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         Space Physics:     more books (100)
  1. Planetary Aeronomy: Atmosphere Environments in Planetary Systems (Physics of Earth and Space Environments) by S.J. Bauer, H. Lammer, 2004-08-17
  2. Ionospheres: Physics, Plasma Physics, and Chemistry (Cambridge Atmospheric and Space Science Series) by Robert W. Schunk, Andrew F. Nagy, 2004-11-25
  3. Advanced Space Plasma Physics by Rudolf A. Treumann, Wolfgang Baumjohann, 1997-01-15
  4. Physics of Space Plasma Activity by Karl Schindler, 2006-12-04
  5. Geometric Optics on Phase Space (Theoretical and Mathematical Physics) by Kurt B. Wolf, 2004-08-26
  6. The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time (Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics) by Stephen W. Hawking, G. F. R. Ellis, et all 1975-03-28
  7. Solar and Heliospheric Origins of Space Weather Phenomena (Lecture Notes in Physics)
  8. Flat and Curved Space-Times by George F. R. Ellis, R. M. Williams, et all 2001-01-11
  9. Weather Radar: Principles and Advanced Applications (Physics of Earth and Space Environments)
  10. Process Physics: From Information Theory To Quantum Space And Matter (Contemporary Fundamental Physics) by Reginald T. Cahill, 2005-09-06
  11. Spinors and Space-Time: Volume 2, Spinor and Twistor Methods in Space-Time Geometry (Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics) by Roger Penrose, Wolfgang Rindler, 1986-03-31
  12. Relativity: An introduction to space-time physics by Steve Adams, 1997-09-29
  13. Space Weather: The Physics Behind a Slogan (Lecture Notes in Physics)
  14. Discrete Event Physics: Space and Time by William Delaney, 2004-11-12

21. Fall 2002 Seminar Speakers
Center for space physics Fall 2002 Seminar Speakers. Date. Topic (Tentative Titles). Speaker. September 12. Current Cluster II Current Results. Prof.
Center for Space Physics Fall 2002 Seminar Speakers
Topic (Tentative Titles)
September 12 Current Cluster II Current Results Prof. Robert McPherron September 19 Solar Climate History from Ice Cores Dr. Margaret Shea September 26 The SPIDR Mission Prof. Supriya Chakrabarti October 3 The Plasma Physics of Meteor Trails Prof. Meers Oppenheim October 10 RHESSI: First Results Prof. Robert Lin October 17 Meteor Physics Dr. Diego Janches October 24 Coronal Controversies Dr. Ed DeLuca October 31 Heliospheric ENAs Prof. Michael Gruntman November 7 Self Organized Criticality in Earth's Magnetosphere Dr. Alex Klimas November 14 Music of the Spheres: Using Geomagnetic Field-line Resonances and LEO-to-GPS TEC to Remotely Sence Space Weather Prof. Mark Moldwin November 21 AGU Scarf Talk: On Pi-2 Pulsations Dr. Larry Kepko November 29 Thanksgiving Break - No Seminar December 5 AGU Week - No Seminar
Place: Room 500 (5th floor)
725 Commonwealth Avenue Guest Parking Passes: Please contact Ms. Lisa Vercauteren
617-353-5990, e-mail:

22. Space Physics Data System (SPDS
space physics Data System (SPDS). Any relevant materials have been incorporated into the space physics Data Facility (SPDF) web site.
Space Physics Data System (SPDS)
The SPDS is no longer active. Any relevant materials have been incorporated into the Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) web site. This page will soon be disabled so please change your links to the SPDS site as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please contact the contacts identified below. Authors and Curators Robert McGuire ,, (301) 286-7794
Head, Space Physics Data Facility
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA
Tami Kovalick
QSS Group Inc., Space Physics Data Facility
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA
Last Modified: September 12, 2003

23. Computational Physics, Inc. - Home
Computational Physics, Inc. (CPI) was founded to perform advanced scientific research and technology development in atmospheric and space physics. Products and projects, news, press releases, jobs, publications, related links.
Welcome to the Computational Physics, Inc. Web Site. Welcome to the Computational Physics, Inc. Web Site.

24. Space Weather Resources
The World Space Weather Service; International Auroral Study; January 1997 Magnetic Cloud Event Study. space physics Models. space physics Observatories. Radars.
Space Weather Resources
Links Go
Space Physics
Space Weather studies the environmental dynamics of "geospace": the active (and sometimes stormy) region above the Earth's lower atmosphere including the ionosphere (which often reflects AM radio waves back to Earth) and the magnetosphere (home of the Van Allen radiation belts and the environment of many spacecraft including the numerous geosynchronous satellites used for communications and other applications.) The following list gives active links to information about space weather and associated fields of scientific research.
If you have a link you would like to see added, or your find a broken link which needs to be fixed, please e-mail

