
    Near-Earth Space Physics Pages related to this area of research are: In the highest reaches of the atmosphere, above about eighty kilometers, molecular and atomic constituents are energized and ionized by solar ultraviolet radiation and, at high latitudes, by energetic electrons of solar and magnetospheric origin. In this transition region between the Earth's atmosphere and near-Earth space (the ionosphere) free electrons abound. The resulting plasma responds to the geomagnetic field and to electric fields imposed by dynamos operating in the Earth's atmosphere and through interaction of its magnetosphere with the solar wind. In addition to the forces that control the neutral thermosphere, therefore, quite different influences also control the dynamics of the ionized gas making up the ionosphere. With little doubt, the most widely recognized and beautiful of ionospheric phenomena is the aurora (borealis and australis). Produced by energetic electrons streaming along geomagnetic field lines, the auroral light results from the excitation of atoms, molecules, and ions at ionospheric altitudes above about 100 km. Controlled by electromagnetic forces far out in the Earth's magnetosphere, the aurora dances in a repertoire that ranges from "Swan Lake" to the "Ride of the Valkyries." The photo below was taken in central Alaska by Dr. David C. Fritts, Sr. Research Scientist at NWRA's CoRA Division.

    78. SPL Space Plasmas Description
    The space physics Laboratory (LMSPL) is a Department within Lockheed Martin Missiles and Space Company's Advanced Technology Center.
    Space Plasmas Group
    The Space Plasmas Group investigates current research topics in space plasmas. Since the 1972 discovery of Oxygen in the Earth's magnetosphere by this group, we have been a leader in the investigation of plasma composition in the Earth's magnetosphere and near comets. We have flown plasma composition experiments on the ISEE DE AMPTE , and CRRES magnetospheric missions and we have been co-investigators on the Giotto cometary mission. Currently, we have operating composition experiments on the FAST and POLAR missions. Future missions include the IMAGE magnetospheric mission and the Rosetta cometary mission as well as collaboration on the Cluster magnetospheric mission. Other activities within our group include design of small, free-flying magnetometers for space applications, all sky imaging of the aurora from the Antarctic, and planning future space plasmas missions.

    79. Martindale's Astronomy, Astrophysics & Space Center: Space Physics
    space physics COURSES, TEXTBOOKS TUTORIALS, DATABASES, MOVIES. For more information see Wolfram Research, Inc SOME EXAMPLES OF space physics APPLETS INCLUDE
    US/Pacific: Sunday, June 6, 2004

    Sydney, Australia: Monday, June 7, 2004

    File Download Time Calculator

    ... Space Radiation

    80. Nat'l Academies Press, A Space Physics Paradox: (1994), Table Of Contents
    Call 800624-6242. A space physics Paradox Why Has Increased Funding Been Accompanied by Decreased Effectiveness in the Conduct of space physics Research?
    Read more than 3,000 books online FREE! More than 900 PDFs now available for sale HOME ABOUT NAP CONTACT NAP HELP ... ORDERING INFO Items in cart [0] TRY OUR SPECIAL DISCOVERY ENGINE Questions? Call 800-624-6242 A Space Physics Paradox: Why Has Increased Funding Been Accompanied by Decreased Effectiveness in the Conduct of Space Physics Research?
    Commission on Geosciences, Environment and Resources ( CGER ), Space Studies Board ( SSB
    Openbook Linked Table of Contents Front Matter, pp. i-x Contents, pp. xi-xii Executive Summary, pp. 1-6 1 Introduction, pp. 7-10 2 Big Science, Little Science, and Their Relation to Space..., pp. 11-18 3 Research Funding Trends, pp. 19-24 4 Demographics, pp. 25-32 5 Base Program Funding Trends in Space Physics, pp. 33-42 6 Trends in the Conduct of Space Physics, pp. 43-70 7 Conclusions and Recommendations, pp. 71-80 References, pp. 81-82 Appendix A: Space Physics Missions, pp. 83-88 Appendix B: The Solar Telescope That Saw No Light, pp. 89-96 GO TO PAGE:
    Table of Contents SEARCH THIS BOOK:
    Front Matter


    Executive Summary

    1 Introduction
    2 Big Science, Little Science, and Their Relation to Space Physics

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