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1. What Is Quantum Physics? What is quantum physics? You may not even think that quantum physics is a seriousscience, like the more familiar Newtonian physics. Just relax! http://www.jracademy.com/~jtucek/science/what.html | |
2. Visual Quantum Mechanics Instructional units that introduce quantum physics to high school and college students who do not have a background in modern physics or higher level math using interactive computer programs and http://phys.educ.ksu.edu/ | |
3. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: Quantum Physics Heterogeneous collection of QM links assembled by UK academic service BUBL http://bubl.ac.uk/link/q/quantumphysics.htm | |
4. Todd's Quantum Intro Intro to Quantum Mechanics. This page is intended to give an ordinary person a brief overview of the importance and wonder of quantum mechanics. A Few Places That Refer to This Page. Links2Go. quantum physics http://www-theory.chem.washington.edu/~trstedl/quantum/quantum.html | |
5. Quantum Physics quantum physics. We have seen in the previous chapter that the properties of refraction,diffraction, and interference all require a wave picture of light. http://theory.uwinnipeg.ca/physics/quant/node1.html | |
6. The Origins Of Quantum Physics The Origins of quantum physics, The roots of quantum physics reach far intothe past. With quantum physics, though, both of these theories are right. http://www.jracademy.com/~jtucek/science/origins.html | |
7. Quantum Physics Preprints quantum physics preprints quantum physics preprints on the xxx.lanl.gov server (since 12/94). It is intended to archive and distribute papers on fundamental aspects of quantum theory. Theoretical http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://xxx.lanl.gov/archive/quant-ph&y=026E |
8. Quantum Physics Translate this page An introduction into quantum physics http://www.hpwt.de/Quantene.htm |
9. Quantum Physics Online quantum physics Online. http://www.quantum-physics.polytechnique.fr/ | |
10. Quantum Physics Online Translate this page A series of Java applets illustrating solutions to basic problems in this subject. http://www.quantum-physics.polytechnique.fr/en/ |
11. Physics: Quantum Physics, Reality, Light, Dimension, Visualization & Chaos. Ezine covering topics such as quantum physics, reality, light, dimension visualization, and chaos. Shockwave audio and animation. http://www.quandimensional.com/ |
12. Quantum Physics xxx.lanl.gov/archive/quantph/ More results from xxx.lanl.gov What is quantum physicsWhat is quantum physics? quantum physics is a branch of science thatdeals with discrete, indivisible units of energy called quanta http://xxx.lanl.gov/archive/quant-ph | |
13. Physics 219 Course Information Course Information for. Physics 219/Computer Science 219. Quantum Computation the foundations of information theory and computer science should be sought in quantum physics http://www.theory.caltech.edu/people/preskill/ph229 | |
14. ThinkQuest : Library : Quantum Physics What is quantum physics? quantum physics is a branch of science that deals with discrete, indivisible units of energy called quanta as described by the Quantum Theory. There are five main ideas represented in Quantum Theory http://library.thinkquest.org/3487/qp.html | |
15. Quantum Physics quantum physics (since 12/94). index to quantph titles/authors; get quant-ph/abstract;help. e-Prints are available for the following years http://arxiv.org/archive/quant-ph | |
16. Sfb 288 Preprints Archive Sfb 288 Differential Geometry and quantum physics. Preprints Archive. Have a lookat the description on how to deposit Sfb 288 preprints on the web server. http://www-sfb288.math.tu-berlin.de/Publications/Preprints.html | |
17. [quant-ph/9509002] The Real Symplectic Groups In Quantum Mechanics And Optics quantum physics, abstract quantph/9509002. From arvind@physics.iisc.ernet.in(ARVIND) Date Mon, 4 Sep 95 2120 PDT (28kb) Date http://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/9509002 | |
18. A Quantum Chromodynamics QCD Site - Quantum Physics - Ingeneza - Primordial Gene Life, brain and mind quantum physics, DNA, genetic information, atom, nucleus, quark, gluon, meson, strong nuclear forces, crystal, crystalline, water molecule, protein, metamorphosis. Ingeneza in a snowflake. http://www.ingeneza.com/ | |
19. Local Quantum Physics Crossroads Local quantum physics Crossroads. LQP Crossroads is an internationalforum for information exchange among scientists working on http://www.lqp.uni-goettingen.de/lqp/ | |
20. LQP Papers LQP Papers. Preprint archive devoted exclusively toarticles in the field of Local quantum physics http://www.lqp.uni-goettingen.de/lqp/papers/ | |
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