25. University Of Maryland Space Physics Group
Welcome. About Us. Members. Projects. Current Events. Publications. Seminars. Resources. Contact Us. Credits. UMd Home. UMd Physics.
Welcome About Us Members Projects Welcome About Us Members Projects ... Credits

26. Kristof [Krzysztof] Stasiewicz Home Page
Associate professor, Swedish Institute of space physics.
Kristof [Krzysztof] Stasiewicz, PhD,
associate professor Institutet för rymdfysik, Uppsala
Swedish Institute of Space Physics
Box 537
SE-75121 Uppsala delivery address: Ångströms Lab.
Regementsvägen 1,
752 37 Uppsala
phone fax e-mail mobile www
Research pages

27. Space And Solar Physics Tutorials
Introductory Texts and Tutorials on Solar Physics and space physics. space physics Text Book by the University of Oulu, Finland.
Introductory Texts and Tutorials on Solar Physics and Space Physics
Part of the function of the IACG Campaign IV is to promote an exchange of data and ideas among members of the scientific community in the fields of Solar Physics and Space Physics. The educational and professional background of these two disciplines frequently differ. For this reason we are including references to general background texts. Please feel free to suggest other references that are available to the public.
References available on the WORLD WIDE WEB:
Solar System
General audience introductory internet tours of the solar system are given in The Nine Planets: A Multimedia Tour of the Solar System , by Bill Arnett
Table of Contents
The Sun
The Interplanetary Medium
Planetary Spacecraft
in Views Of The Solar System , compiled by Calvin J. Hamilton (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Table of Contents
The Sun
and in the Solar System leaflet of the Royal Greenwich Observatory
Table of Contents
The Sun
The Sun and Solar Physics
The Sun: A Pictorial Introduction , includes slides and explanations (P. Charbonneau and O.R. White). Some examples of available topics:

28. Imperial College London | Faculty Of Physical Sciences | Department Of Physics |
Our aims are to undertake worldclass research, and to train young scientists, in both experimental and theoretical aspects of space physics and Atmospheric
Quick Navigation Imperial home page A-Z of Departments Courses Research Alumni Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Life Sciences Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Physical Sciences Tanaka Business School Spectrum (College Intranet) College directory Help Note: Your browser does not support javascript or you have javascript turned off. Although this will not affect your accessibility to the content of this site, some of the advanced navigation features may not be available to you. Home Space and Atmospheric Physics Group Note: Some of the graphical elements of this site are only visible to browsers that support accepted web standards . The content of this site is, however, accessible to any browser or Internet device.
Welcome to the Space and Atmospheric Physics Group
Latest News : Dr Horbury Receives RAS Fowler Award We are part of the Physics Department at Imperial College . Our aims are to undertake world-class research, and to train young scientists, in both experimental and theoretical aspects of Space Physics and Atmospheric Physics. You can use the navigation bar above to find information about our Research Activities and about Postgraduate Studies with us.

29. Institute Of Astronomy And Space Physics (CONICET / UBA)
Institute of Astronomy and space physics About IAFE In this page you will find information about IAFE s Structure(*), its Staff
Institute of Astronomy and Space Physics
About IAFE
In this page you will find information about IAFE's Structure (*), its Staff and History (*), and also a map showing IAFE's location in the Universitary City of Buenos Aires. (*) These pages are in spanish only. Should you have any question or suggestion, please feel free to contact our public outreach area

30. Space Physics At The U. Of Washington
descriptions of research, education and resources in the UW Geophysics Program s space physics groups. What is space physics? We
Research Areas: Atmospheric Electrodynamics Space Plasma Experiments Optical Aeronomy
  • POLAR/UVI Instrument ... Radar Remote Sensing More About Us: Related: Members of the Group Washington NASA Space Grant Consortium Movies! Space Physics Links ...
    Geophysical Research Letters
    What is Space Physics?
    We define Space Physics to be the study of ionized gas in the earth's environment and its interaction with the neutral atmosphere and with natural and man made boundaries. When long range electric and magnetic forces dominate the evolution of a volume of ionized gas it is referred to as a plasma. Space physics research at the University of Washington covers topics from very weakly ionized gas, such as that of the earth's lower and middle atmosphere, to the plasmas of interplanetary space which are nearly fully ionized. Understanding space physics involves learning about a multiply connected set of ionized gas phenomena stretching from the sun to the surface of the earth and the other planets. The sun emits a variable stream of plasma called the solar wind which in turn interacts strongly with the Earth's magnetic field, forming a magnetic bubble in the solar wind called the

