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1. American Association Of Physicists In Medicine Draft Standards of Practice for Medical physicists These drafts have been placed on the ACMP.ORG website for comments by the entire medical physics http://www.aapm.org/ | |
2. Profession Jokes - Physicists Jokes about physicists and physics (part of the Profession Jokes site) physicists. You enter the laboratory and see an experiment physicists do it a quantum at a time. physicists do it at the http://www.workjoke.com/projoke25.htm | |
3. The Canadian Association Of Physicists The Canadian Association of physicists CAP http://www.cap.ca/ |
4. Pictures Of Famous Physicists Translate this page A Picture Gallery of Famous physicists. physicists AZ, The Einstein Collection, Group Pictures. Einsteins high school diploma 27kB. Clusters of physicists. http://www.th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de/~jr/physlist.html | |
5. Famous Physicists And Astronomers Several pages containing brief biography and accomplishments. http://www.phy.hr/~dpaar/fizicari/ | |
6. Romanian Medical Physicists Association - ARFM Romanian Medical physicists Association. http://www.arfm.go.ro | |
7. Selected Papers Of Great American Physicists Selected Papers of Great American physicists on the web. http://www.aip.org/history/gap/ | |
8. Famous Physicists Famous physicists. Classical Period. William Gilbert. 15441603. English. hypothesized that the Earth is a giant magnet. Galileo Galilei. 1564-1642. Italian http://cnr2.kent.edu/~manley/physicists.html | |
9. Michael Faraday Faraday s introduction of the concept of lines of force was rejected by most of the mathematical physicists of Europe, since they assumed that electric charges http://www.phy.hr/~dpaar/fizicari/xfaraday.html | |
10. National Society Of Black Physicists - NSBP A Workshop to Foster Broader Participation in NASA Space Science Missions and Research Programs. June 2829, 2004 The Hilton Chicago For More Information. http://www.nsbp.org/ |
11. Pictures Of Physicists Pictures of Famous physicists. Blackand-white drawings of physicists by I. Waloschek (53 pictures). Physics-related postage stamps (822 pictures). http://www.th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de/~jr/portraits.html | |
12. TeXsis - TeX Macros For Physicists This package provides a number of useful features for typesetting research papers. It is an extension to Plain Tex. http://www.texsis.org/ | |
13. Scientists Illustrated collecction. http://www.geocities.com/ilian73/scientist.html | |
14. Mississippi Association Of Physicists Mississippi Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers. http://msphysics.org/ | |
15. The Physicists Synopsis and review of Durrenmatt's The physicists. http://www.dar.cam.ac.uk/drama/physic.html | |
16. PEERS - Physics Encyclopedia Of E-Mail Records Searchable directory of physicists. From The Institute of Physics Publishing, UK http://peers.iop.org/ | |
17. Images Of Physicists Images of physicists This site contains a collection of pictures of physicists, from Alvarez to Wu. There are also links to other collections of physicsrelated pictures. compadre.org410 http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://charm.physics.ucsb.edu/people/hnn/physic |
18. CAP-DPP/ACP-DPP Directory of members and research activities. http://claude.inrs-ener.uquebec.ca/DPP/ | |
19. Pictures Of Famous Physicists Pictures of Famous physicists This site contains a collection of pictures of famous physicists. The collection includes Nobel Prize winners, theorists, experimentalists, pre20th century, and http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de/~jr/portr |
20. Physics Blog Pointers to stories for the entertainment of physicists, future physicists, and people who work with physicists. http://www.physics.uiuc.edu/blog.htm | |
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