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41. A Party Of Famous Physicists A Party of Famous physicists. One day, all of the world s famous physicists decided to get together for a tea luncheon. Fortunately http://quark.physics.uwo.ca/~harwood/humor12.htm | |
42. GreatestPhysicists.com Is Site Of GREATEST PHYSICISTS. Welcome!!! There are some words about genius scientists responsible for mankind evolution. It was hard to take the idea that the http://www.greatestphysicists.com/ |
43. Physicists And The Bomb Fall 00 RC NatSci/Physics 214 Fall 00 The physicists and the Bomb There are no plans to offer the course in the future. In some sort http://abomb.physics.lsa.umich.edu/214/ | |
44. Canadian Organization Of Medical Physics This site is a joint effort of COMP, the Canadian Organization of Medical physicists, and CCPM, the Canadian College of physicists in Medicine. http://www.medphys.ca/ | |
45. CERN - How Do Physicists Study Particles? Resource from CERN. Provides information on the basics of accelerators and detectors. http://public.web.cern.ch/Public/about/how/how.html | |
46. Jobs For Physicists AIPSA. Canadian Careers The Canadian Association of physicists maintains a list of jobs primarily based in Canada. European Careers http://www.physics.adelaide.edu.au/jobs/Jobs.html |
47. CNN.com - Space - Physicists Left Hanging In Hopes To Find Elusive Particle - No CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/TECH/space/11/08/scientificdilemma.ap/index.html | |
48. Physicists Brew Antimatter To Test Big Bang Theory CNN http://cnn.com/2002/TECH/space/09/19/antimatter.reut/index.html |
49. Latest Employment Data For Physicists And Related Scientists - American Institut Latest Employment Data for physicists and Related Scientists. These reports highlight the qualitative changes in the initial employment http://www.aip.org/statistics/trends/emptrends.htm | |
50. CNN.com - Physicists Detect Elusive Tau Neutrino, Ending Two-decade Search - Jul CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/NATURE/07/21/subatomic.particle.ap/index.html | |
51. Physicists Solve Weighty Neutrino Mystery CNN http://cnn.com/2001/TECH/space/06/19/solar.mystery.ap/index.html |
52. Physicists No Sign Of 'God Particle' CNN http://cnn.com/2001/TECH/science/12/06/physics.reut/index.html |
53. 1120 Most Cited Physicists 1981-1997 ISI s 1120 Most Cited physicists, 1981June 1997, ranked by total citations See notes by D. Pendlebury for the most cited chemists. http://pcb4122.univ-lemans.fr/1120physiciens.html | |
54. APS Forum On The History Of Physics A member unit of the American Physical Society. It was founded as a venue for physicists, historians, and other members of the APS with an interest in discussing and exploring the historical dimensions of physics research. Forum benefits and activities include the Forum's widely read semiannual Newsletter and sponsored sessions at the March and April meetings of the APS. http://www.aps.org/units/fhp/index.html | |
55. American Academy Of Health Physics Professional Association of Certified Health physicists, certified by the American Board of Health Physics. Radiation Protection Specialists. Includes Member listings and CHP exam preparation information. http://www.hps1.org/aahp/ | |
56. National Society Of Hispanic Physicists National Society of Hispanic physicists. The National Society of Hispanic physicists was formed in Austin, Texas in May 17 and 18 1996. http://physics.utep.edu/physics/nshp/nshp.html |
57. Squirrels And Nuts --- Physics Or Mayhem? Squirrels are known to hate mankind. First they got the midgets, now they eat the physicists. http://photoemission.tripod.com/evilsquirrel/ | |
58. Kiwi Physicists Abroad Kiwi physicists Abroad, The primary graduate school. All the physicists listed below have agreed to provide information if asked. http://theory.fnal.gov/people/parke/kiwis.html | |
59. Observation Of Exotic Baryon physicists Find Evidence for an Exotic Baryon. Explanation for the general public. Explanation for the general scientist. Explanation for physicists . http://plato.phy.ohiou.edu/~hicks/thplus.htm | |
60. American Academy Of Health Physics Provides standards of communication, ethics, work practices, and knowledge for health physicists, and provides recognition as a Certified Health Physicist (CHP). http://hps1.org/aahp/ | |
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