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81. Grains Of Mystique If you wanted a simple tutorial , an introduction to quantum physics without allthe hassles of mathematics (essential though it may be to physicists and http://www.faqs.org/docs/qp/ | |
82. Quantum Mechanics -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Physics French, AP and Taylor, E. F. An Introduction to quantum physics. New York W. W.Norton, 1978. Gasiorowicz, S. quantum physics, 2nd ed. New York Wiley, 1995. http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/physics/QuantumMechanics.html | |
83. CHAOSMAGICK.ORG From site, This is a web site for wired people doing completely normal things like magick, rituals, hightech expermiments, quantum physics and other incredible stuff. Has a good listing of links and some new material http://www.chaosmagick.org | |
84. Focus Symposium "Quantum Physics And Communication" (2003) The 7th World Multiconference on SYSTEMICS, CYBERNETICS and INFORMATICSSCI 2003 Focus Symposium on quantum physics and Communication . http://lit.jinr.ru/QPC2003/ | |
85. Grains Of Mystique A primer for the nonprofessional interested in learning about the principles of quantum physics without all the math. http://www.symonds.net/~deep/stuff/qp/ | |
86. Quantum Physics quantum physics Product Warnings PLEASE NOTE Some quantum physics theories suggest that when the consumer is notdirectly observing this product, it may cease to exist or will exist only in a http://babbage.sissa.it/archive/quant-ph | |
87. Instituto Carlos I Quantum Physics Mathematics Group Werner Heisenberg. Paul Dirac. HOME PAGE OF THE quantum physics Mathematics Group.Instituto Carlos I, Universidad de Granada. Contents. Members, Research Topics. http://qpmg.ugr.es/ |
88. SoulWisdom Energy Transformation Remote view multidimensional distance healing using principles of quantum physics, the observer and the subconscious mind to diagnose and remove blockages on polarized attitudes, emotional addictions, inner demons, archetypes, traumas in a person's auric field on all seven levels of awareness. http://www.soulwisdom.net/ |
89. Quantum Physics quantum physics The intrinsically deterministic character of classicalphysics is replaced in quantum theory by intrinsic uncertainty. http://zebu.uoregon.edu/~js/glossary/quantum_physics.html | |
90. "The Post-Quantum Physics Of Consciousness" http://www.qedcorp.com/pcr/pcr/pq/pq1.htm |
91. Real-Time Visualization Of Quantum Atomic Orbitals quantum physics tool that displays realtime visualizations of atomic orbitals. http://www.physics.ucla.edu/~dauger/orbitals/ | |
92. Military Applications Of Post-Quantum Physics Military Applications of Postquantum physics. (Jim Schnabel Remote Viewers,Dell,1997) Post-quantum physics has as its main prediction such a violation. http://www.qedcorp.com/Q/ChiaoBell.html | |
93. Program On Classical And Quantum Physics Of Strong Gravitational Fields INSTITUTE FOR THEORETICAL PHYSICS. Program on. Program on Program on Classicaland quantum physics of Strong Gravitational Fields. January 1999 July 1999. http://www.itp.ucsb.edu/online/gravity99/ | |
94. Quantum Physics quantum physics. Quantum Mysteries http//epunix.biols.susx.ac.uk/Home/John_Gribbin/Quantum.html.Be very careful about the CopenhagenInterpretation http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?QuantumPhysics |
95. Quantum Future Home quantum physics and Metaphysics. Comments, abstracts and papers on Event Enhanced Quantum Theory. Quantum Theory of single systems. Source Aurora/Cassiopaea. Author Arkadiusz Jadczyk http://www.cassiopaea.org/quantum_future/qf.htm | |
96. Quantum Physics With Regard To Spirituality quantum physics. by. Alex PATERSON. INDEX OF SCIENCE articles written,posted online, or recommended by Alex Paterson. quantum physics. http://www.vision.net.au/~apaterson/science/physics_quantum.htm | |
97. Transfer Point Experimental poetry and prose thrown in a blender with Buddhism, transpersonal psychology, quantum physics, genetics, and transhumanism. http://matiskoj.tripod.com/home.html | |
98. Quantum Physics Sample Problems Home Page of Peggy E. Schweiger. quantum physics Homework. Photoelectric Effect. Ans7772 nm; 1282 nm. quantum physics Notes. quantum physics Sample Problems. http://www.cyberclassrooms.net/~pschweiger/quantumhw.html | |
99. Emission-Absorption-Scattering (EAS) Sub-quantum Physics A study of stochastic electrodynamics and the assymetrical braking action of bremsstrahlung. http://www.ebicom.net/~rsf1/eas.shtml | |
100. MaPhySto Workshop Stochastics And Quantum Physics Workshop on Stochastics and quantum physics. Yuri Yu. Lobanov Stochastic calculationsin quantum physics via numerical integration in metric spaces. http://www.maphysto.dk/oldpages/events/QuantumStoc99/ | |
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