31. Space Physics And Aeronomy In Geophysical Research Letters
space physics and Aeronomy in Geophysical Research Letters. Geophysics Main Page Program Information Solid Earth NearSurface space physics
Space Physics and Aeronomy
Geophysical Research Letters
Congratulations to Brian Anderson of John Hopkins University as the New Editor for Space Physics and Aeronomy for GRL
Browse SPA GRL Articles by topic, author, issue or special section
or All Issues
Electronic submission of PDF or LaTeX files
PDF version of all GRL papers starting from 1995 can be found in the back issues at the GRL site at AGU under the back issues button (except possbily for the more recent issues). If you have a current subscription, your user name is your AGU number and your passwd is first initial followed by your surname. Papers submitted as online publications remain free to all. Because of this access, this site is no longer being maintained. If you liked the site and wish to see some continuation of its services please contact the new editor. Thanks all for your support.
Click on the small images to get a full size image (byte size is given in caption). 1 Jul 2000 [82 kb]
Leonid Shower
15 May 2000 [71 kb]
Solar Eruptions
15 Apr 2000 [71 kb]
Flares and CMEs
1 Apr 2000 [82 kb]
Magnetospheric Avalanches
15 Feb 2000 [69 kb]
Coqui II
1 Feb 2000 [160 kb]
Jovian Radio Emissions
Past articles that have made the Cover of GRL

32. Space Physics Research Laboratory At The University Of Michigan
Offers courses, projects and research area. Includes faculty directory, list of past and current projects, and funding.
Welcome to the
Space Physics Research Laboratory

at the University of Michigan
here to get it!

33. Space Physics Research Laboratory
Left John Pesce Right Dr. Abas Sivjee Jan 1, 1996 South Pole Station, John Pesce s Ice Sculpture, http//
Left: John Pesce Right: Dr. Abas Sivjee
Jan 1, 1996 South Pole Station, John Pesce's Ice Sculpture
page last modified: June 15 2000, maintained by: John Pesce

34. University Of Newcastle Space Physics Research Group
space physics Research Group in Australia

35. The University Of Newcastle Space Physics Group, Australia
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, The University of Newcastle, Callaghan. 2308. New South Wales, Australia FAX +61 249 216907
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences,
The University of Newcastle,
Callaghan. 2308. New South Wales, Australia
FAX: +61 249 216907
Prof. B.J. Fraser
A/Prof. F.W. Menk Dr. C.L. Waters
This page was last updated on : 20 January, 2004

36. Uppsala Astronomical Observatory
Observatory (UAO) homepage. The UAO is a division of the Department of Astronomy and space physics at the Uppsala University. Since July
Home Contacts People Research ... Webmaster Announcement: V acant Assistant Professor/Research Associate position in Theoretical Astrophysics. See details for the application (deadline 30/June/2004
W elcome to the Uppsala Astronomical Observatory (UAO) homepage.
is a division of the Department of Astronomy and Space Physics at the Uppsala University
. Since July 2000 the UAO offices are no longer located in the "Old Observatory" building, but in the facility (picture above).
Project work (examensarbete) opportunities: R ead more at the undergraduate education page
Astronomy links NASA launching satellite to probe Einstein's theory Cassini mission to Saturn Hubble Ultra Deep Field Venuspassagen 2004 /
Venus transit 2004 Astronomy picture of the day Postal Address
Uppsala Astronomical Observatory
Box 515
SE-751 20 Uppsala

37. GI Space Physics And Aeronomy Home Page
GI logo UAF logo. Welcome to the Geophysical Institute s space physics and Aeronomy Group. The members of the group conduct studies
Welcome to the Geophysical Institute's
Space Physics and Aeronomy Group.
The members of the group conduct studies of the Earth's geospace environment, covering the space from the sun to our atmosphere. What we do:

38. GI Space Physics And Aeronomy Faculty And Staff

39. IRF-Uppsala
Swedish Institute of space physics Uppsala. PÃ¥ svenska. Swedish Institute of space physics , Uppsala, is integrated with the Department
Uppsala Kiruna Lund External
Swedish Institute of Space Physics
Swedish Institute of Space Physics , Uppsala, is integrated with the Department of Astronomy and Space Physics of the Uppsala University and located at the
Postal address:

Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Box 537, SE-751 21 Uppsala, Sweden
Visiting address:
Delivery address:
Phone number:
Fax number:
E-mail address: Latest update 040311 CEST by

40. Uu_rymdfysik-homepage
UU Home Information Research Education Staff. Department of Astronomy and space physics. Division space physics. Ångströmlaboratoriet.
@import url(; /*css för IE och NN6*/ Space Physics Information
Research Space Physics Plasma Physics Education Undergraduate Postgraduate Staff UU ... Staff
Department of Astronomy and Space Physics
Division: Space Physics
Courses are offered in space- and plasma physics and adjacent subjects on undergraduate- and graduate levels. A comprehensive research activity is performed in cooperation with the Swedish Institute of Space Physics in Uppsala. The research activity comprises theory as well as ground based and satellite borne space experiments.
In Swedish Department of Astronomy and Space Physics, Box 515 SE-751 20 Uppsala, Sweden, Tel 018-4715901, Fax 4715903 Last update 2 december, 2003 by

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