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21. Spacetime Wrinkles Glossary This is especially so in the case of general relativity. The Einstein Equations contain thousands of terms in from the emitter (in special relativity this is really the same thing http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/Cyberia/NumRel/glossary.html | |
22. Relativity On The World Wide Web The purpose of these pages is to promote the appreciation, understanding, and applications of special and general relativity. relativity on the World Wide Web. http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/relativity.html | |
23. Relativity On The World Wide Web relativity on the World Wide Web This site provides a collection of links to "equationfree" explanations of Einstein's theory by expert relativists. Resources linked to include popular http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/relativity.html&a |
24. Relativity PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY Forum devoted to discussing the Einstein's special and general theories of relativity. http://astronomyphysics.com/list.php?f=33 |
25. General Relativity Tutorial General relativity Tutorial. John Baez. This is bunch of interconnected web pages that serve as an informal introduction to general relativity. http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/gr/gr.html | |
26. Cambridge Relativity Cambridge relativity The University of Cambridge's relativity site provides users with a glimpse at the major issues within theoretical physics and cosmology. Sections cover such diverse issues as http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/gr/public/& |
27. Living Reviews - Portal Peerrefereed, solely online physics journals publishing invited reviews covering all areas of relativity research, resp. solar and heliospheric physics. http://www.livingreviews.org/ | |
28. Lanczos Collection Site announces the availability of the Cornelius Lanczos Collected Published Papers with commentaries. Lanczos (18931974) was one of the twentieth century's most versatile and innovative physicists and mathematicians. His papers cover an array of disciplines including general relativity, quantum mechanics, scientific computation, applied mathematics and numerical analysis. http://www.physics.ncsu.edu/lanczos | |
29. Reflections On Relativity Reflections on relativity. ContentsPreface 1 1. 1.2 Systems of Reference 9 1.3 Inertia and relativity 14 1.4 The Dilemma of Light 20 1.5 Corresponding Geometers 476 8.4 Refractions On relativity 479 8.5 Scholium 489 8.6 On http://www.mathpages.com/rr/rrtoc.htm | |
30. GEOMETRY AND PHYSICS OF BRANES The SIGRAV Graduate School in Contemporary relativity and Gravitational Physics is held annually at the Centre for Scientific Culture Alessandro Volta , Villa Olmo, Como. It is primarily addressed to PhD students and young researchers in Physics and Mathematics who are interested in general relativity, astrophysics, experimental gravity and the quantum theories of gravitation. http://www.sissa.it/~bruzzo/sagp2001/sagp2001.html | |
31. The Light Cone - An Illuminating Introduction To Relativity (by Rob Salgado) What s new For a new visualization of the Twin Paradox, visit Visualizing Proper Time in Special relativity with LightClocks. http://physics.syr.edu/courses/modules/LIGHTCONE/ | |
32. Mukul's Cosmos Graduate student at Stanford University. Includes research interests and publications, articles on relativity, quantum mechanics, and string theory http://uk.geocities.com/mukulagrawal78/index.html | |
33. Linguistic Relativity Resource Center Collected quotes from critics of the SapirWhorf hypothesis. Includes an outline of the argument for students and offers full citations. http://www.baylor.edu/~Erin_Greenawalt/relativity.html |
34. Alignment Theory: New Quantum Relativity Theory Of Everything Preliminary look at a new approach to relativity, Cosmology and the Quantum nature of the universe. http://www.becomereal.com/quantum_relativity.htm | |
35. Usenet Articles By Mukesh Prasad (aka Bhanwara@my-deja.com) Alternate viewpoint on the Double Slit Experiment which is the experiment that started the moderen QM thought. http://www.mukesh.ws/ | |
36. Modern Relativity Modernrelativity Special General Black Hole Mass Energy Einste ã 2000. By David Waite. Modern relativity. David Waite s Special relativity Lecture Tape (2 hours). Message Board. Chat Room. General relativity Preface. Unit II. http://www.geocities.com/zcphysicsms/ | |
37. Chomsky UD Review by US political dissident Noam Chomsky of the United States' own appalling record on human rights not in the distant past, but in the last 50 years and continuing right up to this day. http://www.zmag.org/chomsky/articles/9708-UD-relativity.html | |
38. Sr Modern Relativity Modernrelativity Special Relativity Black Hole Mass Energy Special relativity. David Waite s Special relativity Lecture Tape (2 hours). This Unit focuses on special relativity only. Special relativity Preface. Unit I. http://www.geocities.com/zcphysicsms/sr.htm | |
39. SIMULATING GENERAL RELATIVITY Some examples of the phenomena of general relativity are simulated. This provides a graphical sight on the main general relativity concepts. The simulations include solutions in 3D (XY +time) and 4D (XYZ+time) spaces. http://www.raczynski.com/pn/genrel.htm | |
40. Jean-Luc Movies: Virtual reality and informational movies on black holes. This site is associated with the National Center for Supercomputing Applications(NCSA), and is for students in middle school and above. http://jean-luc.ncsa.uiuc.edu/Movies/ | |
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