Politically Correct Physics Year 2004 Course Offerings at the S cientific and T echnical U niversity for P olitically I ntelligent D evelopment Good News about S.T.U.P.I.D. WORLD'S FIRST INTOLERANCE-FREE UNIVERSITY! As of April 1, 2003, we have become the first university to ban all major forms of intolerance, including racial intolerance, gender intolerance, religious intolerance, and lactose intolerance. Violators are instantly expelled with no appeal. W Funding for S.T.U.P.I.D. is generously provided by the taxpayers of the United States. Most of our budget comes from the $80 million a year our newly founded Medical College receives from the U.S. government to not produce any more physicians (just like real medical schools in New York ). Our Department of Physics also receives $10 million a year in Federal grants to not produce any physicians. P.C. Physics 2003 Course Offerings P101 - Freshperson Physics (formerly "Freshman Physics"): Toward a Higher Awareness Traditional Eurocentric physics must be excised if students are to achieve higher consciousness. The restrictive ideology of Newton, with its emphasis on action and reaction, is exposed as reactionary propaganda, used for centuries to oppress indigenous peoples and institutionalize fear and hate. The prohibitive, traditional "laws" of physics must be rejected in favor of new models that foster tolerance, empowerment, and social justice. Under the old order, radical conservative forces have imposed "conservative" laws restricting the use of energy, mass, momentum, and electrical charge. Rather than conserving such forces and powers, they must be increased and made available to all people, regardless of race, gender, or sexual orientation. Students are instructed in the revolutionary New Physics and are encouraged to promote awareness through demonstrations and other media events. | |