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61. A New Model Course In Applied Quantum Physics A New Model Course in Applied quantum physics EF Redish, RN Steinberg,MC Wittmann. A New Model Course in Applied quantum physics. http://www.physics.umd.edu/perg/qm/qmcourse/NewModel/ | |
62. Welcome To The New Model Course In Applied Quantum Physics A New Model Course in Applied quantum physics EF Redish, RN Steinberg,MC Wittmann. A New Model Course in Applied quantum physics. http://www.physics.umd.edu/perg/qm/qmcourse/welcome.htm | |
63. Old Ftp Adriano Barenco quantum physics and Computers Contemporary Physics,vol. 37, No. 5, pp357389 (1996). Reprint available upon request http://eve.physics.ox.ac.uk/NewWeb/Publications/oldftp.htm | |
64. Wired News: Quantum Physics Meets The Qubit Advertisement. quantum physics Meets the Qubit. by Mark K. Anderson Also by this reporter Page 1 of 1. 0200 AM Jan. 09, 2001 PT. http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,40968,00.html | |
65. The Matrix And Quantum Consciousness Detailed analysis of the film's ideas, utilizing explanations from the fields of quantum physics and artificial intelligence. http://www.innerx.net/personal/tsmith/Matrix.html | |
66. Physics Encyclopedia: Quantum Physics - General This page contains structured educational resources on quantum physics, includingQM interpretations and various quantum phenomena. quantum physics General. http://members.tripod.com/~IgorIvanov/physics/q.html | |
67. What Are Parallel Universes? Recent discoveries in quantum physics and in cosmology shed new light on how mind interacts with matter. http://www.manyuniverses.com | |
68. July 2004 Advanced Study Institute. NANOSCOPIC quantum physics PHYSIQUE QUANTIQUENANOSCOPIQUE June 28 July 30, 2004. Scientific Direction http://www-houches.ujf-grenoble.fr/ete-81/poster-summer-81.html | |
69. Quantum Physics, Depth Psychology, And Beyond By Thomas J. McFarlane quantum physics, Depth Psychology, and Beyond. Thomas J. McFarlane www.integralscience.orgFebruary 26, 2000 revised June 21, 2000. quantum physics. http://www.integralscience.org/psyche-physis.html | |
70. Quantum Physics Quackery (Skeptical Inquirer January 1997) issue Cover Quantum Quackery. quantum physics is claimed to supportthe mystical notion that the mind creates reality. However, an http://www.csicop.org/si/9701/quantum-quackery.html | |
71. Quantum Physics Centennial Symposium Home Page http://physics.usask.ca/~steele/quantum/ |
72. Quantum Physics Model quantum physics Model. Links. There are many alternative explanations forphysics. The quantum physics Model is just one of many available today. http://www.tshankha.com/ | |
73. Quantum Physics - Under Construction quantum physics. this section is still under construction. http://www.kheper.net/cosmos/quantum_physics/ | |
74. Quantum Optics And Atom Optics Links Los Alamos quantum physics preprint archive (Los Alamos, USA); Los AlamosAtomic, Molecular and Optical Physics preprint archive (Los Alamos, USA); http://www.physics.mq.edu.au/~drice/quoptics.html | |
75. The Physical World - Quantum Physics: An Introduction quantum physics an introduction. Titles in the Physical World series The Restlessuniverse. quantum physics an introduction. quantum physics of matter. http://physicalworld.org/restless_universe/html/pw_qu_int.html | |
76. LPQ - Quantum Physics Laboratory - ESPCI - CNRS Laboratory of Superconductivity Center. LPQ, quantum physics. http://www.lpq.espci.fr/index_en.htm | |
77. Please Title This Page. (Page 2) Quantum Gravity. quantum physics; Field theory; The basics interactions;Interactions and Symmetries; Electromagnetic interaction and http://perso.club-internet.fr/jac_leon/gravitation/article-english/e-3.html | |
78. Quantum Physics, Brain Science And Spirituality In The Movies. Want To Bend Your Mind With Visionary Visual Effects And Animation?What Is quantum physics? What Is Spirituality? What Are All http://www.whatthebleep.biz/ | |
79. FUNDAMENTAL ASPECTS OF QUANTUM PHYSICS 17 FUNDAMENTAL ASPECTS OF quantum physics Proceedings of the JapanItaly Joint Workshopon Quantum Open Systems, Quantum Chaos and Quantum Measurement Waseda http://www.wspc.com/books/physics/5213.html | |
80. B. Catania's Work On Quantum Physics Vs. Information Theory Basilio Catania s work (papers lectures) on quantum physics, InformationTheory, Cosmology and Bible vs. Modern Science is presented. http://www.esanet.it/chez_basilio/physics.htm | |
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